
#大三去当兵, or do you want to go after graduation? #我以过来人的经验建议大三去当兵! I have served in the army for more than 20 years, served as a staff officer in an organ, and also led soldiers for eight years

author:Buyi Longshan

#大三去当兵, or go after graduation? #我以过来人的经验建议大三去当兵!

I have served in the army for more than 20 years, served as a staff officer in an organ, and also led soldiers for eight years.

First of all, if you are under the age of 24, if your school has a conscription quota, I recommend that you sign up for the army immediately, so that you have an extra military career in your life that will make your whole life shine and be proud.

Moreover, according to the relevant regulations, your university will still retain your university status for you at this time.

Secondly, if you have a certain experience and feeling of the army after two years of military career in the army, if you perform well, the army will definitely give you the opportunity to take the military academy examination, and if you have good grades in cultural courses, you will be successfully admitted.

If you fail to take the military academy entrance examination, after retiring, take a retirement fee and then return to school, so that not only will you not have to bear the cost of going to school in the future, but also have an additional experience of serving in the military in your life, why not?

The ancients said: It is better to read thousands of books, it is better to travel thousands of miles, and it is better to read countless people!

I think that whether you read tens of thousands of books, or travel thousands of miles, or read countless people, the end result is to broaden your horizons, meet more people, experience more things, and increase your knowledge.

And life is about more experiences and more experiences, feelings!

If you wait until you retire from the army before becoming a soldier, there are many variables, maybe you are older, more than 24 years old, or even if you are not more than 24 years old, then, after the end of the two-year service period, you will definitely exceed 24 years old, so that the army will not give you the opportunity to enter the military school, and you will also lose a considerable amount of retirement fees.

Based on the above reasons, it is recommended that you go to the army in your junior year!

What do you think?#大学生当兵##大学生##大学生就业##分享些军旅故事##谈谈军旅生涯##你们后悔入伍吗##就业#

#大三去当兵, or do you want to go after graduation? #我以过来人的经验建议大三去当兵! I have served in the army for more than 20 years, served as a staff officer in an organ, and also led soldiers for eight years
#大三去当兵, or do you want to go after graduation? #我以过来人的经验建议大三去当兵! I have served in the army for more than 20 years, served as a staff officer in an organ, and also led soldiers for eight years
#大三去当兵, or do you want to go after graduation? #我以过来人的经验建议大三去当兵! I have served in the army for more than 20 years, served as a staff officer in an organ, and also led soldiers for eight years

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