
March mango management calendar: flower and fruit protection is the key, pest control is more critical!

author:Agricultural Pass

Although winter has passed, there is still a "cold spring" in spring. However, the mango orchard is still bustling with activity despite the fluctuating temperatures, as the growers are busy with the mango harvest. Most of the mangoes in Hainan have been arranged to be picked, and some are waiting for Qingming to go on the market. Orchards in Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places have begun to manage the flowering period, when new roots germinate, new shoots grow, flower buds differentiate, and the ability to re-pump gradually declines, management measures are very important.

Control spring shoots

During the inflorescence elongation period, the tree with a small amount of flowers per plant is easy to extract spring shoots, when a large number of spring shoots germinate will affect the development of flowers and inflorescences, all when the spring shoots grow to 5-10 cm, they should be completely or partially erased, and partial erasure is recommended to leave 2-3 leaves for topping of the remaining spring shoots.

March mango management calendar: flower and fruit protection is the key, pest control is more critical!

Flower Festivities

Flowering can promote the differentiation and flowering of mango, and improve the yield and quality of mango. Adjust according to the specific situation and regional climatic conditions, reasonably control the type, quantity and time of fertilization, and avoid harming mango trees and damaging the ecological environment.

Top dressing in early spring: At the beginning of spring, a certain amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers with high nitrogen content can be applied to the roots of mango to promote flower bud differentiation and growth.

  Boron supplementation: Mango has a high demand for boron, so an appropriate amount of boron fertilizer can be added to mango in spring to promote flower bud differentiation and flowering, and increase the quantity and quality of mango flower buds.

  Potassium supplementation: Potassium fertilizer is added to the soil before and after mango flowering to promote flower bud formation and expansion.

Auxin blessing: At this stage, there are still few flowers or the last terminal bud has not yet seen germination, you can try to go to mid-to-mid, after the leaves are mature, try to spray 1-2 times of flowering package, once every 10 days, you can add brassinolide to promote the balance of endogenous hormone in the tree, promote flower preservation.


Flower thinning can improve the fruit setting rate of mango, balance the increase of single fruit weight and commercial fruit rate, and improve the intrinsic quality of the fruit.

March mango management calendar: flower and fruit protection is the key, pest control is more critical!

According to the mango variety, tree potential, age and environmental conditions, the branches with too many inflorescences per plant (the flowering rate is greater than 80%) should be thinned out when the inflorescence is 5-10 cm long, and the inflorescence should be truncated when the inflorescence is 15 cm long, so as to control the elongation of the inflorescence to facilitate the branching and ventilation and light transmission. In case of continuous rainy weather, in order to prevent the breeding of germs and cause mold rot, for premature flowering, the length of the inflorescence should be removed in time when the length of the inflorescence does not exceed 6 cm, which can delay the flowering period and ensure the flowering quality.

Do a good job of pollination

Generally speaking, the pollination methods of fruit trees include wind, insect, artificial pollination and other methods. The pollination method of mango is relatively special (completed by flies), and there are also bee pollination, but under natural circumstances, the number of flies is insufficient, which affects the normal pollination of mangoes. The pollination of mango flowers by flies is carried out from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and 10-12:00 is the peak period of fly pollination activities, which is basically consistent with the opening process of mango flowers, so the pollination rate of flies is high, the effect is good, and the effect of increasing yield is obvious.

Fertilizer and water management

Pay attention to irrigation during the bud stage, if the early varieties encounter high temperature and drought during the flowering period, pay attention to the ground irrigation and moisturization, and then spray water on the crown to improve air humidity, so as to improve the pollen germination rate and prolong the pollination and fertilization time. Water spraying is available at 10-11 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. Foliar fertilizers such as high phosphorus, high potassium and boron should be sprayed at the budding stage or early flowering stage of mid-late maturing varieties to promote fertilization and improve fruit setting rate.

March mango management calendar: flower and fruit protection is the key, pest control is more critical!

Pest and disease control

With the rise of temperature, the flowering period is the period of high incidence of diseases and pests, and it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention and control of anthracnose, powdery mildew, soot disease, gum disease and other diseases;

Chemical control: use suitable pesticides for spray control, such as difenoconazole, cifenoconazole + cyhalothrin, imidacloprid, etc.; prune infected branches and flowers in time; take physical control measures, such as the use of sticky insect boards and mosquito trap lamps. At the same time, strengthening orchard management, such as proper fertilization, timely drainage and control of suitable temperature and humidity, can also help reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

Strengthen field management: thoroughly clear the garden to remove weeds and field dead branches and diseased leaves, and if conditions permit, dry and dry the soil to reduce the number of diseases and insects; Appropriate pruning should be carried out for the branches of the canopy closed tree type to enhance ventilation and light transmission; Control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, pay attention to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and prevent the growth of branches. It should be noted that irrigation should be controlled as much as possible after the occurrence of the disease to avoid the large-scale spread of the disease.

At present, the growth of mango has entered a critical period, and all bases and fruit farmers can actively carry out mango orchard management according to the actual local situation to ensure high yield and high quality of mango.

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