
A masterpiece by Zhao Ding, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, is born of joy and sorrow, and it is meaningful to read

author:Slowly amnesia

Partridge day Jiankang Shangyuan

【Song】Zhao Ding

Klook knew that the order of the years was shifting, and suddenly the spring arrived at the small peach branch. The ends of the earth are sad, remembering the heyday of the year.

Flowers make shadows, the moon shines, and the crystal palace flies with five clouds. It was clear that he had a dream of Huaxu, and looked back at the east wind full of tears.

A masterpiece by Zhao Ding, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, is born of joy and sorrow, and it is meaningful to read

When I set off, I thought that the world was so big that I could do it everywhere, and what was hidden in my chest was a dream to change the world. I thought that among so many greatnesses, there was always one that belonged to me. Coming to the middle of the road, suffering some setbacks, some resentment, being defeated, being taught a lesson, and being assimilated and compromised again. Slowly begin to understand their own limitations, begin to understand that there are always some things that you can't do, there are always some places that you can't go, there are always some people, there are always some roads that you can't reach, and that unfamiliar sense of powerlessness is gradually familiar and gradually accustomed.

Knowing what he couldn't do, he began to understand why he had lost so much. Loss is a word that I don't want to talk about. Every loss is accompanied by a metamorphosis and letting go, that metamorphosis means a self-possibility, that letting go means a compromise, and it also means a failure. But everyone will compromise, there will always be failures, in this case, it is better to forgive yourself and recognize yourself.

The important thing is, are those things that you really want to let go? Perhaps, such as the coolness of "seeing all the Chang'an flowers in one day", such as the sassiness of "the spring breeze is proud", these are the beautiful things that everyone thinks about day and night. Someone wants it, someone loses it. If you can't get it, will you be resentful for the rest of your life?

Starting from self-knowledge, there are new possibilities in life. Limitations are part of life, and self-knowledge is the outlet of life. There are always some things that you can do, and there are always some roads that you can walk well, so let it go. Do it bit by bit, forget about those past failures, forget about those past compromises, pack up and move forward.

Even if the road ahead is bumpy, you must believe that you can always achieve something. You must also know that there is always a place for yourself in life, so you can move forward without asking where you come from. Even if you are in the midst of war, even if you don't know what tomorrow will bring, you still believe that life itself will give life an answer. The world is like a wheel, there is prosperity and decay, and the vicissitudes of the world are joyful and chaotic. The entanglement of the four seasons, the intersection of joy and sorrow, is the true taste of life.

A masterpiece by Zhao Ding, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, is born of joy and sorrow, and it is meaningful to read

"Klook knows the order of the year", I don't know the time of the season, see the flowers blooming and the grass is green, only to know that another year's spring has come. "Suddenly spring to the little peach branch", it's time for the Shangyuan Festival again. Walking to the ends of the earth, every hour of the month remembers the most prosperous past. The flowers were bright and fruity, and there was a lot of people at that time.

When Zhao Ding wrote this poem, there was a sad mood under the light words. Wandering in a foreign land, I have to be sad to see the war everywhere. The former "moth snow willow golden wisp", the former "car like flowing water and horse like a dragon", and the grand occasion of the Shangyuan Festival of the stars in the sky and the stars on the earth, once I think about it, I am full of sadness. What he dragged was his body that had died after the war, and he was thinking about the beautiful and quiet life in the past, but now he was full of devastation, and everything became an irretraceable past.

Remember, it's hard to reproduce. "Huifeng Words" commented on this word: "Qing Gang Shen Zhi, Zhuo Ran is a famous family, so the thoughts of the monarch's homeland overflow in the sentences." "Flowers make shadows, and the moon shines. As recorded in "Tokyo Menghualu": "Singing and dancing are a hundred operas, sparkling and tangential, and the music is noisy for dozens of miles", "The lights are colorful on the mountain, the gold and blue are shining together, and the splendid scenery is shining". These grand occasions of the Shangyuan Festival flashed in front of the lyricist's eyes one by one. "Water Spirit Palace Five Clouds Flying", when the world is peaceful, everything is as beautiful as a dream. The beauty of dreams lies in reminding people how good the world can be. Don't compare, don't remember, but move the future towards your dreams.

A masterpiece by Zhao Ding, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, is born of joy and sorrow, and it is meaningful to read

"Sleep Huaxu dream, look back at the east wind full of tears. "When I wake up, I look back on how beautiful it was once and how cruel it is now. Zhao Ding was a famous minister in Zhongxing in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, and he wrote this poem after he crossed to the south. After the Jingkang Incident, the Jin soldiers were raging, and he fled from Jiankang to Kaifeng. All the way, I saw murder like hemp, and all the way I saw the mountains and rivers broken, and the people were displaced. He tried his best to survive and finally survived, but those past, those former ambitions and ideas, one by one, turned into extravagant hopes that were difficult to realize. I never thought that I would learn all my talents, and all of them turned into a depression.

Fate is like a labyrinth, and it has quietly arrived in this situation. Looking back for thousands of miles, the old man is extinct, and there is no place to return. In a weed-like life, the two most important words are "willing". Stampede or kill, everything in the past is gone. Those lost times, those lost opportunities, and those missed splendid years have long passed. No amount of memories can only be exchanged for heartbreak, and with the past, the future will become the past.

You are a weed, not controlled by man, not chosen by man. It's just that the past is always the past, and it can't be returned, and it's not worth going back. Make peace with the sorrow in your heart, and make peace with the unwillingness in your heart. Time is limited, life is limited, rather than wasting so much time on reminiscence, it is better to let go of your mind and enjoy this moment of peace. What's more, there is no such thing as "easy" in the adult world. Time is old, sideburns are frosted, everyone has moments of confusion, entanglement, and worry, but in the real world, there is only face, no depression, only life, no illusion. For a person to become mature means that he knows the truth of life: there is no one but himself.

Your heartache, your discomfort, your wasted time, your humiliated self-esteem, your unfulfilled ideals, and the resentment and discomfort in your heart...... It's all just your own business, no one cares, and no one can live for you. When a person deeply realizes that there is no one to rely on anymore, that moment, growth is like divine help; when a person realizes that no amount of sighs can bring back the past, no amount of anger can bring back the past, and no matter how much embarrassment can not be soothed, that moment, reconciliation with life becomes a new proposition.

A masterpiece by Zhao Ding, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, is born of joy and sorrow, and it is meaningful to read

In the face of this broken country and the scarred motherland, after the Jingkang Change, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were taken captive by the Jin people, the Northern Song Dynasty was declared extinct, and Zhao Gou announced the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty. The past is just the past, and it doesn't mean anything. The past makes people wake up and introspect. Those inadvertent turns in life, those helplessness in the historical background, and the inescapability under the tide of the times are just a premise of life. See, avoid, and live your life. Even those unconscious turns in life, stumbling and stumbling will give people a different perspective and thinking, if you can find it, then you can jump out and find a new path.

If you only focus on the past, you will be in the camp and will die in sorrow. Turn the past into a driving force to move forward, move forward, look forward. Just like life, seeing some darkness, passing through some ditches, the husband saves, and then lives. Some people have forgotten to introspect all their lives, and some people have spent their lives ignoring reality, constantly reminiscing about the past, constantly resenting the present, and even blaming fate for everything. If you don't know how to scrutinize, you can only go with the flow, and you can only be thrown up and down by history, and you can't rest or be at peace. "I clearly dreamed of Huaxu, and looked back at the east wind full of tears. "When I wake up from a dream, after tears, life has just begun.

Let go of the past, the past is just the past. Don't stop, don't slow, move forward, the light is ahead.


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