
Divorce is prohibited? - Philippines

author:External Recruitment

What kind of country is the Philippines?

  • The Philippines is the only country in the world where divorce is illegal!
Divorce is prohibited? - Philippines
  • The Philippines is one of the very few countries in the world where the flag changes with the war

Generally speaking, under normal circumstances, the top of the flag is blue, and the top of the flag is red.

Divorce is prohibited? - Philippines
  • More than 175 languages

Many people may not know that the Philippines is a multilingual country. Although the official language of the Philippines is English, according to one of the country's statistics, there are more than 175 different languages spoken in the country.

Divorce is prohibited? - Philippines
  • A country of beauty pageants

Every year, cities and towns in the Philippines hold their own beauty contests, and participating in beauty contests and winning prizes will also double the national pride of Filipinos!

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