
Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: As we all know, "people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles", this sentence shows the importance of external clothing for personal image, especially those women who pursue beauty, they always hope to make themselves glow with unique brilliance and charm through careful dressing.

Silver jewelry, especially silver bracelets, was not only a decoration in ancient times, but also a symbol of status, and silver jewelry was more affordable than gold jewelry, so silver bracelets became the first choice for many people.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know

Time flies, and in modern society, elders still like to give jewelry as gifts to younger generations, placing good wishes on them.

For women, wearing a bracelet is not just for beauty, but also for many benefits, as the saying goes, "Gold in the left hand, silver in the right." "This is not only a traditional custom, but also contains people's recognition of the health care function of silver jewelry.

Long-term wearing of silver jewelry, especially silver bracelets, can bring many benefits to a woman's body.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know


Gold and silver jewelry has radiation, will it cause cancer if worn?

First of all, we need to pay attention to the quality of jewelry, if the jewelry contains more impurities or undesirable metals, it may cause harm to the human body. For example, some low-quality jewelry may contain harmful elements such as lead and cadmium, which may cause effects on human health if worn for a long time.

Secondly, we also need to pay attention to how and when to wear it, if it is worn too tightly or for too long, it may cause pressure and friction on the local skin, causing problems such as inflammation or infection. In addition, for some people, metal allergies are also a problem that cannot be ignored.

While some studies have shown that long-term exposure to certain metals may increase the risk of cancer, most of these studies involve situations such as industrial exposure or occupational exposure, which are not exactly the same as wearing jewelry.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know


Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know

Nourishes the heart

Women wear silver bracelets for a long time, which can not only add elegance, but also have the magical effect of caring for the heart. As a precious metal with a long history, silver has been endowed with many magical symbolic meanings since ancient times, and in the research of modern medicine, the health value of silver has gradually been revealed.

Silver has excellent electrical conductivity and antimicrobial properties, these properties make silver widely used in the medical field, wearing silver bracelets, especially sterling silver bracelets, can produce a subtle electrochemical reaction with the human skin, this reaction helps to promote blood circulation, relieve heart pressure, and then play a role in caring for the heart.

At the same time, the wearing of the silver bracelet can also massage the acupuncture points on the wrist, which are closely connected to the heart, through daily wear and friction, the silver bracelet can stimulate these acupuncture points and help the heart to better pump blood, so as to maintain the health of the heart.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know

Emollient and nourishing

Women wear silver bracelets for a long time, not only a beautiful ornament, but also has the magical effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, silver as a natural metal element, has excellent antioxidant properties, can effectively resist the external environment to the skin.

When a woman wears a silver bracelet on her wrist, the bracelet is in close contact with the skin, and the silver ions will gradually penetrate deep into the skin to exert its unique skincare effect. The antioxidant effect of silver ions can help remove free radicals in the skin and reduce oxidative stress, thereby delaying skin aging and maintaining a youthful appearance.

In addition, the wearing of silver bracelets can also promote blood circulation in the wrist area, accelerate metabolism, help to remove toxins and waste products from the body, and improve skin texture.

Calm your nerves and help you sleep

As a natural metal, silver has been regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness and purity since ancient times, and in traditional Chinese medicine theory, silver has the effect of cooling and detoxifying, calming and calming the nerves.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know

Women wearing silver bracelets can make the trace elements of silver absorbed by the human body through contact with the skin, so as to regulate body functions and relieve anxiety, insomnia and other problems.

Of course, the soothing effect of silver bracelets is not achieved overnight, but requires long-term wear and conditioning, when choosing silver bracelets, female friends should pay attention to its material and purity, to ensure that the silver jewelry worn is a real sterling silver products.

Bacillus anti-inflammatory

When the moisture from the outside touches the silver bracelet, a magical chemical reaction quietly unfolds, in the process, the silver bracelet will release some silver ions, which carry a large amount of positive charge, as if a brave soldier, ready to attack the enemy of the body.

In the internal circulation of water, these silver ions are like an invisible filter, firmly adsorbing all kinds of harmful bacteria, penetrating deep into their bodies, destroying their biological enzyme activities, making the bacterial metabolic function abnormal, thus depriving them of dependent substances for survival.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know

Scientific studies have confirmed that silver has an amazing bactericidal ability to easily eliminate more than 650 types of harmful bacteria. What's even more surprising is that the higher the purity of silver, the greater its function in sterilization.

Promotes blood circulation

Women wear silver bracelets for a long time, it can indeed promote blood circulation to some extent, when women wear silver bracelets on their wrists, the friction between the bracelet and the skin will produce a subtle massage effect, this natural massage action helps to stimulate the acupuncture points and meridians on the wrist, which in turn promotes blood flow.

Traditional Chinese medicine theories believe that the blood circulation of the human body is closely related to the balance of qi and blood, and the wearing of silver bracelets can play a subtle role in daily life.

In addition, silver itself has certain antibacterial properties, which can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria, protect skin health, and when the skin is well cared for, blood circulation will be smoother, so women who wear silver bracelets for a long time will not only have better skin condition, but also blood circulation will be significantly improved.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know


Should a silver bracelet be worn on the left or right hand for health?

In Chinese culture, the left and right hands have different symbolic meanings, the left hand is often seen as a symbol of reception and absorption, while the right hand is more associated with release and output, based on this concept, if you want to make the antimicrobial effect of silver bracelets more effective, it seems more appropriate to wear it on the left hand.

However, modern science has no conclusive evidence that silver bracelets can make a significant difference in health when worn on which hand. In fact, the antimicrobial effect of silver depends mainly on the area and time it is in contact with the skin, not on which hand it is worn.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know


What do women need to pay attention to when wearing silver bracelets?

Know your skin type

First of all, women should know their skin type, some people may have an allergic reaction to silver, if you have symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching and other symptoms after wearing, you should stop wearing it immediately and seek help from a doctor, for sensitive skin, it is recommended to conduct a small area skin test before purchasing.

Choose the right size

The size of the silver bracelet is also important, as a bracelet that is too tight may cause discomfort and even affect blood circulation, while a bracelet that is too loose may slip off when the arm is moved.

Therefore, choosing a bracelet that fits your wrist size is key, and if possible, you can buy it after trying it on to ensure that the bracelet is both comfortable and safe.

Clean regularly

Silver jewelry is prone to darkening due to oxidation, so it's important to clean the bracelet regularly, and women can clean their bracelets with a special silver jewelry cleaner, or make their own cleaning solution (such as using a mixture of baking soda and hot water). However, it is important to note that when cleaning, avoid using a cloth or brush that is too rough to avoid scratching the surface of the bracelet.

Avoid contact with hard objects

In order to prevent silver bracelets from being scratched or deformed, women should avoid contact with hard objects such as keys, mobile phones, etc. when wearing them. In addition, it is best to remove the bracelet when doing household chores or sports activities to prevent collisions or loss.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know


How to clean a silver bracelet when it turns black?

Method 1: Use toothpaste and a soft cloth

Squeeze an appropriate amount of toothpaste onto a soft cloth and gently wipe the surface of the silver bracelet with a soft cloth, the ingredients in the toothpaste can help remove the silver sulfide and restore the shine of the silver bracelet. After wiping, rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Method 2: Use silver cleaner

There are a number of cleaning agents on the market that are specifically designed to clean silver jewelry, and these cleaners often contain chemical components that remove silver sulfide. To use, simply apply the cleaner to the surface of the silver bracelet, follow the instructions on the instructions, then rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Method 3: Use hot water and aluminum foil

Add hot water to a container, then put a small piece of aluminum foil, place the silver bracelet in the container, make sure it does not come into direct contact with the aluminum foil. Wait a few minutes for the silver sulfide to react with the aluminum foil, allowing the silver bracelet to gradually regain its luster. After the silver bracelet is cleaned, rinse it with water and wipe it dry.

Method 4: Use a professional silver cleaning cloth

There is also a cloth on the market that is specially used to clean silver jewelry, which often contains a special ingredient that removes silver sulfide. To use, simply wipe the surface of the silver bracelet with a cleaning cloth. This method is quick and easy to clean anytime, anywhere.

Women wear "silver bracelets" for a long time, what happens to their bodies? Perhaps most people still don't know


Read more: How to distinguish a silver bracelet from a fake?

Observe the color of the silver bracelet

Genuine silver jewelry usually appears as a soft silver-white color, rather than an overly bright or dull color, and if the color of the silver bracelet is too bright or dull, then it is likely to be silver-plated or contain other metallic components.

Check the texture of the silver bracelet

Real silver jewelry is relatively soft and prone to bending and deformation, and if the silver bracelet is very hard or does not deform easily, then it is likely to contain other metal components such as copper or nickel.

Check the logo of the silver bracelet

Regular silver jewelry usually has a clear logo, including information such as brand, material and purity, if the silver bracelet is not clearly marked or unclear, then it is likely to be a fake or defective.

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