
Hu Daisong: Accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces for the integrated development of culture and science and technology

author:Xinxiang Review
Hu Daisong: Accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces for the integrated development of culture and science and technology


Accelerate the cultivation of culture and technology

A new quality of productivity for integrated development

Hu Daisong

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress: "We must firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions." "In today's era, with a new wave of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT and Sora, the driving role of scientific and technological progress in cultural innovation is becoming more and more significant, and the collision of culture and technology has created a new direction and new format for the prosperity and development of culture.

Hunan has a good foundation and outstanding advantages in cultivating new productive forces for the integrated development of culture and science and technology. First, the industrial development is strong and powerful. In recent years, Hunan has continued to expand effective investment in the cultural industry, by converting excellent traditional cultural resources into high value-added cultural and creative parks, cultural and tourism routes, cultural and creative products, developing intangible cultural heritage derivatives such as Hunan embroidery, relying on "video supercomputing" to achieve industrial assembly-line production in the audio and video industry, and realizing the production mode of cultural products to go overseas with high-quality variety show production experience, etc., to stimulate the potential of cultural consumption, and the added value of the cultural industry will account for about 5.28% of GDP in 2023 It has laid an industrial foundation for the integrated development of culture and science and technology. Second, the scientific and technological strength is relatively strong. Keeping in mind the entrustment, Hunan actively promotes the construction of a highland of scientific and technological innovation with core competitiveness, through the construction of Changsha as a global R&D center city, the construction of Malanshan Digital Cultural Industry Cluster, the introduction of leading technology enterprises such as Huawei, the start of the implementation of the "Digital Mawangdui" project, and the construction of the Hunan Museum into the "world's most dazzling digital museum", etc., to promote the continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of cultural productivity, and the construction of "culture + technology" landmark project has achieved "brilliant" results, and the integration and development of culture and science and technology has continued to shine. The third is to keep the system and mechanism upright and innovate. Hunan pays close attention to the institutional and institutional obstacles restricting high-quality development, continuously improves cultural and economic policies, and while further increasing the guarantee of policy funds, it will transform the formation mechanism of scientific and technological projects from the past "sea selection" model to the targeted "unveiling the leader" and "military order" for Hunan's characteristic industries and urgently needed projects, and explore the institutional and mechanism reform path of cultural and technological integration with strategic support, policy support, project promotion and other measures. The right to dispatch resources, direct selection and determination of high-level talents, and other means, continue to remove bottlenecks and constraints for the development of new quality productive forces.

Hu Daisong: Accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces for the integrated development of culture and science and technology

Based on a new starting point and facing a new future, Hunan should stimulate the emergence of more workers, labor materials and labor objects that meet the requirements of the development of new quality productivity, improve the basic system of market economy and business environment, integrate into the linkage development of national and regional strategies, accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity with the integrated development of culture and science and technology according to local conditions, respond to the expectation of "a major economic province to truly provoke the beam", and strive to promote the high-quality development of Hunan.

We should further deepen reform in an all-round way and form a new type of production relationship that is compatible with the new quality of productive forces. The relations of production must be adapted to the requirements of the development of the productive forces, and it is very important to open up the horizon and cultivate and develop new types of production relations. Explore the establishment of a "test field" for the integrated development of culture and science and technology, promote the return of Hunan businessmen, and focus on cultivating local high-quality enterprises. Innovate the distribution of factors, form a mechanism to encourage the participation of patents, technology, intelligence and other elements in the distribution, implement substantial tax reductions for high-end cultural and technological integration enterprises and talents, and further optimize the soft environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. Construct a framework system and institutional norms for the integration of culture and technology, reverse the unreasonable view of political performance, establish and improve the fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism for R&D, and create a good atmosphere that encourages innovation and tolerates failure. Expand high-level opening up, combine the construction of three landmark projects of reform and opening up, build a Hunan foreign industrial chain cooperation carrying area, further improve the factor guarantee, improve the level and quality of the "Belt and Road" economic and trade cooperation, accelerate the promotion of "cultural Hunan products" to the sea, and create a good international environment for the development of new quality productivity.

Apply scientific and technological innovation achievements in a timely manner to build a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness. The digital application of scientific and technological innovation achievements is an important force to promote industrial development and promote new forms of production, and is a key element in the development of new quality productivity. Focusing on the development of new quality productivity, the layout of the industrial chain, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the construction of Hunan Radio and Television into a state-owned super platform, polishing the "Hunan Radio and Television" brand, focusing on recruiting large and strong, cultivating excellent and strong, and guiding the settled enterprises to transform into corporate headquarters and profit centers. Cultivate and expand emerging industries, lay out and build future industries, promote the modernization of audio and video industry production and communication with a new generation of artificial intelligence technology, and build the audio and video industry cluster into a "national team" with a scale of 500 billion yuan by improving self-research capabilities, building independent technology "bases", promoting independent products, and building industrial ecology. Improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, establish and improve modern management models, production methods, and communication paths, promote the transformation of traditional content creators into high-tech creative talents, promote industrial upgrading through the transformation of organizational structure and organizational methods, and launch more excellent red dramas such as "Ask the Boundless".

Strengthen original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation, and form a high-quality kinetic energy for the development of new quality productive forces. The innovation achievements of the deep integration of culture and science and technology are the key to cultivating new quality productivity in Hunan, and we must do a good job in tackling key core technologies and accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. It is necessary to build Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park into the main position of "carrying new infrastructure, exploring new integration, reconstructing new content, leading new development, and displaying new images", and promote the emergence of original and disruptive innovation achievements. We will build a "new infrastructure" for Hunan characteristic culture, increase policy support in terms of financial guarantees, project support, and industrial support, do a good job in the new infrastructure of "cloud-network computing", make full use of XR, VR, AR and other technologies to promote the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of the audio and video industry, promote the development of new consumption models such as intelligence and interaction, and enhance the potential energy of cultural and technological integration and breakthroughs. Highlight the leading role of cutting-edge technology, and improve the production efficiency of the cultural industry and innovate the dissemination of cultural products in terms of personalized recommendation, automatic content generation, intelligent post-editing production, intelligent copyright protection and content supervision through domestic generative artificial intelligence such as Zhipu Qingyan and foreign open-source large models such as Gemma.

It is the most active factor in recruiting the world's cultural and scientific and technological talents and stimulating the development of new quality productive forces. Talent is the foundation of innovation and the core element of the development of new quality productive forces, and it is necessary to smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talent, and fully understand and respect the value and role of talent. Seize the historical opportunity of the relayout of the global R&D center, promote the construction of landmark projects for the construction of scientific and technological innovation highlands, and develop new quality productivity based on Changsha's construction of a global R&D center city. Consolidate the foundation for the construction of talent teams, optimize the discipline setting and talent training mode of colleges and universities according to the new trend of scientific and technological development, and cultivate urgently needed talents for the development of new quality productivity and the promotion of high-quality development. Improve and improve the distribution mechanism for factor participation, reflect the market value of knowledge, technology and talents, stimulate the vitality of production factors such as labor, knowledge, technology, management, capital and data, and make talents willing to come and stay.

Create an ecology of cultural and technological integration, and empower the construction of Hunan's modern industrial system with the integrated development of culture and technology. The modern industrial system is the embodiment of new quality productivity, and it is necessary to take the deep integration of science and technology and cultural innovation as the starting point to create a digital asset circulation ecology, improve the level of industrial intelligence, greening and integration, and realize the transformation and upgrading of the industrial system. Deepen the reform of investment and financing methods, activate the "industry and finance" environment for "cultural intelligent manufacturing" enterprises, encourage capital markets, cultural industry funds, venture capital funds, commercial banks, private or individual capital and other investment entities to enter the market reasonably, and meet the multi-dimensional financing needs of leading enterprises, high-potential enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups, etc. Pay attention to the transformation of achievements, accelerate the formulation and introduction of relevant policies and measures for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities, solve problems such as "dare not transfer, will not transfer, and will not connect", incubate more "golden ideas" of cultural and creative projects, improve the quality and efficiency of scientific and technological innovation, and transform the innovative achievements of cultural and technological integration into new productive forces as soon as possible. (The author is Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Social Sciences (presiding over daily work))

Selected from "Xinxiang Review" Issue 6, 2024

First instance: Chen Jiaqi

Second trial: Wu Jin

Third trial: Zhang Qinfan

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Hu Daisong: Accelerate the cultivation of new quality productive forces for the integrated development of culture and science and technology

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