
Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

author:Creative Drew Entertainment

Creative Drew Entertainment

Creative Drew Entertainment


The changes in Jia Ling are eye-catching. The former chubby sketch queen has now taken on a new look, showing a more confident and handsome image.

After losing weight, she seems to have found a new sense of self, so it has become her new habit to cross Erlang's legs, in her eyes, this posture is no longer just a casual gesture, but a way to show inner firmness and confidence.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

At the sharing meeting of the "Hot and Hot" movie, the Hollywood set was very lively, and Wu Yanzu's elegant and charming man appeared in a low-key manner, like a budding flower in its prime.

What's even more unexpected is that Zhou Xun's ex-husband Gao Shengyuan also flashed in the crowd, such a coincidence makes people wonder if there is some subtle connection between them.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

The marriage between Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan used to be a hot topic in the entertainment industry, and the outside world was full of curiosity and speculation about this marriage.

In particular, there are endless doubts about whether Gao Shengyuan uses Zhou Xun's fame to improve his career, and the facts are often not what is seen on the surface.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

Zhou Xun has always supported Gao Shengyuan's career, but his works have been repeatedly frustrated, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to his self-esteem.

And this pressure is not only reflected in the career, but also gradually erodes their marriage, the accumulation of various contradictions, and finally reached its peak in the quarrels again and again, and even the differences about the 3 million company have become difficult to reconcile.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

Jia Ling's film "Hot and Hot" was once all the rage, and as time went on, some voices began to question its authenticity and value.

Some people accuse her of losing weight just for profit and hype, rather than out of sincere health considerations, but it is undeniable that the movie starring Jia Ling and others did achieve good results at the box office.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

This success has also made them a target for attacks on the Internet, and they may be the dark horses of the box office, but they are also suffering from negative reviews and malicious speculation from the Internet.

In today's entertainment industry, success and doubts always seem to be closely linked, actors like Jia Ling and Wu Jing have experienced a rapid rise in their careers, but they have inevitably encountered doubts and criticism from all sides.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

Their experiences convey an important message to us: self-determination and continuous efforts are the best responses to doubts.

The entertainment industry is an impetuous and challenging place, and actors often face various judgments and accusations from public opinion and the media.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

In this case, it is especially important to maintain inner firmness and faith, and the success stories of Jia Ling and Wu Jing tell us that no matter how many doubts we encounter.

As long as you maintain your awareness and confidence in yourself, and constantly strive to improve your acting skills, you will be able to cope with any challenges from the outside world.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

As viewers and fans, we also need to be more rational about everything in the entertainment industry, everyone has their own choices and beliefs, and actors are no exception.

We should not be swayed by the voices of the outside world, but should pay more attention to the work itself and appreciate the emotions and thoughts contained in it.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

The charm of a film lies in the stories it presents, and the value of these stories goes far beyond the actor's personal identity and background.

As an audience, we should enjoy each movie with a broader mind and experience the emotions and insights in it.

We should not comment one-sidedly on the identity and background of the actors, but should feel the spiritual connotation conveyed by the work with our hearts.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

Only in this way can we truly appreciate the charm of film art and truly understand the emotions and thoughts that movies bring us.

In the entertainment industry, success is often seen as the ultimate goal, and questioning is an inevitable stage, and the real key is how to deal with these challenges and how to maintain one's beliefs in a complex environment.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

For those who are chasing their dreams, it is essential to be relentless in pursuing their goals.

This means having enough patience and courage in the face of difficulties and doubts, constantly learning, growing, and constantly adjusting your strategy.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

As viewers, we also play an important role, and we should evaluate the work with an objective and rational attitude, rather than being swayed by prejudices or trends.

Each film has its own unique value and meaning, and even if we may not like certain works, we should respect the efforts and creativity of the creators.

Jia Ling was on the Hollywood set with her legs crossed, her face full of wrinkles! Wu Yanzu and Zhou Xun's ex-husband are also there!

By having a broader perspective, we can better appreciate the charm of film art and appreciate the deep emotions and rich connotations contained in it.


The art of cinema is a wonderful art form that has the ability to touch people's hearts and evoke deep resonance within us.

It is precisely because of the diversity and richness of movies that we can find our own emotional and spiritual sustenance in them.

We need to embrace different types of films with an open and inclusive mind, and experience the emotions and meanings contained in them.

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