
Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

Miss No. 1 Cinema (original by topcinema, reprinting is strictly prohibited)

The Spring Festival holiday is over, and I calm down and want to talk about "Article 20" directed by Zhang Yimou.

Why does this movie make people want to applaud when they see it?

is not only daring to speak up and dare to shoot, but also because of this movie, it captures the real human suffering.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

It should be said that "Article 20" is the most daring and "useful" movie in the 2024 Spring Festival.

This movie, in addition to a strong cast and a big competition in acting skills, is more important to use several vivid events and cases to carry out a national popularization of the law.

From this point of view, the significance of "Article 20" has gone beyond the watchability of the film itself and the performance of the actors.

"Useful", one is the role of popularizing the law, and the other is to reveal the current social situation and human nature at a deeper level, so that more people know what is "legitimate defense", and how we should take up the weapon of the law to protect ourselves when we encounter a serious threat to our personal safety.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

The best popularization of law is not preaching, but a vivid representation of the reality of the world.

The most successful part of Zhang Yimou's film "Article 20" is that it boldly adopts the three most heart-wrenching scenes, and deeply penetrates the importance of the law to safeguard "fairness and justice" into the hearts of every audience.

is worthy of Zhang Yimou, he dares to shoot, he uses bold and realistic shots to show the powerlessness of the weak, so as to speak for the weak who have been wronged and bullied.

It's so real that I can't bear to watch it a second time.

It is worth mentioning that two of the three famous scenes in the film have Zhao Liying involved.

This time, Zhao Liying's acting skills are a qualitative leap, completely getting rid of the idol label, making people forget Zhao Liying and remember her Hao Xiuping.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

Watching this movie, many friends will first focus on the tragic encounter between Hao Xiuping and Wang Yongqiang, which is also an important topic throughout the film: "Article 20" of the Criminal Law, how to define legitimate defense.

The most distressing scene is the occurrence of the case: rape and counter-killing.

Wang Yongqiang, Hao Xiuping and his wife borrowed usury from Liu Wenjing, a bully in the village, in order to treat their daughter's illness.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yongqiang, who was on the weaker side, was bullied and insulted by Liu Wenjing, Wang Yongqiang was chained outside the house by Liu Wenjing, and Liu raped the deaf and mute Hao Xiuping inside the house.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

Afterwards, Liu Wenjing lifted his pants and further verbally insulted Wang Yongqiang, and said that he would continue to insult his wife Hao Xiuping to pay off his debts in the future.

Hao Xiuping, who was humiliated, walked out of the room in disheveled clothes, with blood on the corner of her mouth, crying and gesturing her hands to her husband about her tragic experience: "He raped me", "I can't go on like this anymore", "I really want to end my life".

Seeing this scene, I was not only stung and shocked by Zhao Liying's performance, but also for the weakness's powerlessness and despair at that moment, and my heart hurt so much that tears rained down.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

His wife was humiliated, the personal safety of the family was violated, and Wang Yongqiang, who was forced to a dead end, picked up scissors in a hurry, stabbed Liu Wenjing, who went to the car to get a knife and wanted to commit murder again.

Liu Wenjing was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital, but while the case was being investigated, he died.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

The Liu family insisted that Wang Yongqiang deliberately committed the murder and demanded severe punishment, but the prosecutor Han Ming played by Lei Jiayin and the prosecutor Lu Lingling played by Gao Ye found problems in the process of investigating the case, insisted on upholding justice, and wanted to find key evidence to help Wang Yongqiang and Hao Xiuping's family with legal weapons.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

However, the Liu family relied on the power of the village tyrant, on the one hand, they tried to coerce Hao Xiuping, on the other hand, they hired a lawyer, and carried Liu Wenjing's coffin to block the door of the procuratorate, trying to interfere with the judicial judgment from all aspects.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

So, there is the second heart-wrenching scene of the whole film: threats and jumping off the building.

When Hao Xiuping went to the construction site to find a witness and begged him to help testify, the witness was afraid that the evil forces of the Liu family would choose to hide, leaving Hao Xiuping helpless.

At the same time, Liu's family also came to the door and threatened Hao Xiuping with her daughter's safety to sign.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

Even though Han Ming and Lu Lingling arrived and repeatedly comforted Hao Xiuping, Hao Xiuping, who felt desperate at the time, chose to jump from the construction site in front of everyone.

At that moment, it was heart-wrenching and painful across the screen.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation
Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

Fortunately, Hao Xiuping was only injured, and this scene also deeply stung Han Ming, the prosecutor who was a little cowardly before, and stimulated him to fight for the "legitimate defense" of the weak to appeal for his innocence.

And what stimulates Han Ming is the third most distressing scene in the film: petitioning and car accidents.

This scene is actually the most shocking of the three heart-wrenching scenes, because Zhang Yimou filmed the most primitive evil: inaction.

In Han Ming's previous case, he encountered a case of bus driver Zhang Guisheng hurting people, and at that time, he did not help Zhang Guisheng, who was defending himself, to fight for his due rights, but according to the previous case, he drew a scoop according to the gourd.

In the end, the original righteous and courageous actions made Zhang Guisheng sentenced, lost his job, and lost his basic dignity.

After that, Zhang Guisheng repeatedly petitioned in order to overturn the case.

Zhang Guisheng was never reconciled to the grievances he suffered, he said: I want an explanation.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

This gave Han Ming a headache, he helped the other party find a job, and wanted to use it in exchange for Zhang Guisheng's signature that he would no longer petition, and wanted to quickly close the case and hand over the errand.

Han Ming persuaded Zhang Guisheng: We have to turn the page.

This is actually the most daring scene in the whole film, Zhang Yimou exposed and criticized the dirtiest operation under his nose.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

In the film, Han Ming seems to help and enlighten, but in fact, he grasps the weakness of the weak, uses the future of Zhang Gui's child to "threaten", persuades him to sign, no longer petition, and cuts off the back road for the weak to appeal.

But then, Zhang Guisheng died unexpectedly in a car accident on the way to petition-

One day, while Han Ming and his wife Li Maojuan were driving, they found that he had gone to petition again, so they drove all the way and chased him, shouting at him, "Impulse is the devil", but the accident of the car accident happened in front of Han Ming's eyes in an instant.

Han Ming was stupid at that moment, and his heart was stabbed hard.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

He originally thought that it was a normal workflow to handle the case according to the previous case reference process, and he was also helping Zhang Guisheng find a job, he was helping him, why did Zhang Guisheng still petition?

But Han Ming finally discovered that his habit was another kind of evil.

He only cared about handling the case, but ignored the negative impact of the case on the life of the party and his family, which not only made Zhang Guisheng, who acted bravely, cold and lost his job, but also indirectly lost his life and pushed Zhang Guisheng's family to a tragic fate.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation


These three scenes pierced the hearts of the audience, and once again emphasized the necessity and importance of legal fairness and justice. This also made Han Ming deeply aware that as a people's prosecutor:

We are not handling cases, but other people's lives.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

It is after the foreshadowing of these three heart-piercing scenes that "Article 20" ushered in the climax of the whole film!

This is the most relieving highlight of the film, and it is also the highlight moment of Lei Jiayin's acting skills in the whole film.

Han Ming, the prosecutor played by Lei Jiayin, took out Article 20 of the Criminal Law "Legitimate Defense" and made a large impassioned statement-

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

What is Law?

It is the law of heaven, the law of the country, and the favor of people. I don't believe in the law of the land without heavenly principles, nor do I believe in heavenly principles without human feelings.

Everything right has a price, but you can't stop doing it just because it has a price.

Where does the authority of the law come from? It comes from the most simple emotional expectations of the common people.

One crime, polluting a river, and one wrong verdict, polluting the entire water source.

The law is to make it more expensive for bad people to commit crimes, not to make good people more expensive.

law, we cannot give in to lawlessness.

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

"Article 20", wonderful, this line of Lei Jiayin is wonderful.

So brightening people's hearts! So loud! So making people want to stand up and applaud him!

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

suppressed and watched the protagonist in the movie go through such a long period of despair and darkness, and finally ushered in the fairness and justice of the law at the end of the film, which finally made people breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yimou's "Article 20", where touched you the most?

Three famous scenes in "Article 20": In addition to Zhao Liying's shock, Zhang Yimou exposed the dirtiest operation

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