
"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

author:Mel chattered

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"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

Edit: Mel chatting

A factory flower that is beginning to bloom: Li Lan's first look in the film industry

In the 80s, a group of new stars in the film industry at that time emerged in Bayi Factory, and one of the first blooming factory flowers attracted much attention, she was Li Lan. Since her debut, this Bingcheng Yizhihua has been favored by director Wang Xingang, however, her acting career is destined to be compared with another popular superstar, Liu Xiaoqing.

Talented: Li Lan's first appearance in the film industry

Li Lan was once a delicate flower in Bayi Factory in the 80s, and she was highly anticipated when she first appeared in the film industry. Wang Xingang took a fancy to her humility and profundity, and thought that she could bring a unique inner charm to "The Great Wall of the South China Sea". debuted on the screen, Li Lan was full of expectations, but she never expected that at this time, a battle for the heroine was about to kick off.

Powerful showdown: restrained flowers and flamboyant lions

The battle of the heroine is like a showdown before and under the moon. Li Lan is restrained and affectionate, and her performance is characterized by steadiness and calmness, like a budding flower. As for Liu Xiaoqing, she roars like a lion, with a strong personality that is difficult to ignore. Wang Xingang's choice obviously hints at the expectation of the film: a flower waiting to be released and a flamboyant lion, the collision of the two is destined to create different sparks.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

Introverted discoloration: the battle between the choice of art and the market

Behind the heroine's dispute, there is a trade-off between the film's artistic orientation and market trends. Wang Xingang took a fancy to Li Lan's intrinsic quality, but Liu Xiaoqing's flamboyant personality was more in line with the market's pursuit of women's image at that time. Under this pressure, Li Lan may seem a little too restrained to quickly make a name for herself in the market, in stark contrast to Liu Xiaoqing's passionate performance.

The up-and-coming lion: Liu Xiaoqing's roaring era

"Roaring Sanniang" Liu Xiaoqing became famous with his outstanding performance in "The Great Wall of the South China Sea". Her flamboyance and passion became a beautiful scenery in the film industry at that time. At the same time, Li Lan's restraint and affection may seem too conservative. In this era, flamboyance and boldness are more advocated, and the audience is more willing to chase those characters who are emotional and flamboyant.

The market is warm and cold: the regret of suppressing flowers

The market's preference for feminine images is constantly evolving, but in the 80s, it was more flamboyant. Li Lan may be a victim of the changes of the times, and her graceful and restrained flowers seem a little bleak in this era. The heroine's battle has become a regret for suppressing the flowers, her talent may not have received the attention it deserves, and the market trend has pushed her to the relative margins.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

Accumulation: Li Lan's silent struggle

However, even after losing the heroine's battle, Li Lan did not give up, she struggled silently and worked tirelessly. She chose a low-key life, not catering to the market, but proving her strength with practical actions. This may be her insistence on art and her pursuit of her true self deep down. Behind this heroine dispute, she may care more about the persistence in art than the momentary glory in the market.

A blooming magnolia: Li Lan's growth trajectory

As the years go by, Li Lan is like a blooming magnolia, more calm and elegant in the baptism of the years. Although her career in the film industry is not as brilliant as Liu Xiaoqing, she has walked out of her own growth trajectory in her own way. It's only a matter of time before the depressing flowers bloom at some point.

The ending of the controversy: red or not, the choice of life

The battle of the heroine may be a temporary passerby, but what really stays are those actors who stick to their original intentions in the film industry. Li Lan used her way to interpret life, whether she was popular or not, and became the second. In this controversial ending, people should perhaps look at the actors' choices more rationally, whether they are popular or not, is it not a life choice? Behind the bright starlight, every actor has his own life, and every flower has its own blooming moment.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

An affectionate portrayal of the image of a military wife

Li Lan is not only a beauty in the film industry, but also a representative of the affectionate "military wife". She has successfully portrayed this image in a number of works, interpreting the inner feelings of the characters in a deep and real way. This affectionate portrayal stems not only from her superb acting skills, but also because she deeply understands this special identity of a woman, in whom the character is no longer a simple character, but a real and rich life.

Balancing family and career

Compared with the impetuous Hongchen in the film industry, Li Lan chooses to devote more energy to the family. Instead of being carried away by fame and fortune, she enriched herself with an ordinary and real family life. Accompanied by her husband's military career, she lived a quiet and happy life. This balance between family and career may also be one of the reasons why she has been able to stand in the film industry for a long time.

Real Emotions: The Warmth and Coldness of a Military Family

Li Lan's image of a military wife is not only a character on the screen, but also a portrayal of her own life. As a member of a military family, she knows what to expect. In the role, she presents her deeply buried emotions in the most realistic way, and the audience seems to be able to feel the folds in her heart, which is the tenacity after the baptism of the years, and the ups and downs of family life.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

Rich life experience: the source of influencing acting skills

Li Lan's life experience is rich and colorful, and this may be the source of her profound acting skills. Life in a military family has taught her to be strong, and the uniqueness of her acting skills may come from her experience in reality. Her performance reveals a deep emotion, which is the accumulation of real life, and is a deep reflection on human nature, family, and life.

Tranquility and tenacity: Li Lan's attitude towards life

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, Li Lan chose a quiet and tenacious life path. She did not lose herself because she failed to become popular all over the country, but treated the ups and downs of her career with a quiet attitude. This perseverance in life has also allowed her to achieve successful achievements in both family and career.

Family is the best destination: Li Lan's happiness code

Li Lan's happiness does not depend on the evaluation of her by the outside world, but on the rich family life. In the company of her husband, she has established a warm and harmonious little world. This may be the reason why she has always remained calm and calm, because in her heart, family is the best destination, and career is just a part of life.

The possibility of counterattack: the story of the military wife continues

The image of a military wife left a deep imprint on Li Lan in the hearts of the audience, and her life story continues. Perhaps, there are more possibilities waiting for her to discover in the future, and the story of the counterattack may not be out of reach. At this age when she seems to be no longer glamorous, she may be able to present more brilliant performances to the audience and achieve a richer life.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

Low-key life, high-profile acting

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, Li Lan has always been known for being low-key. Compared with those stars who frequently show off luxury houses and cars on social platforms, she is more willing to focus on the deep cultivation of her acting skills. This low-key is not because of her lack of confidence, but a kind of calmness for the pursuit of real acting. She doesn't need to rely on attracting attention to prove her existence, because her existence itself is a real acting star.

Silence and perseverance on social platforms

120 fans, this number can be counted as almost insignificant in the entertainment industry. In contrast, Liu Xiaoqing's huge fan base on social platforms makes people sigh. However, Li Lan has not changed her style all along. She seems to prefer to remain silent on social platforms, not chasing fame, not pandering to the market, she just quietly sticks to her own world.

The choice behind fame and fortune

In this hot industry, Li Lan's low profile may have become her magic weapon for fame and fortune. She did not do anything to chase traffic, nor did she forget her original dream in order to become popular all over the country. This kind of rebellion against fame and fortune makes her unique in the entertainment industry. Perhaps in her opinion, fame and fortune are good, but what is more precious is the initial love for performance, and the persistence that would rather be unknown for the sake of art.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

Fresh and elegant, refusing to be impetuous

Li Lan is like a magnolia in early spring, fresh and elegant, refusing to be impetuous. In an era of focusing on looks and hype, she chose to maintain her unique existence. Do not change the style due to the change of fashion, do not lose personality due to the hustle and bustle of the market. Her existence makes people see that the entertainment industry is not only fancy stars, but also those who work silently and speak with strength.

What is the meaning behind the low-key

Being low-key is not that she doesn't want to succeed, but that she has a deeper understanding of success. Perhaps, in her opinion, success is not only in front of the camera, but also in the precipitation of the role. Her low profile is not timid, but more demanding of herself. She is not satisfied with the temporary prosperity, but pursues the quiet and quiet of the years.

The meaning of a unique existence

On the noisy stage of the entertainment industry, Li Lan proved that acting skills are the foundation of stars with her unique existence. Every low-key of her is an appeal to her talent, telling the world that her value is not based on hype and popularity, but from that heart that is persistent in acting. This unique existence may be the reason why she has been calm and unhurried along the way.

Magnolia flowers with quiet years: Li Lan's life now

Today, Li Lan is 68 years old and still as beautiful as a flower. She chose a quiet and comfortable life path, with a successful career and a happy family. Unlike Liu Xiaoqing, she did not do everything for fame and fortune, but found more satisfaction in life. Perhaps, this is also the reason why she has always remained fresh and elegant, like a magnolia in early spring, blooming quietly, exuding fragrance and elegance.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

The end of the controversy: red or not, where to go?

In the entertainment industry, whether to be popular or not is often a sensitive and complex topic. Li Lan chose to be low-key and calm, living the life she wanted, while Liu Xiaoqing stood at the pinnacle of the film industry with a roaring Sanniang. Perhaps, it is precisely this choice that makes Li Lan's life more fulfilling and profound. At the end of this controversy, perhaps people should reflect on whether fame and fortune are the ultimate pursuit of life, or whether everyone can find the ordinary happiness they want.

"The Flower of the Bayi Factory in the Past": 68 years old is still as beautiful as a flower, Wang Xingang praised, Liu Xiaoqing stole the limelight!

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