
How to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard How to type the multiplication sign × the computer keyboard

author:Zero-based computer learning - the second fool of the third sister's family

How to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard? Many whites always have a variety of problems when using the computer, for example, when using the keyboard to type, often use a lot of symbols, but the little friends who are not very familiar with the keyboard do not know how to type, for example, the multiplication sign for some small partners do not know where it is. So today, the editor will bring you the relevant content on how to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard. #win11使用技巧#

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How to play the multiplication sign on the keyboardMethod 1:

Use the Chinese input method to enter "chenghao", and "×" will appear, just select it directly, or you can enter "cheng", and the multiplication sign will also appear.

How to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard How to type the multiplication sign × the computer keyboard

How to play the multiplication sign on the keyboardMethod 2:

1. The "*" on the computer can replace the "×", and you can see that there is "*" above the number 8 on the keyboard;

2. Press "shift+8" at the same time to play;

How to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard How to type the multiplication sign × the computer keyboard

3. You can also directly "*" on the keypad.

How to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard How to type the multiplication sign × the computer keyboard

How to play the multiplication sign on the keyboard Method 3:

Replace the multiplication sign directly with a capital X.

How to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard How to type the multiplication sign × the computer keyboard

The above is how to type the multiplication sign on the keyboard and how to type the multiplication sign on the computer keyboard × the editor for you today, let's take a look.

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