
Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

author:Listen to Brother Tao
Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

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The competition for Spring Festival movies in 2024 is quite fierce, and the movie "Mr. Red Carpet" starring Andy Lau also announced that he would withdraw from the Spring Festival file and re-select the schedule to meet the audience again. Prior to this, another movie "Let's Shake the Sun Together" also announced its withdrawal from the Spring Festival file.

Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

The withdrawal of "Mr. Red Carpet" actually made many Andy's fans very distressed, after all, it is really distressing for a king who is already in his 60s to promote roadshows around the world.

But this year's Spring Festival file encountered strong opponents such as "Hot and Hot", "Flying Life 2", "Article 20", and "Bear Infested: Reversal of Time and Space".

"Mr. Red Carpet" may not be suitable for the Spring Festival compared with other movies, and there are many factors for the low scheduling rate and box office fiasco, and it is not a wise choice to choose another time to be released again, but it is inevitably distressing as a fan of Andy.

Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

The temporary withdrawal of "Mr. Red Carpet" has also caused heated discussions among Andy fans on the Internet, and fans have expressed their distress for Andy Lau, and even angry and dissatisfied with the film schedule in the theater, see what Chinese fans say:

看着‬刘德华‬到处‬飞来飞去‬的‬路演宣传‬,除了‬心疼‬还是‬心疼‬,毕竟‬刘德华‬的‬岁数‬在那‬摆着‬呢‬。 而且‬刘德华‬的‬敬业‬精神‬让人‬折服‬,作为‬娱乐圈‬的‬常青树‬,精神‬状态‬不输‬年轻人‬,确实‬是‬年轻人‬的‬榜样‬。

Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

凌晨‬1点‬排片‬一天‬就排‬一场‬,如此‬低的‬排片率‬让人‬如何‬接受‬,这个‬确实‬也是‬现实‬残酷‬的‬写照‬。 不是‬直给型‬的‬爽片‬需要‬思考‬理解‬,可能‬这也是‬输给‬其他‬影片的‬原因‬之一吧‬。 现在的人‬观影‬实际‬喜欢的‬就是‬一种‬快餐文化‬,看完后‬不一定‬会去‬记着‬什么‬情节‬内容‬,更不愿意‬再去‬深度‬思考‬人生的‬意义‬。

Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

影院‬用‬刘德华‬的‬电影‬进行‬宣传‬,但又不给‬排片‬,让人‬无法理解‬。 期待‬《红毯先生‬》在影院‬的‬再次‬上映‬,毕竟‬一部‬好的‬电影‬就这样‬被埋没‬了‬确实‬可惜‬。 作为‬华仔‬的‬影迷‬也‬会‬觉着‬遗憾‬,期待‬《红毯先生‬》再次‬与‬大家见面‬。

Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry


Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry


Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry


Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry


Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

刘德华‬是‬个‬爱国艺人‬,因此‬刘德华‬在‬很多人的‬心中‬就是‬榜样‬是‬娱乐圈‬的‬标志‬人物‬。 这样的‬艺人‬必然‬会得到‬更多人‬的‬支持‬与‬理解‬。

Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry

无论‬在‬春节档‬票房‬如何‬,是否‬退档‬,每一位‬付出‬努力‬的‬人都值得‬尊重‬。 在‬我们‬日常‬生活中每一位‬平凡人‬为了‬生活‬都在‬默默‬打拼‬的‬人‬也值得‬尊重‬。

Andy Lau suffered Waterloo, Mr. Red Carpet withdrew from the Spring Festival stalls, and Chinese fans were very distressed and angry


Although the movie "Mr. Red Carpet" starring Andy Lau withdrew from the Spring Festival file, many people haven't had time to watch it. But I'm sure the film will be available to everyone again soon. is like Andy's shouting to fans at the concert: "I'm back." ”

I really look forward to Andy Lau coming back again, the temporary box office of the movie can't say anything. Just like Stephen Chow's "Journey to the West" hit the box office when it was released in theaters, but a few years later, word of mouth exploded and became a classic.



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