
Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]

author:PMO Frontier

Although this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala program is as uninteresting as ever, it has become popular because of a "mistake", and now Liu Qian's magic performance "Keeping the New Year at this time" has become a hot topic, and the host Nigmat appeared in the performance of the playing cards and goofs, leaving everyone with surprises and doubts.

Magic itself is actually not difficult, it is a mathematical problem - that is the famous Joseph problem (the secret of magic is detailed at the end of the article)

Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]

As an excellent PMO and PM, if you are the project leader of this Spring Festival Gala, how should you deal with such risks?

The Spring Festival Gala is actually a huge and complex project, because it is a live broadcast, every link needs to be considered;

As an important part of the Spring Festival Gala, Liu Qian's magic show requires detailed project planning because it is a national participation. In this process, it is necessary to determine the content of the performance, arrange the actors and props, make a rehearsal plan, etc.

These activities require communication and coordination between the project leader and all relevant parties to ensure the smooth progress of the project. Teamwork is one of the keys to the success of a magic show. In this case, Liu Qian and Nigmat made a mistake in the performance, which may have been caused by a lack of cooperation or poor communication between the team members.

Risk management is a very important part of project management. For a large-scale event such as the Spring Festival Gala, there may be various risks, which need to be considered in the planning stage and formulate corresponding countermeasures.

If the project team discovers a problem with the playing cards during the rehearsal phase, they can make adjustments in time to avoid mistakes in the official performance.

In fact, this time it was the host Xiaoni who did not insert the cards as required when he inserted the cards, and put it at the bottom, in fact, he was not the only one, and a handsome guy behind him was not right

Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]

This is a high risk in terms of project risk, and there should be risk countermeasures in advance!

During the entire project implementation process, it is necessary to monitor the progress of the project, identify problems in time and make adjustments. This ensures the successful completion of the project.

Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]

The magic mistake of the Spring Festival Gala, let's analyze it from the perspective of project risk management, in fact, this is a very basic project risk management problem, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala should not have learned project management well, haha

1. Risk identification and assessment

In project risk management, it is critical to accurately identify risks and assess their impact. This is especially true for large-scale events such as the Spring Festival Gala, which may face many risks, such as technical failures, performance errors, etc. However, in this magic show, the risk of playing cards not being matched was not fully taken into account in the early identification and evaluation. Not only did it not anticipate it in the early stage, but it was not found in the rehearsal, especially in the process of collective operation of many people, the understanding of the instructions is different for everyone, this is a common project risk, there is no identification and no risk response measures, this is a big mistake this time, and the risk is not identified is the reason for this magic mistake!

The follow-up host Xiaosa's contingency measures and emergency response, let's talk about it separately;

How to solve the problem that the risk cannot be discovered?

Common risk identification methods:

1. Brainstorming: Team members brainstorm all possible risks, no matter how unlikely they may be.

2. SWOT Analysis: Based on the analysis of the internal and external factors of the project, list the possible opportunities and threats, and also point out the advantages and disadvantages of the project.

3. Checklist Method: Using a record of previous successful or failed projects, develop a checklist that identifies possible risks.

4. Storyboard method: Team members write a project story that includes how to get started, problems and solutions in the process, and ultimately how to achieve success. In the story, possible risks and obstacles are to be reflected.

5. Consult the expert method: with the help of the experience and knowledge of relevant experts, to identify possible risks, because experts can more accurately predict the risks in the relevant field.

6. Process analysis method: analyze the business process of the entire project, find possible obstacles and bottlenecks, and list the corresponding risks for these obstacles and bottlenecks.

7. Scenario construction method: Locate possible risks by constructing possible scenarios. Team members simulate failure situations, formulate emergency plans, identify and prevent problems in advance, and formulate corresponding countermeasures.

2. Risk response and monitoring

After the risks are identified and assessed, corresponding response strategies should be formulated for the identified and assessed risks, and changes in risks should be continuously monitored during the project implementation process. If you find that the playing cards do not match during the rehearsal, you should adjust it in time to avoid the same mistake in the official performance. Unfortunately, this link was not found, and there may be shortcomings.

3. Turn passive into active: Sa Beining's contingency measures - take the initiative to break the news

Contingency measures are temporary responses to unforeseen risks or changes in the course of a project. Contingency measures are generally not in the project plan, but are determined in real time according to the actual situation during the project progress.

It is worth mentioning that the host Sa Beining's initiative to break the news after the incident is a contingency measure to transform the passive situation into an active one. turned this mistake into a hot topic of discussion in a ridiculous way, and this positive attitude and coping method alleviated the audience's doubts about the magic mistake to a certain extent, and also showed the host's wit and honesty.

Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]

Fourth, lessons learned and improvement measures

This magic blunder of the Spring Festival Gala provided valuable lessons for our partners engaged in project management. In today's society, everything is a project, everyone is a project manager, and the knowledge of project management has become a skill that any practitioner must master. It's the same as driving a car and using office.

From the perspective of project management, first of all, when planning and executing a project, risks should be comprehensively assessed and managed, problems should be predicted, countermeasures should be formulated, and the error rate should be reduced. Secondly, effective communication and collaboration among team members is essential to identify and solve problems in a timely manner to ensure the smooth running of the project. In addition, in the face of emergencies, it is necessary to be flexible and give full play to the initiative of project members, such as adjusting the strategic crisis as an opportunity. In the project, we must maintain a keen insight and adaptability, and adjust the plan in time according to the actual situation to ensure the success of the project.

Liu Qian's magic revealed:

In this year's Spring Festival Gala, magician Liu Qian performed a magic trick of cards that allowed the people of the whole country to participate in the "Keeping the New Year", and its exquisite design made the audience have a high sense of participation. The math behind Liu Qian's magic trick is not complicated, it involves the Joseph problem.

Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]
Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]
Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]
Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]
Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]
Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]
Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]

Analyze the mistakes of "2024 Spring Festival Gala Magic" from the perspective of project risk [Attached: Liu Qian's Magic Revealed]

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