
Beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish, have you tasted the four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing"?

author:New Gastronomy

In 1840, Ma Sifa, a Muslim who fled from Henan to Nanjing, set up a stall selling cheap meals at the Flower Temple outside the Zhonghua Gate, known as "Ma Hui Hui Rice Stall". After Ma Sifa's death, the rice stall was inherited by his son Ma Shengxiang and moved to the Yuhuatai Hui people's settlement "Hui Hui Camp", officially named "Ma Xiangxing".

Beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish, have you tasted the four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing"?

"Ma Xiangxing" flourished in the Republic of China, with many famous dishes and distinctive characteristics. At that time, many political and cultural celebrities visited many times. Mr. Yu Youren, a veteran of the Kuomintang and a famous calligrapher, once wrote a shop sign for him, and also gave him a couplet: "A hundred pots of fine wine people are three drunks, and a tower of autumn lanterns greets the six dynasties." "Horizontal batch is "dish with flavor".

Beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish, have you tasted the four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing"?

The four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing" are "beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish".

<h1>Beauty liver</h1>

There are many theories about the origin of the beauty liver. It is said that one day in 1929, a doctor ordered a table of eight large bowls and eight small pots. When the chef was side dishes, he found that he lacked a dish at hand, and in a hurry, he used the duck pancreas that he usually discarded and did not use with chicken breast meat and fried it with duck oil. Who expected this dish to be so popular after being served to the banquet, and was called "beauty liver" by guests on the spot.

Beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish, have you tasted the four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing"?

Ma Xiangxing a formal "beauty liver", to choose forty or fifty duck pancreas, washed after the water blanched to remove the fishy taste, and then soaked in cold water, in addition to the duck fat to fry the chicken breast until white, and then put the duck pancreas and chicken breast together, with chicken juice, monosodium glutamate, salt and starch mixed well, and then put on the high fire with duck oil to fry, twice stir-fried out of the pot.

The well-made "beauty liver" is white and red, tender and crisp, fresh and fragrant, and quickly became Ma Xiangxing's signature dish. It is said that Wang Jingwei was very fond of this dish, and when he presided over the Wang puppet regime in Nanjing, he often asked Ma Xiangxing to order this "beautiful liver" as a supper in the middle of the night.

<h1>Anchovy shrimp</h1>

The development of anchovies reflects the spirit of hard work and innovation of the chefs of Ma Xiangxing Restaurant. Suzhou people love to eat fried shrimp, jade clean and tender, easy to eat, but it is completely shelled, the fly in the ointment is less shrimp flavor; Nanjing people also love to eat shrimp, but like to eat fried shrimp, is to cut the river shrimp beard, foot whiskers, shell with onion ginger stir-fry, with soy sauce, sugar seasoning, shell color red, but eat not as convenient as Suzhou fried shrimp. Ma Xiangxing several masters carefully studied, repeated practice, take the strength of the two, peel off the head shell of the shrimp, leaving the tail shell not peeled, after frying, the tail shell into a folding fan shape, made into a shrimp-shaped shrimp flavor, but also easy to eat dishes.

Beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish, have you tasted the four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing"?

Once, Bai Chongxi came to the restaurant to taste it and was very satisfied. He looked at the shrimp curled up in a ring, half crystal clear, one

Half of the golden light flashed, and there was a small tail in the shape of a folding fan, much like a phoenix tail, so I named it "anchovy shrimp".

<h1>Egg roast for sale</h1>

"Roasted wheat" originated in the capital of the Yuan Dynasty (present-day Beijing), and historical records call this pasta dim sum "slightly wheat". In the third year of Qianlong, the "three fresh roasted wheat" given by the emperor was the most famous in Beijing, while in the south it was called "roasted and sold."

Beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish, have you tasted the four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing"?

The chef of Ma Xiangxing Restaurant took inspiration from the nanjing people's love to eat egg dumplings, tried to spread the eggs into a blank skin, filled with shrimp as the filling, made into a "roasted sale", plated and steamed, and then hooked with chicken broth, monosodium glutamate, wet starch into a mustard, poured on the roast, added duck oil to the pot, and became a dish with a pale yellow color, similar to the shape of the roast, fresh and delicious. After the egg roast was sold on the market, it was very praised by the literati and scholars.

<h1>Squirrel fish</h1>

"Squirrel Fish" is a famous dish formed by Ma Xiangxing Restaurant on the basis of learning the famous dishes of Suzhou Songhe Tower, plus the characteristics of halal dishes. Squirrel fish must be made with mandarin fish weighing about 750 grams.

Beauty liver, anchovy shrimp, egg roast selling, squirrel fish, have you tasted the four famous dishes of "Ma Xiangxing"?

The mandarin fish is descaled gills and internal organs, washed, and the fish head is cut from under the neck of the fish, leaving the collar under the fish head to be repaired into the shape of a squirrel head. The body of the fish removes the spine, removes the belly spines, the fish skin is down, placed on the cutting board, and several knives are drawn straight, deep into the fish bones, and continuously. Wrap in a layer of thin powder. Fish head, fish under the oil pan, fried to a golden brown, plated, arranged in the shape of a squirrel, drizzled with sugar, vinegar, green onion and ginger juice. This dish is realistic in form, like a lively and cute squirrel, golden in color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside; moderately sweet and sour, very delicious; No fish bones, suitable for all ages. (Text: New Food Chronicles Wu Yu)

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