
The neck hurts again, be careful that cervical spondylosis quietly finds you, and the doctor emphasizes that you can't massage at will

author:Dr. Wu, Department of Internal Medicine, Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

Imagine you're sitting in front of your computer, or you're looking down at your phone, and you suddenly feel a tingling pain in your neck. You may instinctively rub or seek massage to relieve pain, unaware that such an act could cause more damage to your cervical spine. Why is this happening? How fragile is the structure of the cervical spine, and how can we properly protect our cervical spine from the invasion of pain?

The neck hurts again, be careful that cervical spondylosis quietly finds you, and the doctor emphasizes that you can't massage at will

Cervical spondylosis: not just a problem for the elderly

Cervical spondylosis, a health problem that sounds closely related to daily life but is overlooked by many people, is actually a general term for a series of symptoms caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine. Not only the elderly, but also young people who use computers and mobile phones for a long time have gradually become the "new favorites" of this disease.

Structure and function of the cervical spine

First, let's briefly understand the basic structure of the cervical spine. The human cervical spine is made up of 7 vertebrae that are connected by intervertebral discs and supported by ligaments and muscles. The cervical spine not only supports the head, but also protects the vital blood vessels and nerves through which the neck passes. Therefore, the health of the cervical spine is directly related to the functioning of the entire body.

A common type of cervical spondylosis

There are various types of cervical spondylosis, including cervical disc herniation, cervical bone hyperplasia, cervical spondylitis, etc. These conditions can all cause symptoms such as neck pain, numbness in the arms, dizziness, etc. A herniated cervical disc is the most common type of disc that occurs when a part of the cervical disc herniates and compresses the nerve, causing pain.

Risk factors

The occurrence of cervical spondylosis is not accidental, and the risk factors behind it include poor posture for a long time (such as using a mobile phone with the head down), excessive pressure on the neck, lack of proper exercise, etc. In addition, natural degeneration of the cervical spine is inevitable as we age.

The neck hurts again, be careful that cervical spondylosis quietly finds you, and the doctor emphasizes that you can't massage at will

Precautionary measures

The key to preventing cervical spondylosis lies in self-protection in daily life. Maintaining a correct sitting posture, changing posture regularly, and stretching and strengthening the neck muscles are all effective ways to reduce the burden on the cervical spine and prevent cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spine discomfort, massage carefully!

The health of the cervical spine, one of the most delicate and complex structures in the human body, is essential for the functioning of the entire body. When neck pain occurs, many people's first instinct may be to seek a massage to relieve the discomfort. However, improper massage may not only not help reduce the pain, but may actually exacerbate the injury. The reason behind this is determined by the unique structure and function of the cervical spine.

Structural complexity of the cervical spine

The cervical spine is made up of seven vertebrae that are connected by discs and a complex system of ligaments, as well as important nerves and blood vessels. This area not only supports the weight of the head, but is also responsible for protecting the spinal cord and vital nerve pathways. Therefore, any inappropriate physical intervention, such as casual massage, can lead to disc damage, nerve compression, or ligament strain, which can lead to more serious consequences.

Risks of improper massage

Casual massage can lead to neck muscle strain, herniated disc, and even nerve damage due to improper technique, uncomfortable force, or incorrect operation. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people with pre-existing cervical spine lesions, more caution is required. If the massage is not done properly, it may not only exacerbate the existing injury, but also induce new cervical spine problems.

The neck hurts again, be careful that cervical spondylosis quietly finds you, and the doctor emphasizes that you can't massage at will

The right approach to cervical spine care

In the face of cervical spine discomfort, it is important to properly assess the severity and potential cause of the symptoms. Mild neck fatigue may be relieved with proper rest, improved posture, and specially designed cervical exercises. For persistent neck pain, it is important to seek diagnosis and advice from a medical professional. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy, rehabilitation or other nonsurgical therapies to relieve pain and improve cervical spine health.

Cervical spine health starts with your daily routine

In terms of cervical spondylosis prevention and daily care, we need to realize that the health of the cervical spine is not just about avoiding pain, it is related to the posture of the whole body and the normal functioning of the nervous system. Here are some practical strategies to help you maintain cervical spine health and prevent cervical spondylosis.

1. Correct sitting and standing posture

Maintaining a correct sitting and standing posture is key to preventing cervical spondylosis. Make sure the screen is at eye level when using your computer or looking at your phone for long periods of time to reduce pressure on your neck tilting forward. Use an ergonomic chair with your back upright and your feet flat on the floor.

2. Change your posture regularly

Holding the same position for long periods of time can increase pressure on the neck. Stand up and move every 30 minutes to 1 hour, doing gentle neck and shoulder stretches to help relieve tension and stress.

3. Strengthens neck muscles

Performing specially designed neck exercises can strengthen the neck muscles and improve their support. Simple neck stretching and rotation exercises, done several times a day, can significantly improve neck flexibility and strength.

4. Attention sleep figure 势

Use a suitable pillow, keep your neck in natural alignment with your spine, and avoid using pillows that are too high or too low. In the sleeping position, try to keep your back or side lying and avoid lying on your stomach to reduce neck twisting.

5. Reduce the need to keep your head down for long periods of time to operate devices on small screens

Playing with your phone or reading a device with a small screen bowed for a long time will increase the burden on your neck. It is recommended to raise your head regularly and adjust the eye distance to reduce the continuous use time as much as possible.

6. Proper massage and treatment

In the face of neck discomfort, it is not advisable to perform a strong massage on your own, which may exacerbate cervical spine problems. If neck pain is frequent, it is advisable to seek the diagnosis and advice of a medical professional and use appropriate treatment.

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