
Eating "walnuts" can replenish the brain? Wrong! Eating walnuts often can reap four benefits

author:Dr. Cheng talks about health

On a quiet afternoon, Uncle Zhang, as usual, sat on a park bench, slowly nibbling on his walnuts while talking with his old friends about how to stay healthy. Many of them are convinced that walnuts are excellent "brain food" that can improve memory and even prevent aging. Uncle Zhang, who is also a staunch supporter of this view, does not forget to supplement this "magical" food every day. However, as a few months passed, Uncle Zhang found that his memory had not improved significantly. This made him wonder if the gossip about walnuts was true or false.

Eating "walnuts" can replenish the brain? Wrong! Eating walnuts often can reap four benefits

Analysis of the nutritional content of walnuts

The Guardian of the Heart: The Mystery of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Walnuts are known as the "king of dried fruits," in part because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This particular fatty acid is essential for heart health. Omega-3s can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, specifically, it helps lower blood levels of triacylglycerol and low-density lipoprotein (commonly known as "bad cholesterol"). In addition, omega-3 fatty acids also have blood pressure-lowering and anti-inflammatory effects, which means that eating walnuts regularly helps keep blood vessels elastic and healthy, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The double gospel of muscles and gut: protein and fiber

Not only are walnuts high in healthy fats, but they are also a source of high-quality protein and fiber. Protein is an important building block of the body and is essential for maintaining and increasing muscle mass, especially in middle-aged and older people. As we age, maintaining adequate protein intake can help slow the loss of muscle mass and maintain strength and vitality in the body.

Fiber plays an integral role in maintaining digestive health. Not only does it help prevent constipation, but it also helps maintain a good balance of intestinal flora. This balance is important for overall health, including the function of the immune system and the prevention of chronic diseases. By promoting gut health, walnuts indirectly support the body's immune system and inflammatory response.

Practical benefits

Guardian of the Heart: The Cardiovascular Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts, a nut rich in omega-3 fatty acids, are invaluable for heart health. By consuming a moderate amount of walnuts on a daily basis, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be significantly reduced. Specifically, omega-3 fatty acids help lower blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called "bad" cholesterol, while raising levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), protecting blood vessels from damage caused by inflammation and buildup. In addition, the antioxidants in walnuts, such as vitamin E and polyphenols, can further defend against arteriosclerosis and add a layer of protection to heart health.

Natural enemy of inflammation: the anti-inflammatory properties of walnuts

Chronic inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer's disease. The Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts, especially α-linolenic acid (ALA), are a rare plant-based source of Omega-3 in nature, which can effectively reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, walnuts are also rich in plant compounds, which are able to further reduce the levels of inflammatory markers, thereby helping to prevent and manage chronic diseases.

Helpers for weight control: walnuts and satiety

Despite the high energy density of walnuts, their high fiber and high protein properties make them ideal for weight control. Both fiber and protein can increase feelings of fullness, reduce hunger, and help avoid overeating. One study found that people who consumed walnuts regularly performed better in terms of dietary control and were more effective in weight management. Therefore, incorporating walnuts into your daily diet can be part of a healthy weight management strategy.

Eating "walnuts" can replenish the brain? Wrong! Eating walnuts often can reap four benefits

Friends for gut health: walnuts and the gut flora

Walnuts are not only rich in heart-friendly fatty acids, but they also contain a lot of fiber that is good for gut health. These fibers can promote the growth of beneficial intestinal flora and maintain the balance of intestinal ecology. A healthy gut flora is associated with many positive health outcomes, including improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases. Eating walnuts regularly can be a simple and effective way to maintain gut health and promote overall well-being.

How to eat walnuts correctly

In moderation: the daily intake of walnuts is recommended

Although walnuts are highly nutritious, they should also be eaten in moderation. The recommended daily intake of walnuts is a handful (about 28 grams), which not only reaps its health benefits, but also avoids excessive fat and calorie intake. Portion sizes can be taken as a snack or as part of a meal, such as sprinkled on salads or cereal.

Eating "walnuts" can replenish the brain? Wrong! Eating walnuts often can reap four benefits

Part of a varied diet: the dietary role of walnuts

Walnuts should be seen as part of a balanced diet, not as a stand-alone health solution. A healthy diet should include a variety of foods to ensure that all essential nutrients are consumed. Walnuts can be eaten in combination with other types of nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, as well as whole grains to promote nutritional diversity and balance.

Innovative ways to eat: a variety of walnuts

Walnuts can be eaten not only raw, but also by baking, grinding, or adding to a variety of dishes to add flavor and nutrients. For example, ground walnuts can be used as a thickener in sauces or as one of the ingredients in bread and pastries. Walnut oil is also a healthy cooking oil that is suitable for low-temperature cooking and coleslaw. Exploring the different ways to eat walnuts can make your daily diet more colorful.

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