
Is it better to treat cough with peppermint, dried ginger and fine spice?

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Dried ginger, peppermint, and fine pungent three flavors all have the effect of pungent powder, which is a commonly used medicine for the treatment of phlegm and cough, but due to different properties and different effects, the clinical application must be distinguished.

1 dried ginger

Dried ginger is an important medicine for treating cold and drinking phlegm. Its taste is pungent, its nature is warm, it enters the lungs, spleen, stomach, heart, kidney meridians, it has the function of dispelling cold and warmth, dissolving phlegm and drinking, dispelling phlegm and salivation, and stopping vomiting. Clinically, it is often combined with cinnamon branches, fine spices, schisandra chinensis, and licorice to treat lung cold and cough, and the phlegm and saliva are as thin as white foam.

It is not good for the phlegm of chronic bronchitis in the elderly, and the cold drink certificate of cold limbs and greasy taste is more effective.

Is it better to treat cough with peppermint, dried ginger and fine spice?

Dried ginger mainly contains capsaicin and ginger oil, which can stimulate the reflex of the vascular motor center and sympathetic nerve, so as to enhance the movement of the mucocilia of the tracheal wall, which is conducive to salivation and coughing up.

Ginger enters the lung meridian, and the pungent disperses and warms, which has the effect of warming the lungs and dissipating cold and drinking. Cold drink stored in the lungs will cause coughing, coughing up white foamy thin phlegm, difficult to break the root, often dry ginger + schisandra mixed use.

Dried ginger warms the lungs, Schisandra chinensis collects the lungs, and can be used to relieve cough and asthma, which can be a good aid in regulating the cough caused by cold drinking and subduing the lungs.

The medicinal properties of dried ginger are warm, and dried ginger is not the same as ginger. Ginger is the cold in the stomach, and the dried ginger is warm, and it is the cold in the lungs, and too cold in the lungs will cause the qi to go up and cough, so the dry ginger can go to the cold of the lungs.

2 mint

As for the effect of peppermint, it is the opposite of dried ginger, especially the main components of peppermint oil, menthol, etc., which can act on sensory nerve endings and paralyze them, and external use has the effect of relieving pain and itching.

Is it better to treat cough with peppermint, dried ginger and fine spice?

Peppermint is cool, spicy, returns to the lung meridian and liver meridian, and has the effect of diverging wind and heat, relieving pharynx, and clearing the head. Generally speaking, for cough caused by wind and heat in the lungs, there is a certain adjuvant treatment effect, such as cough, yellow sticky phlegm, thick phlegm, and not easy to cough out, accompanied by nasal congestion, yellow pus nasal discharge, fever is relatively severe, cold intolerance is relatively mild, sore throat, yellow urine, dry stool, pale red tongue, thin yellow moss and other symptoms, you can use peppermint to boil water, play the role of clearing the head, relieving cough and throat, and diverging wind and heat.

In addition to peppermint, you can also use double flower, forsythia, bellflower, reed root and other drugs that have the effect of evacuating wind and heat to boil water and drink directly, which can treat the symptoms of cough, yellow and sticky phlegm caused by wind and heat in the lungs.

In recent times, peppermint oil has been used to treat cough medicine, which makes the throat feel cold after taking it, so the itchy throat disappears, and the cough is temporarily suppressed.

In fact, the use of peppermint oil to suppress cough has more disadvantages and less benefits, especially for those who have an external cough at the beginning and phlegm and vomiting, which inhibits the cough and saliva can not be discharged, which will lead to chest tightness and shortness of breath.

For diseases such as chronic bronchitis and pediatric bronchial asthma in the elderly, it is more inappropriate to use drugs that paralyze sensory nerves to suppress cough.

It is said: Peppermint is spicy and cool, can evacuate the scorching wind heat, clear the throat, and penetrate the addiction rash, and it is suitable for wind-heat cough, dry ginger is pungent and warm, and it is suitable for wind-cold cough, which seems to be in line with the syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine.

Is it better to treat cough with peppermint, dried ginger and fine spice?

However, the predecessors used mint to treat wind and heat, all of which were decoctions, and most of the volatile oil contained in them had been dissipated after frying, and they were mixed with front beard and burdock to dissipate wind heat.

3. Assarium

As for the asaroxin, it is the most effective for cold drinks, cough and asthma. However, there are not many users in modern times, and they are afraid of its fierce nature.

Fang Shu Youyun: "The amount of hard work is not more than money", which refers to the fact that it is an empirical talk in terms of swallowing at the end of the study. Try to take a stem of asparaxin and chew it in the mouth, the tip of the tongue suddenly feels numb, so it can be used as a local anesthetic.

The decoction should be 3~5 grams to be effective.

Fine pungent warm, pungent taste, into the heart, lungs, liver, kidney meridians, function to disperse wind and cold, internalize cold drink, dispel rheumatism, treat paralysis and pain.

"Treatise on Typhoid Fever" Xiaoqinglong soup and ephedra aconite fine spicy soup are all used with this product.

Traditional Chinese medicine treats phlegm and cough, focusing on syndrome differentiation, which first distinguishes new diseases, external and internal injuries, and carefully examines the cold, heat, deficiency and reality, and then legislates and selects prescriptions. Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to sex and taste, and sex and taste are the main ones.

Is it better to treat cough with peppermint, dried ginger and fine spice?

Xin can warm the lungs to dissolve phlegm drink, so it is mainly used for the treatment of lung cold cough, phlegm multi-quality dilute white disease, often with dry ginger, Banxia and other compatible applications.

This product can also clear the nose and treat mouth sores. It is used for nasal abyss, often with Angelica dahurica and other applications, and for mouth and tongue sores, it can be used alone with a taste of fine pungent and applied to the umbilicus at the end of grinding.

North fine pungent (like to clean, dried, chopped for use), scorched fine pungent (mixed with honey to reduce the warmth and dispersion)

Xiaoqinglong soup is a symptom of the cold, and the fine pungent is used to cleanse the water and remove the water, so when we have water storage on our body, this water is not very heavy water storage, it is gas-like water, and it can be used with fine pungent and fine pungent can remove the cold and reverse it. Some people cough and cough very badly, their throat is itchy, and their mouth is not thirsty, which is a typical Xiaoqinglong soup syndrome, because the itchy throat is the continuous upward flow of water vapor and the itching inside the throat, which is the standard Xiaoqinglong soup symptom. The purpose of the small green dragon soup is because there is cold water and cold air in the body, so the dry ginger can go to the cold, and the fine pine can go to a little cold water gas, and use the fine pungent to treat the water gas against the itchy throat.

Is it better to treat cough with peppermint, dried ginger and fine spice?

Asarum can not only dissipate wind and cold externally, but also dispel yin and cold internally, and at the same time have better pain relief and antitussive effects. Although this product has a good effect of dissipating cold, but the sweating force is weak, it is not used as the main drug in the general anti-surface prescription, and is mainly used in two aspects of clinical use for wind and cold symptoms: or external help ephedra to sweat and relieve the surface, and internal help aconite to help yang warm the kidneys, and treat the external wind and cold, shape cold and other symptoms of yang deficiency constitution; or take it with both cough and analgesic effects, and use it for wind and cold symptoms with headache, body pain or cough. In addition, in terms of antitussiveness, it can be combined with dried ginger to warm the lungs and dissolve phlegm, with Schisandra chinensis to open and close at the same time, and with ephedra to promote lung qi; in terms of pain relief, it can be combined with Angelica dahurica to treat toothache, with Chuanxiong to treat headache, and with aconitum to treat paralysis pain, all of which are commonly used compatibility application methods for reference.

Dried ginger, peppermint, and fine pungent are the three medicines, although they all have a pungent taste, but they are different from pungent and cool, pungent and warm, and each has its own characteristics and effects.

Doctors must scrutinize their performance before they can prescribe the right medicine. The use of medicine is still the use of soldiers, and the temporary legislation is like sending soldiers to the battle, and if the generals are not properly dispatched, the army will be defeated, and if the drugs are improperly used, the disease will be difficult to heal.

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