
The little tiger was born on February 6, thirteen months and seven days old, and pasted it on the door frame with tape to see how the children went out.

author:Becoming a grandmother without makeup

Little Tiger Grows Up

February 6th

Thirteen months and seven days old

Stick it on the door frame with tape to see how the children go out, only to stick one, and the children found it, and they escaped smoothly with a bite. subsidized two layers, the children used the way of tearing both sides, the way of strong attack, but it was unsuccessful, Lele Hehe lay down and came out,

I took the children out to watch the lights, slipped beautifully, slipped and fell from time to time, and got up by myself without help.

Independence!Raised from an early age, #养娃的碎碎念# #育娃的那些事儿# #育儿日常日记#

The little tiger was born on February 6, thirteen months and seven days old, and pasted it on the door frame with tape to see how the children went out.
The little tiger was born on February 6, thirteen months and seven days old, and pasted it on the door frame with tape to see how the children went out.
The little tiger was born on February 6, thirteen months and seven days old, and pasted it on the door frame with tape to see how the children went out.

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