
Liangshan: Lively and lively New Year's paintings, prosperous New Year

author:Daliangshan night talk


On February 2, the 2024 New Year Cultural Benefit Activity of Liangshan Prefecture and Xichang City was held in Daxing Township, Xichang City, with the theme of "Appreciating the New Year and Painting the New Year". Brightly colored and lifelike New Year's paintings are neatly arranged on the scene, shining under the warm winter sun.

"Today is the day of the Daxing Township market, I came to buy New Year's goods, I heard the gongs and drums here, it was very lively, I was also attracted to come, the show is really exciting. Gong Yuanmei, a citizen of Xichang City, said.

Liangshan: Lively and lively New Year's paintings, prosperous New Year

......The Yi dance "Torch Sister", the classical dance "Han Palace Dress", erhu solo, wind music performance and other wonderful programs attracted the audience to applaud again and again, especially when the intangible cultural heritage inheritors performed Sichuan opera and changed their faces and spit fire, the children in the audience were deeply shocked, for fear of being blocked by the crowd, and climbed on their father's shoulders.

In addition to the wonderful performances, the event site also set up free Spring Festival couplets, take family photos, wood-block New Year painting rubbing and other booths, calligraphers splashed ink, a piece of meaning peace, harmony, auspicious Spring Festival couplets to the masses who heard the news. Many people made an appointment with their families, standing happily next to the New Year's paintings, and the staff used cameras to help them freeze the reunion moment.

"We use photography as a medium to enhance the well-being of local residents at this time of farewell to the old and welcome the new. Guo Yaying, a staff member of the Liangshan Prefecture Cultural Center, said while standing in front of the booth where family photos were taken for free.

Liangshan: Lively and lively New Year's paintings, prosperous New Year

The children were attracted by the rubbing of the wooden New Year's paintings, eager to try, they carefully painted the red paint all over the wooden board, and then covered the white paper, after a while, a vivid image of the New Year's pictures was born from their hands, and the children were overjoyed to see their works.

"I came to the market with my mother today, and I saw a lot of beautiful paintings on the shelves here, so I ran over, and just now an uncle told me that these paintings are called 'New Year paintings', and he also taught me how to paint them!" said Wang Hongyu, a 7-year-old child.

Liangshan: Lively and lively New Year's paintings, prosperous New Year

Through guided tours, explanations, interactive exchanges, etc., this activity helps the masses appreciate the works of New Year paintings, improve their aesthetic literacy, and fully feel the unique charm of traditional culture and the value of the times. It also creates a joyful, peaceful, happy and civilized festival atmosphere for further promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, welcoming the arrival of the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon and sending beautiful New Year's blessings to the masses.

Source: Sichuan Online Liangshan Channel

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