
(Monthly) APP 12 horoscopes for February 2024

author:Say fortune
(Monthly) APP 12 horoscopes for February 2024


At the beginning of February, you might want to splurge, which is actually a good idea. You need to treat yourself in a special way once in a while to recognize all the hard work you've put in and simply take care of yourself. Just make sure you set an amount that you can easily spend and then know when to stop. In that case, you won't have to worry when the bill comes. A person you meet in some peculiar way, for example, during a camping trip or a concert, may give you an unexpected life lesson.

In fact, its revelations may not strike you right away, but what you learn will stay with you for a long time. Your stamina may be put to the test in a project that someone draws you to work on. You may even begin to question whether you should be a part of it, or simply quit gracefully. However, if you take care of yourself during the experience – take proper rest, eat well, manage stress well – you will feel satisfied when you complete the task. Keep it up... By the third week of February, you may receive invitations from family and friends to do something together. Even if you're not in the mood for a networking event, make sure you say no to your favorite invitation.


Dear Taurus, you may feel more moody, emotional, and "vulnerable" this month – at least at first. Usually, you are a strong person. You give the impression that nothing bothers you, at least it seems. You do, though, have an emotional well that you often suffer in silence. However, at the beginning of the month, all this may be on the surface, and you have to make it okay. You may find that if you express your feelings in some crucial situations and dig into some hidden feelings, everything will turn out very well.

By the end of the first week of February, you should be back on balance and may even find your mood quite uplifted and happy. This is good because you will have to work with people you don't know and do things that you are not familiar with. A good attitude is essential to your success. Collaboration will be most useful this month on work or team-related projects. While there will be a lot of work to be done, the interaction between the team members and the activity itself will have the potential to make the experience very enjoyable. This could also lead to similar projects in the future. The harder you work this month, the better you feel. Lately you've felt like you've been wasting your time, and what you really need is a sense of accomplishment, and you're going to have a lot of that accomplishment throughout February.


This month, you may find yourself more prone to dreaming, dear twins – or at least remembering yours. You may wake up with some strange dream memories, but be careful that you don't understand it in the wrong way. What you're going through is so vivid that it scares you, but it doesn't have to be. Try to understand that your dream life is usually about solving problems that are bothering you, so if you wake up with strange sensations, this shouldn't be seen as a bad omen. Try to recall your dreams and figure out how you can deal with the subject in a targeted manner, and think through any tangled things in your head. February is going to be an incredible month for relationships, especially for romance. Single twins may notice a lot of flirting and swearing, and you want to chase flowers and grass. If you have a partner, your partner may show extra attention to you, so enjoy it. By the second week of the month, it looks like you'll be more intentional about taking things slow and taking it easy, even though everyone around you is lunging. Follow the feeling and take your time. You'll end up tackling tricky projects thanks to a slower pace and a calmer state of mind. A major project will be delayed before the end of the month, and you may have to use your connections to get things going again. If you do, you'll find that everything will go according to plan after that.

Cancer Translator: Illusion

Recently, some of your heartfelt words have ended up offending others. You are so kind and sensitive, dear Moon Cub, and when you have to say something important and something you passionately desire, you generally don't care if you offend others, but this time it may lead to a serious backlash that affects other areas of your life. This month, this matter may go back and forth in the form of arguments, but if you really want to solve it, you can still solve it, then do you want to solve it? You'll be dealing with at least one difficult person this month, most likely in a work environment, where you have to be mindful of what you say, even if it's true.

If you are not careful, you should be cautious about other important parts of your work or life that may affect you. In a meeting this month, it may be at work or in the group you belong to, you have something important to say, but every time you stand up to say something, someone tries to stop or convince you, maybe this person is jealous of you, maybe this person has a grudge against you, so you have to be resolute, decisive, and say what you think. There may also be a sudden argument involving a family member, most likely at the end of the month, where the family member attacks you on a personal level, instead of using rational logic to argue fairly, but you don't fight back in the same way, respond with reason, logic, and in the end you will win.

Leo Translator: ZX

Dear Leo, it's no secret that you are a very personal person, and that's what many people like about you. However, now in your life, some people may feel that your personality is too strong or has become overbearing when you are helping them solve their problems. Of course, this is not your intention, but if your close friends or family members have expressed to you that they feel overshadowed by you, you have to try to understand that your presence is so strong that it can sometimes intimidate others. Ease it down a little and you can still do a great help.

Or someone else in your life may come to you for help, and you can use your influence at work or in business to help them get what they want or need. You may owe this person a favor, so it can be used as a good way to pay off the debt. One of your ambitious plans may need to be lightened a bit, and this plan may be your personal goal plan. You can do better if you break down the plan into sections and do it in a hurry than if you rush to meet an envisioned deadline. At the end of the month, someone who is knowledgeable may bring you financial insights, which may be a good direction for you to guide in. Either way, listen to these insights before making any final decisions.

Virgo Translator: Illusion

This month, a well-arranged meeting for you from someone you know well can be an important turning point in your career or business, this person has a very important relationship with you, in areas that you think are important, this person has a great influence on you, you can learn a lot, and it is easier to get the resources you need to start your business, dear Virgo. The conversations you start with your family this month can tell a lot, give you a lot of insights, and bring a lot of healing.

You don't really want to hear what the other person has to say at first, but the conversation is important for the person's happiness and your own well-being, so don't be afraid to say what you really mean. At the end of the month, if a friend tells a story with their own subjective processing and wants to tell the story in their favor, you have to pay attention, they may have done something that you would consider a betrayal, trying to cover it up with a completely different portrayal, of course you have to pay attention to what they say, but also pay attention to what they don't say. The unspoken part is more telling than the said part. There may be a good opportunity at the end of the month, which feels very powerful, but to accept this opportunity requires you to give up a lot of other things, the question becomes which is more worthwhile? Give yourself some more time to think carefully before deciding.


Over the past few weeks, you've probably convinced yourself into a very ambitious state, ready to get started! You have big dreams and maybe big plans. Great, Libra. First, though, encourage you to stop and reflect once again on what you want and what you think you have to do to get it. If you take on too much, it can be self-defeating. Think about what you're going to do strategically without letting your passion drain your energy. Limit your quest to what matters most to you instead of trying to do many things at once. If you do, you'll make a lot of progress this month.

You may have anticipated that you and someone were going to have a big problem at work, and you may have spent a lot of time worrying about it and feeling stressed about it. However, as the time for the meeting or event you've been dreading approaches the time, you may find that all the bad energy is gone. Don't question it. Just do your best to get along with each other and be respectful and hopeful. You need to incorporate more social activities into your social life. Your recent social activity may have been limited to a short phone call or coffee date, but you do benefit a lot from a more active social life. Take a moment this month to plan something – not just a party, maybe a series of meetings with your favorite people. It's good for you!


At the beginning of February, you will suddenly have a chance to leave. This could mean spending a long weekend somewhere in particular and you'll be encouraged to say yes. Even if you have to postpone a planned event or reschedule a meeting or two, it's worth it. You may be given the opportunity to learn something new at work or in the organization you work for. If there is a way, don't say no, and don't be upset about it. You may feel like you don't have enough knowledge to participate, but learning is key. Go ahead and do it. By the second week of February, your dreams may be more vivid than usual. This may be due to the fact that you have been suppressing some fears or worries instead of allowing yourself to think about them.

If you expose these ideas to the sun, you can come up with some great plans to make things better again. It's not as serious as you think. The peace of mind seems too short for you lately. Sometimes you feel good – happy, safe, confident about the future – and then you start worrying again. That's how anxiety sometimes works. Instead of drowning yourself in ominous thoughts, try to recognize that you can create your reality and start taking steps to fix what is bothering you. Ask for help, and you may attract some people to help you in your quest for greater inner peace.


Shooters, you may have some social events this month that you may feel obligated to attend. However, you may not be in the mood to socialize, even though it may be what people expect from you, and you feel paralyzed at the thought of having to pretend to be and pretend to care. You might even wonder how you're going to get through it all. But if you don't let your thoughts turn into fear, you can do it. Even though you may not be able to shake off your commitment, you can give yourself some time beforehand. Give yourself a quiet place and space to relax and unwind, and you'll be ready for anything.

Do this often, and everything will go smoothly and you might even have a great time. A charity event or volunteer experience at the end of February may put you with someone who will eventually become your good friend or even a business partner. This may be a very noble cause for you, but it can be extended to bigger things. This month is a great month for you to turn your dreams into reality. If you've been playing with dream thoughts to make one of your dreams a reality, the universe will put everything you need in your path to make it happen. The timing is perfect!

Capricorn Translator: Liu Xiaomei

Capricorn, this month you may need to learn or certify something that is completely new to you. This could mean enrolling in a training program or learning from someone who might be a mentor. While this may seem particularly annoying at first, especially if you're already busy with other things, this will be quite valuable to you in the near future, so don't focus on the annoying aspects. Be grateful. You may learn about an exciting new beginning that will happen to you at the end of the month or shortly after.

This could be promotion-related, or some other experience that may bring you additional income and higher prestige. Allow yourself to be confident and enthusiastic about it, because the more you invest, the better the results will be for you. This month, if you accept an invitation from a friend or colleague to try something different, you may find yourself with a new hobby. It may be something to do with creativity or movement, but it can set you down a path you didn't plan for, which can give you great stress relief and satisfaction. You may not be able to do anything about who is in charge, but if you don't take it too seriously, the results should be good for you. The key is to stay calm and collected.


If you've experienced conflict and subsequent estrangement from someone who was once very special in your life, this month may give you a chance to get back together. This may be something you've been thinking a lot about lately, dear Aquarius, so be prepared when this opportunity presents itself. What do you want to say? How will you feel? If you think about it in advance, you will feel more comfortable when the time comes. At the same time, someone else in your life – someone who may have argued with you – may want to clarify. Looking at both experiences in parallel will make you wiser and help you understand how to navigate the possibilities. In the middle of the month, the child may play a role in your life.

This can mean anything from a friend or family member asking to babysit to you considering the possibility of having a child of your own. Either way, it should be an enjoyable experience. Taking on a new task at the start of the month can be a little daunting, but you should soon find out that you're feeling right. In fact, the experience may even inspire you to consider a new role at work. You may have a strong urge to splurge at the end of the month. If you do, make sure you really enjoy the experience without regrets or reconsiderations. Once in a while you do deserve this luxury.


Have you lived up to your potential, Pisces? Maybe someone said so to you, maybe you're not satisfied with where you are. Of course, it's worth thinking about, because you have so much potential. Sometimes it's yourself who stands in your way, because you can't recognize your talents. In fear of failure, you can't fulfill your cherished desires. This month, there will be opportunities to pop up and explore what you can achieve. Try to be on the same frequency as you will see yourself in a brighter and new light.

A familiar face will appear in a place you wouldn't normally think they would appear. Maybe it's someone you knew before, who now comes to your place of work, or through a mutual friend you didn't know existed before. This is a good thing because it means you need to reconnect with them. Someone in your life may have recently said something unpleasant or offended you, and you've been minding about it. However, if you look at the matter in depth in a way that understands the other person's past, you will find that they have a good heart and do not have any malicious intent. Try to forgive them and forget about these unpleasantness.

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