
The lungs and kidneys are deficient in yin, and the yin deficiency is vigorous, and the lily solid gold soup is used

author:Zheng Zhihuan

Lily Gujin Tang comes from the "Collection of Medical Prescriptions", which has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, etc., and can mainly treat symptoms such as dry throat and thirst, cough and less phlegm, blood in the sputum or soreness of the waist and knees caused by lung and kidney yin deficiency, some lung diseases or chronic pharyngitis, etc., belong to lung and kidney yin deficiency, and this formula is often used.

The lungs and kidneys are deficient in yin, and the yin deficiency is vigorous, and the lily solid gold soup is used

According to legend, there was a woman called Lily in ancient times, kind and intelligent, deeply loved by the common people, one day Lily suddenly fell ill, coughing and wheezing in the lungs and other symptoms, the doctor in the village had no way to treat it, and then a traveling Langzhong passed by, and prescribed a prescription, which was the formula of Lily Gujin Soup, and later under the conditioning of Langzhong, the condition gradually improved and recovered.

The lungs and kidneys are deficient in yin, and the yin deficiency is vigorous, and the lily solid gold soup is used

Lily solid gold soup is mainly composed of lily, rehmannia rehmannia, rehmannia root, wheat winter, scutellaria, angelica, white peony, bellflower, fritillary, licorice and other traditional Chinese medicines.

Some patients often cough and cough up phlegm repeatedly, if the phlegm is less and sticky and not easy to cough up, or accompanied by dry throat, dry mouth, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, and less dry tongue, etc., it belongs to the lung and kidney yin deficiency, deficiency and inflammation, are suitable for the addition and subtraction of Lily Gujin decoction, which is mainly used to nourish yin and moisten the lungs, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough.

The lungs and kidneys are deficient in yin, and the yin deficiency is vigorous, and the lily solid gold soup is used

Lily, Mai Dong, Xuanshen and other traditional Chinese medicines in Lily Gujin Tang can nourish yin and moisten the lungs; Chinese medicinal materials such as Rehman, Angelica, and White Peony can nourish yin and nourish blood; Platycodon, fritillary, licorice, etc. can dissolve phlegm and relieve cough, therefore, the combination of all medicines can play a role in nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough.

It should be noted that the use of Lily Gujin Tang also needs to be specifically dialectical, and some coughs with deficiency and cold syndrome or phlegm-dampness are not suitable for treatment with Lily Gujin Tang, and there are related symptoms, and they can also be used under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.

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