
To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

author:Shenzhen is bright

79 times "Science and Technology", 70 times "Innovation", 43 times "Science City", 132 times "Industry", 24 times "Talents", 17 times "Scientific Research", ...... In the 2024 government work report of Guangming District, Shenzhen, scientific and technological innovation has become a high-frequency word, and it is also the most distinctive temperament of this scientific highland. Guangming has become the region with the most concentrated layout of major scientific and technological innovation carriers, the fastest convergence of innovation momentum, and the largest comprehensive innovation investment in the Greater Bay Area.

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

In 2023, the light walks towards the light

The main indicators of economic development

All of them exceeded expectations and achieved their annual goals

Development results are more "warm"

The scientific answer sheet is more "thick"

A few key indicators can be glimpsed of the leopard:

The added value of industries above designated size was 100.697 billion yuan, up by 9.2 percent, and the added value of strategic emerging industries is expected to be 92.5 billion yuan, accounting for more than 60 percent of GDP. There are more than 140 enterprises in the future industry. The number of listed companies increased to 32, and the number of state-owned high-tech enterprises exceeded 2,000. The number of specialized, special and new enterprises increased to 751, including 56 "little giant" enterprises, and 864 projects were introduced throughout the year......


In accelerating the construction of a world-class science city

and the northern center of Shenzhen on the journey

How Light Stimulates New Kinetic Energy,

Win new victories and create new advantages?

Accelerating the agglomeration of innovation carriers

Unleash a stronger "scientific flavor"

With the construction of the largest scientific facility and the world's top fourth-generation advanced light source large scientific device since the establishment of Shenzhen, the gathering of bright science and technology innovation resources is accelerating. Last year, a series of major breakthroughs were made in the construction of 24 major scientific and technological innovation carriers planned and laid out by Guangming Science City, with 20 projects under construction and operation, and the R&D investment of the whole society exceeded 10 billion yuan for the first time.

Judging from the report of the two sessions this year, the innovation carrier of Guangming Science City has been speeding up, the second phase of the supercomputing computer room building has been capped, and the three major devices of synthetic biology research, brain analysis and brain simulation, and material genome have been officially put into operation. The introduction of large institutes has also been accelerated, the construction of the National Key Laboratory of Quantitative Synthetic Biology has been approved, the Guangming Advanced Research Institute of Southern University of Science and Technology has been inaugurated, and 9 key projects have been signed and implemented, including the Shenzhen Industrial Technology Innovation Research Institute of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Zhongbing Intelligent Innovation Research Institute (Shenzhen).

At the same time, we will speed up the "investment and operation" of large scientific devices, build the world's leading cluster of large scientific devices in life science, information science and materials science, and accelerate the formation of a strong scientific magnetic attraction effect, so that the bright "scientific flavor" is stronger.

As we all know, there are many difficulties in scientific and technological innovation, and one of the "hard bones" is original innovation. In the eyes of industry insiders, the root cause of many of the "bottleneck" constraints faced by the mainland is that the investment in basic theoretical research cannot keep up, and the underlying logic of source innovation is lacking. Only high-quality basic research and original innovation can inject strong momentum into the construction of a modern economic system.

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

Guided by source innovation, Guangming Science City deeply integrates research universities and basic research institutions through high-level open and shared large scientific facilities, promotes innovation diffusion and linkage, and produces a number of high-quality original innovation achievements. Different from traditional scientific research, which follows the linearity of "from basic research to applied research to industrial development and application", Guangming Science City pays more attention to basic research caused by application, practices a new paradigm that generates innovative achievements at the forefront of industrial needs, and promotes the deep integration of science and industry.

As Sun Huaming, deputy director of the Political Research Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and deputy director of the Reform Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, expects, Guangming should focus on the big picture, pay more attention to originality, leadership and systematic reform, and contribute to the construction of Shenzhen as an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence.

"Science Empowerment"

Accelerate the emergence of scientific research results

"Many scientific research institutions and innovation teams are working day and night, hoping to produce more innovative inventions and occupy a new highland of scientific research and economy. At the two sessions, Chen Jianmin, a member of the District Political Consultative Conference, sighed.

From the basic frontier direction to the continuous emergence of major original achievements, this is the inevitable path for Guangming to activate the momentum of scientific and technological innovation from 0 to 1.

In fact, another "hard bone" on the road of scientific and technological innovation is the transformation of achievements. Some people in the industry pointed out that there is an embarrassment in the scientific research economy: the research and development results of universities or scientific research institutes are too "high" for enterprises to use; and many technical problems encountered by domestic enterprises in the production process are unwilling or unable to be done by universities and scientific research institutes, which cannot solve practical problems, and the market demand and scientific research supply are in a serious disconnect state.

How does major technology infrastructure empower industries?

What kind of sparks will collide when science meets industry?

In this two sessions, Guangming gave the answer:

Towards scientific empowerment

An important indicator of scientific empowerment is the transformation of achievements. The 2024 Guangming District Government Work Report proposes that the ability to transform achievements is continuing to improve, and the National Biomanufacturing Industry Innovation Center has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and officially settled in Guangming. The Guangming Biomedical Innovation Center was put into operation, two proof-of-concept centers for precision instruments and equipment, and nervous system disease intervention technology were recognized at the municipal level, and professional verification platforms such as the pilot industrialization base for new materials were completed and put into use. There are 33 new innovation platforms at or above the municipal level and 6 new incubators at the district level. The city took the lead in piloting the key projects of "synthetic biology" and "brain science and brain-like intelligence" in the urban area, and promoted enterprises to undertake 17 major scientific and technological research projects at the municipal level, and the number of innovation consortia exceeded 50.

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

At present, large-scale scientific devices represented by synthetic biology research, brain analysis and brain simulation have been put into use one after another, and the innovation carrier has shifted from construction to construction. In the field of information, the "Pengcheng Cloud Brain" network intelligent large scientific device laid out by Guangming Science City will promote the R&D and industrialization of artificial intelligence-based autonomous driving, robotics and other application technologies after completion.

"Science is everywhere, and the scientific and technological problems that need to be tackled actually come from the production practices of all walks of life. Scientists who really solve problems must have an industry background. Li Zhimin, vice president of the Chinese Society for Education Development Strategy and chairman of the Talent Development Professional Committee, believes.

Guangming has increasingly become the main battlefield for the Greater Bay Area to drive industrial innovation through technological innovation. This city of science is focusing on the whole process of "0-1-10-∞" innovation, bringing the "nuclear fusion" effect to urban development, promoting the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, organically connecting the "first kilometer" of basic research with the "last kilometer" of achievement transformation and market application, and dredging the "dual lane" of two-way link.

"Beads in a Chain"

Build a modern industrial system

To stimulate new kinetic energy with new quality productivity and vigorously promote new industrialization, we must fall into the main body of the enterprise itself, pay more attention to the innovation link and industrial chain, and "string beads into a chain", both the "beads" and the "chain" - this is the proper meaning of building a modern industrial system.

From the perspective of industrial energy level, it has steadily increased: the output value of strategic emerging industries accounts for more than 60% of GDP, the future industrial output value will increase by more than 70%, the number of national high-tech enterprises has exceeded 2,000, the number of specialized and special new enterprises has increased to 751, and the number of "little giant" enterprises has increased to 56, and it has been selected as one of the "Top 100 National Industrial Zones in 2023". 18 industrial projects have been completed, 25 have been started, and more than 700 high-quality projects such as Sinopharm GE, Siemens, and Haier have been introduced throughout the year.

It is important to note:

This party congress and two sessions

All of them attach special importance to the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation

Clearly put forward to support large enterprises to "stand up to the sky"

Play as a leading enterprise

The role of the main engine of innovation of the chain owner

Under such a concept, it is logical to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. Last year, Guangming's key industrial clusters accelerated their growth, and industrial development gradually moved from point force to clustering, with chain owners gathering the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, driving the industrial cluster to leap in an all-round way. For example, the scale of industrial clusters such as ultra-high-definition video display and new materials has exceeded 100 billion, the scale of high-end medical device industry clusters has exceeded 50 billion, and smart sensors have grown into 10 billion-level industrial clusters.

To stimulate the momentum of scientific and technological innovation, finance is a key variable. In line with the "Five Major Articles on Finance" advocated by the Central Financial Work Conference, last year's Guangming "Science and Technology Finance" can be described as intensively recruiting and taking advantage of the momentum to grow. For example, a number of measures have been introduced to support the development of science and technology finance, the Guangming Science City Venture Capital Federation has been established, the Guangming Science and Technology Finance Conference has been held, the Shenzhen Venture Capital Day has been launched to enter the light, the "10 billion-level" Guangming Science City Fund of Funds has been launched, and three municipal industrial funds with a total scale of 7.5 billion yuan have been implemented, including smart sensors, synthetic biology and brain science, and sub-funds such as Guangming Zhiyuan and Softbank Xinchuang Medical Cooperation.

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

With all the innovative elements of the industrial chain, how to show new achievements in the construction of a modern industrial system led by scientific and technological innovation in the future? Guangming District gave the answer: vigorously promote new industrialization. According to the deployment, in 2024, on the basis of continuing to expand future industries such as synthetic biology industry, brain science and brain-like intelligence industry, Guangming District will aim at the development outlets of industries such as electrochemical energy storage, artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, cells and genes, identify the subdivision track and make precise efforts, and put forward the overall output value target for industrial clusters such as ultra-high-definition video display, new materials, high-end medical devices, intelligent sensing, and biomedicine.

Talent "pyramid"

Refracting strategic foresight

The key variable behind the momentum of innovation is people. How to create a gathering place for innovative talents is also a must-have question for Guangming.

Judging from the "answer sheet", the bright talent highland has begun to take shape. The city took the lead in introducing a special incentive policy for overseas talents, implemented the city's first special cultivation action for young scientific and technological talents, and launched the first comprehensive service platform for talents of "Talent Enjoyment", gathering more than 20 academician teams and more than 2,500 high-level talents. Last year, 94 scholars were named to the top 2% of the world's top scientists. There were 251 new PCT international patent applications, and 14,000 valid invention patents were owned, a year-on-year increase of 24%.

The scientific atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. International forums and summits such as the first Guangming Science City Forum, the 2023 Shenzhen Enterprise Innovation and Development Conference, and the first International Biotechnology Innovation and Investment Conference have been successfully held, attracting 100 domestic and foreign academicians and 10,000 representatives of "government, industry, academia and research" to gather, and Guangming's "scientific influence" has been greatly enhanced.

So, what is the uniqueness of the bright light that gathers talents from all over the world?

One of the "tricks" is to dare to be the first.

For example, Shenzhen took the lead in launching the Bole Award for Overseas Talent Introduction, and released Shenzhen's first district-level "Urgently Needed Talent Catalog", and issued a recruitment order to the world.

Another "trick" is to be eclectic and break through the routine to bring in top talent.

For example, it took the lead in implementing the "one thing, one discussion" to introduce strategic scientists from all over the world, providing a package of "policy packages" such as scientific research funds, team support, and living guarantees, and giving up to 10 million yuan of independent scientific research funding support.

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "implement a more active, more open and more effective talent policy". In response to this mobilization order, Guangming built a characteristic "talent pyramid".

What is the "talent pyramid"? Relevant people explained, relying on the advantages of large scientific devices and scientific research institutes, strengthen the platform to gather talents, gather talents with talents, and vigorously introduce strategic scientists, science and technology leaders and other "spire" talents, so as to inject a steady stream of strong kinetic energy into the original innovation. Guangming District further clarifies the criteria for talent identification, and vigorously introduces outstanding engineers, science and technology entrepreneurs, science and technology professional managers and other "tower" talents, so as to provide intellectual support for the development of scientific research and economy. Formulate a plan for the introduction of basic talents as soon as possible, give full play to the role of Guangming Science City as a talent port, expand the basic "tower base" talent team, and provide a solid talent guarantee for the high-quality development of the industry and the growth of enterprises.

Heart-to-heart with talents, the vision depicted in the report of the Guangming District Party Congress makes people yearn for it: to integrate scientific elements into the city and create a "dream home" for talents who are full of science, culture, and fireworks.

Deepening Reform

Stirring up the ecological "butterfly effect"

"It is hoped that the Guangming District Government will learn more experience and provide innovative consulting and technical support services for small and medium-sized enterprises in the district. At the same time, we will increase financial service support and stimulate the emergence of more specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises. Liao Denan, a member of the Guangming District CPPCC, expressed his hope.

The expectations of the committee members are being fulfilled one by one. In recent years, Guangming has opened the "Governance Tips" from the dimensions of institutional opening-up and policy guarantees, intensified exploration, allocated global factor resources, continuously created an ecological climate, and cultivated the soil of science and technology, so that innovation vitality can burst out.

In terms of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, last year, we coordinated and promoted 19 key projects such as the reform of the system and mechanism of the Guangming Science City International Science and Technology Innovation Center, launched more than 80 reform measures, and formed more than 30 institutional innovation achievements.

In June 2023, the "Regulations on the Promotion of the Development of Guangming Science City in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone" was officially implemented, providing a strong legal guarantee for the construction and development of Guangming Science City. Not long ago, the "Several Measures to Promote the Development of Scientific and Technological Innovation in Guangming District, Shenzhen" also threw out a big deal. For example, "support the world's top scientific research platforms, world-class universities and institutes to set up internationally leading scientific and technological innovation carriers in Guangming District, and give a maximum of 100 million yuan in funding according to relevant agreements." ”

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

In terms of attracting investment, last year, Guangming introduced 10 Fortune 500 projects, 5 China's top 500 projects, 22 listed company projects, 10 state-owned enterprise projects, 23 specialized and special new enterprises, and 29 national high-tech enterprises. A number of multinational enterprises such as Siemens, Derongbao and Rheinland, as well as central enterprises and leading enterprises such as Sinopharm, Zhongbing, Haier and Midea, have a bright layout. Keeping an eye on the top 500, "national brands", "central prefixes", and famous multinational companies, recruiting big and strong companies is still the main theme of investment promotion in 2024.

In addition to making efforts to attract investment, Guangming District also pays attention to business stability and stability, launches the "Guangming Store Xiaoer" service brand, innovates service measures such as "park director system" and "small grid", and deepens service models such as "starting construction when land is acquired", "Guangming government assistant" and "I find a market for enterprises", and continues to optimize and improve the business environment. The guarantee of industrial space is more powerful, and 102 hectares of industrial land were released last year.

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

Every number, every exploration, is a micro sample of deepening reform and opening up and caring for the innovation ecology. Through the "promising government", Guangming has a forward-looking layout of the innovation ecology and an "effective market" to efficiently carry the needs of entrepreneurship, giving full play to the "butterfly effect" of science empowering the industry and the industry stimulating innovation.

In the future, Guangming District is planning to establish a set of Guangming Science City index system that conforms to the laws of scientific and technological innovation, highlights the characteristics of scientific research and economy, and leads industrial development, focusing on the scientific concentration index, scientific research height index, achievement transformation index, and integrated development index, so as to provide target guidance for accelerating the construction of the "three places".


When writing a new answer sheet of the times, it is also the time to set sail again.

To stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, how can Guangming answer with high quality?

Standing in the "spotlight" of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the bright "strategic plan" and "action roadmap" in 2024 are becoming clearer. This hard-working hot land has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities, the "scientific gene" has been accelerated into the city's blood, and the gravitational field of "Science City IP" has become stronger and stronger, continuing to attract outstanding talents, high-quality enterprises and innovative elements to settle down. It is foreseeable that the construction of a world-class science city and the bright center of northern Shenzhen will add new momentum to Shenzhen's high-quality development, and make new and greater contributions to Shenzhen's resolute efforts to be at the forefront of promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Content source: The Paper

Editor: Mak Yongyu

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

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