
What is the difference between the flu and the common cold? What should I do to deal with the flu? In the opinion of many people, after getting the flu or the common cold, they will have symptoms such as cough, fever, and runny nose

author:Teacher Bai talks about health

What is the difference between the flu and the common cold, and what should I do about it?

In the eyes of many people, after getting the flu or the common cold, they will have symptoms such as cough, fever, and runny nose, so what is the difference between the two?

First of all, they are different, the flu is highly contagious, and the common cold is weakly contagious.

Secondly, they are different pathogens, influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses, while the common cold is an upper respiratory tract infection caused by rhinovirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc.

Finally, their symptoms are different, the flu can cause high fever, the patient's body temperature usually exceeds 38 °C, headache, muscle aches, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat and general malaise, etc., the common cold is mainly upper respiratory symptoms, including sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, pharyngeal discomfort, etc., the systemic symptoms are mild, no fever or only low-grade fever.

It can be seen that influenza is more contagious, and the symptoms are more complex and severe, and if the symptoms of influenza are not treated early, it is likely to spread to family and friends, and even delay the disease. In terms of symptomatic treatment of influenza, Baiyun Mountain Star Group Xia Sangju Granules is a good choice. Its formula originates from the famous prescription "Sangju Drink" in the famous Qing Dynasty doctor Wu Jutong's "Differentiation of Warm Diseases", which is made of Prunella vulgaris, mulberry leaves, and wild chrysanthemums of the same origin as medicine and food, and can be taken by the elderly and children. It can clear the liver and eyes, dissipate wind and heat dissipation, remove dampness and paralysis, and detoxify sores. As early as 2006, Xingqun Xia Sangju obtained the patent of "an effective part of traditional Chinese medicine against influenza virus and its preparation method", and has won a total of 15 patents so far, which is a household standing medicine for influenza.

Of course, if you want to protect the health of yourself and your family, you must not ignore the usual preventive measures, such as maintaining good hygiene habits and lifestyle, and say no to the flu as much as possible!

What is the difference between the flu and the common cold? What should I do to deal with the flu? In the opinion of many people, after getting the flu or the common cold, they will have symptoms such as cough, fever, and runny nose
What is the difference between the flu and the common cold? What should I do to deal with the flu? In the opinion of many people, after getting the flu or the common cold, they will have symptoms such as cough, fever, and runny nose
What is the difference between the flu and the common cold? What should I do to deal with the flu? In the opinion of many people, after getting the flu or the common cold, they will have symptoms such as cough, fever, and runny nose

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