
Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

author:Dongxiao clips MKzT

Qin Shi Huang's engineering miracles: Exploring the secrets of history

Today, we're going to travel back in time and explore the engineering marvels of Qin Shi Huang, not only a journey through history, but also an adventure that inspires curiosity. Sit tight, we're about to go!

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

1. Zheng Guoqu: The pinnacle of conspiracy and lobbying

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

First, let's unveil the mystery of Zheng Guoqu. Zheng Guo's engineer Zheng Guo was actually a clever part of Han Huan's power scheme! His task was to persuade Qin Shi Huang to dig a canal, claiming that it was to facilitate agricultural irrigation, but in fact the purpose was to allow Qin to disperse national power to civil construction. This is the peak of a political game, which makes us deeply realize that on the big stage of history, power and strategy complement each other.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

2. Spirit Channel: Resourcefulness in the waterway

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

Qin Shi Huang encountered traffic problems during the Hundred Yue War, and the Lingqu came into play. By digging a river channel between the Xiang and Li rivers, the Qin army's march was no longer hindered. This is not only a water conservancy project, but also the crystallization of military wisdom. The construction of the Ling Canal brought the people of the Baiyue region into almost despair, and the Qin state succeeded in expanding its territory. This shows us that there are often deep strategic considerations behind the project.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

3. The Great Wall of Qin: A Barrier and Symbol of China

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

The Great Wall, the barrier of the Chinese nation, originated from the idea of Qin Shi Huang. Although what we see today is the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall of Qin is the foundation of the Great Wall in later generations. This is not only a line of defense, but also a memory of history and the pride of the Chinese nation. We can imagine what our history would be like without this barrier.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

4. The car is on the same track, Qin Zhidao: a symbol of centralized power

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

In Qin Shi Huang's unified decree, "the car is on the same track, and the book is on the same text" has become a regulation that cannot be ignored. The importance of the same track lies in the convenience of transportation, but also in the fact that it is a symbol of centralized power. The unification of the train tracks and the construction of the Qin Straight Road made it difficult for the local people to rebel and made it more convenient for Qin Shi Huang to rule. It is part of a centralized authority, a practice that demonstrates the power of unity on the road.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

5. Afang Palace: The mutilated beauty of a gorgeous dream

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

Next, we came to a crippled place of gorgeous dreams - Afang Palace. Qin Shi Huang's grand idea was burned by Xiang Yu and left a ruined wall. However, the unfinished palace became one of the largest palace ruins in the world. From Du Mu's "A Fang Gong Fu", we feel the endless regret of the ancients for Qin Shi Huang's luxury, but the fragmentation of history is also part of our better understanding of the past.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

6. Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang: A box of time for a thousand-year-old mystery

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

Finally, we come to a thousand-year-old mystery - the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. Forty years of construction, mercury rivers, gold and silver mountains and rivers, night pearls and starry sky, what kind of grand project is this? Although it is impossible to reveal the true face of the mausoleum at present, the excavation of the terracotta warriors and horses provides us with a window of time. What kind of historical mystery is hidden in this mausoleum, let us all look forward to the day when it will be revealed.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

In this historical adventure, we feel the wisdom and courage of Qin Shi Huang, the founder of the feudal dynasty who left a profound influence on Chinese civilization. This is not just an article, but the beginning of our dialogue with history. Stay curious and embark on a journey through history to discover more of the past. History is our common memory and our common treasure. Let's walk into that glorious period together! ✨

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

7. Terracotta Warriors and Horses: Sleeping Guards

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

And when it comes to the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shi Huang, it is a fantasy history. This huge army of terracotta figurines guarded the area around the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang. The terracotta warriors and horses are not only used to decorate the mausoleum, but also to accompany the funeral goods after the death of Qin Shi Huang. Each terracotta figurine is lifelike, vividly showing the majesty and might of the Qin army. The excavation of the terracotta warriors and horses is not only an important historical discovery, but also allows us to get a glimpse of the magnificent style of the military system and war ideas in the Qin period.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

8. Qin Shi Huang's rule of law: strict and efficient

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

Qin Shi Huang's rule of law was also part of his political wisdom. He implemented a series of legal systems to ensure strict and efficient rule. By burning books and pit Confucianism, promoting Legalism, and strengthening his grip on power, Qin Shi Huang consolidated centralized power. This had a profound impact on later feudal dynasties, and it also demonstrated Qin Shi Huang's tenacity and determination to rule.

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

9. Qin Shi Huang's Unified Writing: Books and Texts, Cultural Integration

Qin Shi Huang built 6 "world-class" projects, 4 of which stand to this day, are all world-class great projects

In addition to the car on the same track and the Qin Straight Road, Qin Shi Huang's text unification is also a masterpiece of history. He implemented the small seal, standardized the writing in various places, and realized the "book with the same text". This reform not only facilitated governance, but also promoted cultural integration, laying the foundation for later cultural prosperity.

The details of history are like pearls that connect the pearls of time, and the engineering miracle left by Qin Shi Huang is a treasure of Chinese history. This historical journey not only gives us a sense of the rise of feudal dynasties, but also a deeper understanding of Qin Shi Huang's great contribution to Chinese civilization. So, do you want to know how this emperor, who unified the six countries, shaped the fate of ancient China? ️ ♂️

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