
In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

author:Barry's Emotional Story

Family affection and warmth in ordinary life

In 1993, a novel called "Father's Love" quietly appeared in the literary world, and the author Liu Jing used only 300 pages to outline the bits and pieces of an ordinary family's two generations and half a life with warm and delicate brushstrokes.

The story does not give the reader a grand epic plot, only trivial but heartwarming family trivia. The encounter between a soldier and a famous daughter, two hearts approached in the changes of the times, and finally came together.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

Their married life was not smooth sailing, but full of run-ins and quarrels. However, the deep friendship between the old couple and the old wife is what makes this novel so touching.

21 years later, this novel was adapted and put on the screen by director Wei Zhenggang, and was deeply loved by the audience. The two young and beautiful young actors Xue Wei and Liang Jie perfectly interpret the heroes and heroines, vividly showing the images of the characters in the original work in front of the audience.

They quarrel endlessly over trivial family matters in the camera, but they tolerate and understand each other, and work together to overcome one difficulty after another, presenting an ordinary but not ordinary couple.

Many viewers looked at them and seemed to see the bits and pieces of their young and significant other, and couldn't help but feel emotional, and couldn't help but think of the warm times with their families in those green years.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

This drama is like a bowl of old soup that is boiled to taste, nourishing the hearts of every audience with strong family affection and love.

Two monuments to the development of television

In the 80s of the 20th century, Chinese TV dramas were still in their infancy, and the crew faced various difficulties such as lack of funds and lack of technology. However, even under difficult conditions, some popular classics still came out and shone brighter in the baptism of time.

In the spring of 1986, a young director named Yang Jie led a small crew of only a few dozen people, in order to study the historical background of the Ming Dynasty, he crossed mountains and mountains to shoot scenes all over the country, and began to shoot a costume drama called "Journey to the West".

With a very limited budget, the actors had to be in charge of not only the performances, but also the prop crews, which was a double pressure. Especially Liu Xiaoning, who plays the Monkey King, in order to fully integrate into the role, he didn't say a modern word in the first few months.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

The entire crew supported the arduous filming of this drama with a high degree of professionalism. After 6 years, this sketch with only 25 episodes was finally completed. When the familiar theme song sounds, the audience seems to travel through time and space to a magical ancient world.

Lines such as "Master, will you" and "Don't be confused" have become well-known golden sentences, which have been praised from generation to generation and become a precious part of Chinese culture.

There is no doubt that this drama has laid an important milestone in the development of Chinese TV dramas.

Immediately afterwards, the 1999 Kangxi-themed drama "Kangxi Dynasty" debuted as scheduled. Under the interpretation of a group of actors with superb acting skills, historical figures such as Kangxi and Yongzheng reappeared on the screen and came to life.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

The crew pays great attention to the details and restoration, carefully reshaping the architectural style of Beijing in the 18th century, and the audience seems to have traveled back to the distant Qing Empire.

It can be said that "Kangxi Dynasty" opened the door for the audience to explore ancient Chinese history, and also wrote a glorious page for Chinese TV dramas. The success of the two dramas shows that even if the conditions are difficult, as long as you have a rigorous style and artistic pursuit, you can also create a swan song for the ages.

The golden age of Chinese TV dramas

In the 21st century, the production of Chinese TV dramas has ushered in a golden age of rapid development. With the enhancement of national strength, the conditions and means of the crew have been greatly improved, and the theme of the drama has also shown a trend of a hundred flowers blooming.

In 2007, the TV series "Ming Dynasty 1566", which reflected the history of the Ming Dynasty, was well received by the audience after it was broadcast. The series brought together two superstars, the popular student Huang Xiaoming and the powerful actor Sun Honglei.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

Hai Rui, played by Sun Honglei, worries about the country and the people, speaks righteously, and competes to the death with the corrupt forces in the court. At the critical moment, he slammed the table, and the documents and papers flew everywhere, as if shouting to the audience his firm belief in seeking justice for the common people.

Hai Jui and his fellow righteous men infected every audience with their majestic spirit, questioning their souls.

In 2015, "Langya Bang", adapted from the online novel, came like a clear river breeze. Under the meticulous and rich portrayal of the actors with superb acting skills, characters such as Mei Changsu and King Jing with different personalities vividly jumped on the screen.

In the face of the changes in the imperial situation, King Jing looked into the distance, and his eyes shone with a determined light. He knew that he was shouldering the historical mission and that he must sacrifice his life and forget his life to ask for the life of the people.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

And the strategist Mei Changsu bravely shouldered the heavy burden and charged in the most dangerous position without hesitation, just to eradicate the corruption of the court.

At the same time, comedy works have also sprung up. The hit "Wulin Gaiden" in 2010 conquered countless audiences with its warm and simple human touch. And the plot of "Mao Liar" is a group of cute liars who amuse the audience by various means of coquettishness and pity.

In the final happy ending, several people raised their glasses and laughed. These works with a full sense of justice and humor are full of the producer's attitude and self-confidence, and also show the diversified creative vision of Chinese TV dramas.

To sum up, whether it is a serious historical drama or a humorous and vivid comedy, Chinese TV dramas in the new century are actively broadening their themes and techniques, and are developing vigorously in a more colorful direction.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

Perseverance, passing on the torch

These popular classics all uphold the spirit of hard work and excellence, pay attention to the characterization of characters and the restoration of historical details, and show the broad and profound cultural connotation of the Chinese nation, as well as the national temperament of Chinese self-improvement and perseverance.

They have built a monument to the development of Chinese TV dramas, become widely acclaimed masterpieces, and have also been passed down from generation to generation in the torrent of the times.

In "Journey to the West", the crew went through great hardships to complete the filming, just to present a magical and classical world to the audience. "Kangxi Dynasty" delves into the intricate historical details to restore a glorious Qing Empire.

In the ranking of the 10 best TV series in China, the Kangxi Dynasty only ranked 8th, and you can't imagine the first

"Daming Dynasty" shows the strong character of the Chinese who are not afraid of power through righteous figures such as Hai Rui. "Langya Bang" depicts the desperate struggle between loyal and righteous people such as Mei Changsu and corrupt forces...... Behind every classic play, there is the protein of the Chinese cultural spirit, and they are all looking forward to the audience to draw strength from it.

On the road of creation, Chinese TV people have not flinched and slackened. Today, when they are close to freedom, they cherish the hard-won creative opportunities even more, and have the courage to innovate and make breakthroughs.

Now, Chinese TV dramas have entered an unprecedented stage of development, indicating that a more brilliant creative picture is about to be launched. We are full of expectations and convinced that as long as we cherish the people and are loyal to the nation, we will be able to capture the essence of creation and create masterpieces that will be passed down through the ages.

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