
Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

author:The heart is clear

I'm Lin Xiaomin, 28 years old, living in the bustling city of Shanghai. To outsiders, I have a perfect family: a handsome and capable husband, a smart and lovely two-year-old daughter, and a decent job. Whenever they get together with friends, they always say enviously: "Xiaomin, you are really a winner in life!" However, only I know how much helplessness and loneliness are hidden behind this glamour.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

My husband, Li Wei, is an executive of a foreign company and is very busy with work. I leave early and return late every day, and I have very little time to accompany me. When I first got married, I waited with great anticipation for him to come home, but as the days went by, the expectation turned into disappointment, and the disappointment became a habit again. Every night I fell asleep with my daughter in my arms, feeling as if I was only there to take care of the family, but no one really cared about my feelings.

This marriage made me feel suffocated. I was busy at the company during the day, and when I came home at night, I had to deal with my daughter's crying and my husband's indifference. My life seemed to be filled with work and family trivialities, without a single respite. I often wonder if I would have lived a different life if I had chosen a different path.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

It was at this time that a chance class reunion changed my life. That day, I took my daughter to a reunion of college classmates. There, I met Lee Jun, my old girlfriend from college. Li Jun is personable, has a successful career, and his smile is still warm. When I saw him, the string in my heart that had been dormant for many years was plucked.

After the party, Li Jun took the initiative to contact me and said that he wanted to see me and my daughter again. At first, I was a little hesitant, but the loneliness of my heart and the nostalgia for my old love finally made me agree to his invitation. We started seeing each other frequently, each time with our daughter. Li Jun's meticulous care and care for me and my daughter made me feel like I had found a feeling of being loved again.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

This secret relationship made me feel both excited and nervous. Lee Jun made me re-experience the sweetness of love, as if I had returned to the good old days of my youth. But at the same time, I also know very well that such a relationship is not destined to end well. Every time I am with Li Jun, my heart is full of contradictions and struggles.

As time went on, my relationship with Li Jun became more and more intimate. Every time we met, he always brought small gifts to make my daughter happy, and would also take me to some restaurants that I had never been to to enjoy that long-lost romance. Every time I am with him, I feel like I have found myself, the self that was once full of dreams and passion.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

Once, Li Jun took us to a secluded suburban cottage, which was one of his company's vacation homes. He said it was quiet and allowed us to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city for a while. On that day, the sun was shining and the garden was full of colorful flowers. My daughter was running happily on the grass, and Li Jun and I sat together and talked about our respective lives.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

"Xiaomin, are you really happy?" Li Jun asked suddenly, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

I was stunned for a moment, lowered my head, and barely squeezed out a smile: "Of course, I have a happy family." ”

Li Jun gently held my hand and said gently, "However, I saw that your eyes were full of exhaustion and helplessness. ”

Hearing this, the defense line in my heart instantly collapsed. Tears flowed involuntarily. I told Li Jun that my husband Li Wei was busy with work every day and had no time to take care of his family. Like a single mother, I took on the responsibility of taking care of my daughter and taking care of household chores on my own. Although the material life is worry-free, the soul feels extremely empty and lonely.

Li Jun hugged me and comforted me softly: "Xiaomin, you shouldn't have wronged yourself like this. You deserve to be loved and to have someone who genuinely cares about you. ”

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

At that moment, I felt the warmth and reliance that I had not felt for a long time. Li Jun's words touched me deeply and made me realize that I had been suppressing my inner emotions just to maintain a happy family on the surface. Since then, I have relied more on Li Jun, and even began to consider divorcing Li Wei and re-pursuing my own happiness.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as I thought. Once, when I was dating Li Jun at the villa, he decided to use his mobile phone to record our time together. He said it was to record good memories that he could recall in the future. I hesitated, but finally agreed.

Unexpectedly, this video became the fuse of our relationship. A few days later, Li Jun accidentally made the video public in a colleague's WeChat group. At first he thought that only a few close friends would be able to see it, but he didn't expect the video to be quickly forwarded and almost everyone knew about our secret relationship.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

When Li Wei learned about this from a friend, he couldn't believe his ears. He immediately returned home and angrily asked me, "Xiaomin, is this true?" How can you do this to me, to our family! ”

I knew that day would come sooner or later, but when I actually faced it, I still felt extremely panicked and helpless. I could only bow my head and admit that the tears kept flowing. Li Wei's anger and disappointment pierced my heart like a sharp sword, and I felt ashamed.

This turmoil caused a huge shock in our family. Li Wei's parents were very disappointed in me, thinking that I was a disgrace to my family. They insisted that Li Wei divorce me and kick me and my daughter out of the house. My parents also reprimanded me harshly, they couldn't understand why I was doing such a thing.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

I was mired in deep self-blame and remorse, and I lived under tremendous stress every day. Although Li Jun tried his best to comfort me, he also faced great pressure from his family and work. Our relationship became more and more strained, and we even started complaining about each other.

My daughter's innocence made me feel even more painful. She doesn't understand the adult world, only that her mother has been crying a lot lately, and her father is no longer coming home. I began to realize that my actions had hurt not only myself, but also my innocent daughter.

Faced with all this, I began to rethink my life and choices. I love Lee Jun, but this love seems to have come to an end. I don't want my daughter to live in such an arguing and unsettling environment anymore. I decided to end the relationship and start over with my daughter.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

One sunny morning, I sent a text message to Li Jun informing him of my decision. I am grateful for the good things he has brought to me, but we can't go on any longer. I want him to find happiness that truly belongs to him, and that I am also responsible for my mistakes.

Lee Jun didn't reply, but I knew he would understand my decision. I packed my bags and left Shanghai, a city I loved and hated at the same time, with my daughter. We went to a small city where no one knew about my past and I could start over.

After leaving Shanghai, my daughter and I came to a small and unfamiliar city. Here, no one knows about my past, and I hope to give myself and my daughter a fresh start. Renting a small apartment, simple but cozy, I began to replan our lives.

Every day, I take my daughter to the nearby park to play, and watching her run happily in the sun, the heavy burden in my heart seems to be lightened a little. I got a part-time job that didn't earn much, but at least enough to cover the basic living expenses. Outside of work, I also began to reflect on my past and try to find some inspiration from it.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

However, starting over was not as easy as I thought. The pace of life in a small city is slow, but the unfamiliar environment and the isolation of not having family or friends often make me feel overwhelmed. Sometimes in the dead of night, I would lie in bed and think about the past, and tears would fall unconsciously. The thoughts of Li Jun and the guilt of Li Wei are like two boulders pressing on my heart, making me unable to breathe.

One night, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen when I heard my daughter crying in the living room. I hurriedly ran over and saw her holding a photo in her hand, which was a photo of me and Li Wei. The daughter's childish voice asked, "Mom, when is Dad coming to us?" ”

When I heard this, my heart was like a knife. I picked up my daughter and whispered to her, "Baby, Dad is busy, he's working." When he has time, he will come and see us. After saying this, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and couldn't stop flowing.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

That night, I tossed and turned in bed, thinking about my future. My daughter needs a complete family, and I long for that stability and warmth. I began to think about whether I should go back to Shanghai and try to repair our relationship with Li Wei. After all, we have a child in common, and we can't let her lose her fatherly love because of my mistakes.

The next day, I called Li Wei. On the other end of the line, his voice was cold and distant, but when I mentioned my daughter, his attitude softened. I sincerely apologize to him and hope that he will give me a chance to revisit our marriage. Li Wei was silent for a long time, and finally agreed to meet with me to talk.

The day I returned to Shanghai, I had mixed feelings and nervousness. We met in a café and when we sat down face-to-face, a sense of awkwardness and alienation permeated the air. I took a deep breath and began to speak my mind to Li Wei.

"Li Wei, I know that I have made an unforgivable mistake. But during this time, I have been reflecting. Is there any salvation for our relationship? I am willing to change and re-manage our marriage, hoping only to give my daughter a complete family. ”

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

Li Wei looked at me with mixed emotions in his eyes. "Xiaomin, I am also responsible. I've been so busy with work all these years that I've neglected you and my family. We all need to revisit the relationship. Give each other a chance, okay? ”

Hearing his words, my heart warmed. We decided to give this marriage a chance and start from scratch. In order to make up for the lack of the past, Li Wei began to reduce his working hours and spend more time with my daughter and me. We attend family counseling together to learn how to better communicate and understand each other.

The process of starting over is not easy. It takes time to repair the trust between us, and every argument can trigger past wounds. But I know that as long as we work together, everything will be fine.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

One night, Li Wei suddenly proposed to take us to a farm in the suburbs for a vacation. He said it was a beautiful place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and relax. Although I was a little hesitant, I agreed.

The setting of the agriturismo is indeed beautiful, with greenery and fresh air. The daughter was running on the grass, laughter echoing in the air. Li Wei took me by the hand and took me on the country road, and we talked a lot, from the sweet times of the past to the plans for the future.

"Xiaomin, I know that we have all made mistakes in the past, but I am willing to face the future with you. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we have to go on together, okay? Li Wei's voice was deep and firm.

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. "Li Wei, thank you for your willingness to give me this opportunity. I will also try to change myself and make our family better. ”

In that moment, I felt peace and happiness that I had never felt before. The mistakes and pains of the past seem to dissipate with a breeze, and we welcome a new beginning together. The road ahead is still unknown, but as long as we support each other, everything will be fine.

Back in the city, our lives are getting back on track. Li Wei and I have learned to communicate more, understand and tolerate each other. Together, we have created a warm family environment for our daughter to grow up in love. Although there is occasional friction, we know that after the wind and rain, the sun will shine brighter.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

Lee Jun occasionally appears in my dreams, but that is already a memory of the past. I am grateful for the warmth and support he has brought to me, but I cherish my life even more. Everyone makes mistakes, but as long as we have the courage to face them, life will always give us new opportunities.

As the days passed, my marriage with Li Wei was also repairing little by little. We started to make plans for the future together, not only for ourselves, but also for our daughter to have a happy childhood. Gradually, our family life has returned to calm, and it is even warmer and more harmonious than before.

One evening, Li Wei and I sat on the balcony and watched the sun slowly set. My daughter was happily playing with blocks in the living room, and the laughter reached our ears as if it were the most beautiful music in the world. Li Wei gently shook my hand and said, "Xiaomin, I really appreciate your willingness to give us this opportunity. Our family is made more complete and beautiful because of you. ”

I smiled and nodded, filled with gratitude and happiness. "Li Wei, I also want to thank you. We've been through so much together, and now we know how to cherish each other even more. No matter what difficulties lie ahead, as long as we are together, there is nothing that cannot be overcome. ”

At that moment, I deeply felt the strength and warmth of my family. While the mistakes of the past cannot be erased, we have learned valuable lessons from them. Family is not only our haven, but also the source of motivation for our struggle and efforts.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

We've had many wonderful times together since then. Every holiday, every birthday, we will carefully prepare to leave the best memories for each other. Every detail of life is filled with love and care.

Li Wei has also made adjustments in his work and devoted more time and energy to his family. Together, we take our daughter on a trip to explore the beauty of the world; Cook together at home and enjoy warm family time. Our marriage has become stronger and more satisfying after going through the storm.

Gradually, I learned to let go of the past and cherish the present. Li Jun has become a passerby in my life, and although it has brought me unforgettable memories, I know that what is truly worthy of my protection is the family in front of me. We face the challenges of life together and share the joy of life together, which is the most important thing.

Beautiful young woman cheating on her 2-year-old daughter? The man broadcasts the whole process live in the group! It's more exciting than a TV series

Every time my daughter falls asleep sweetly in our arms, I sigh at the beauty and happiness of life. Although we have taken detours, we have finally found the right direction. Life is like a journey, the important thing is not the beginning and the end, but what we have learned and gained in the journey.

Now, my marriage with Li Wei has passed the most difficult moment and ushered in a new hope and future. We believe that as long as we love and support each other, the happiness of the family will last for a long time.

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