
Drinking emergency syrup as soon as you cough is a big mistake! 2 Chinese patent medicines, distinguish between cold and heat, and effectively suppress cough

author:Explain that the doctor is healthy

On a cold winter day, Lao Zhang felt a cough that didn't stop, so he picked up the emergency syrup that he always had at home. A few days passed, and the cough not only did not relieve, but worsened. That's when he realized that he might have fallen into a common misconception: taking emergency syrup as soon as he coughs. But in fact, there is much more to the root of cough, and blind medication only complicates the problem.

Drinking emergency syrup as soon as you cough is a big mistake! 2 Chinese patent medicines, distinguish between cold and heat, and effectively suppress cough

Classification of cough and its characteristics: Unraveling the reasons behind different coughs

Coughing, as a common bodily reaction, is actually the body telling us something that is not normal. Different types of cough often point to different health problems, which requires us to be clear about the nature of the cough when choosing treatment.

Cold cough: signs and treatment

A cold cough is usually accompanied by phlegm, an itchy throat, or a sore throat. This type of cough usually occurs in a cold environment or after experiencing a chill. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, this kind of cough is caused by the invasion of external evil in the lungs and the obstruction of lung qi. When treating cold cough, you should choose warm Chinese medicine, such as Chinese patent medicine containing aconite, dried ginger and other ingredients, which can help drive away cold and evil spirits and relieve cough.

Febrile cough: signs and treatment

Unlike cold cough, hot cough is often accompanied by symptoms such as yellow thick phlegm, dry mouth, and sore throat. This type of cough is usually caused by internal heat or feeling wind heat. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is caused by lung heat or phlegm heat, so in the treatment, you should choose drugs that clear away heat and dissolve phlegm, such as Chinese patent medicines containing ingredients such as skullcap and honeysuckle, which can clear away heat and detoxify, moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

A Perspective Across Traditions: The Combination of Modern Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine

In modern medicine, the treatment of cough focuses more on the identification of the cause and symptomatic treatment. For example, if the cough is caused by a bacterial infection, then antibiotics are the primary treatment. But at the same time, we cannot ignore the unique role of TCM in regulating the body and enhancing physical fitness. Combined with traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, it can not only effectively treat cough, but also fundamentally regulate the body to achieve better treatment results.

Drinking emergency syrup as soon as you cough is a big mistake! 2 Chinese patent medicines, distinguish between cold and heat, and effectively suppress cough

Cough is different, and the Chinese medicine regimen is very different

Cough is a common respiratory symptom and its treatment is not set in stone. TCM theory believes that the causes and nature of cough are different, and its treatment should also vary from person to person. According to TCM theory, cough can be broadly divided into two types: cold cough and hot cough, and the treatment options for these two are completely different.

Cold cough: usually manifested as a dull cough with a large and thin phlegm, accompanied by chills and no thirst. In such cases, it is recommended to use warm herbs such as bellflower, baibu, licorice, etc., which can warm the lungs and dispel cold, which can help reduce cough symptoms.

Febrile cough: It is manifested as a high-pitched cough with sticky and little phlegm, often accompanied by symptoms such as sore throat, dry mouth and thirst. At this time, you should choose herbs such as ephedra, mulberry bark, skullcap and other herbs that clear heat and relieve pharynx. These drugs can clear lung heat, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough, and have a good effect on febrile cough.

When using proprietary Chinese medicines, the principle of "syndrome differentiation and treatment" should be followed, and appropriate drugs should be selected according to different symptoms. At the same time, it should be used under the guidance of a professional physician to avoid health risks caused by improper use.

In addition to medication, health management in daily life is also extremely important for cough relief.

Keep indoor air moist: Dry air can irritate your airways and worsen cough symptoms. Using a humidifier or placing a basin of water indoors can help increase the humidity of the air.

Drink plenty of water: Adequate hydration can dilute phlegm, making it easier to cough up. At the same time, hydration also helps to keep the throat moist and reduce irritation.

Drinking emergency syrup as soon as you cough is a big mistake! 2 Chinese patent medicines, distinguish between cold and heat, and effectively suppress cough

Eat wisely: Avoid spicy, greasy foods that may worsen cough. It is recommended to consume light, easy-to-digest foods such as lean broth, vegetable soup, etc., to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to overall health.

Appropriate exercise: Moderate exercise can enhance physical fitness and improve immunity. However, it should be noted that exercise should not be excessively used to avoid additional irritation of the respiratory tract.

Good living habits: keep enough rest, avoid staying up late, keep the room well ventilated, and avoid the inhalation of smoke and harmful gases.

Mental health: Mood swings may also affect coughing, so keep your mind calm and engage in relaxation and stress reduction activities.

Finally, while these lifestyle modifications can be helpful in relieving cough, they are not a complete substitute for medical treatment. If the cough persists, you should seek medical attention and receive professional diagnosis and treatment.

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