
Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

author:The nerves, spine, spinal cord are often empty


At the feast, friends and family gather together and sit around the table to wait for the feast to begin. Before the various dishes are served to the service, there are usually melon seeds, peanuts, and some fruits on the table.

Lao Wang picked up a small orange casually, peeled it and stuffed it in his mouth: "Heh! sweet and sour, this orange is really good!"

Lao Li, who was sitting next to him, put down his mobile phone when he heard this, and raised his head: "Lao Wang, don't you have diabetes? Oranges are a great fruit for glycemic purposes, and sweet and sour oranges have a higher sugar content, so you dare to eat them casually?"

Lao Wang teased: "Lao Li, don't lie to me, oranges are my favorite fruit, how can I eat it in the future!"

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

We know that diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin in the body or impaired function, and there is no cure for diabetes until now, and diabetics can only maintain blood sugar stability through medication and diet control in their daily life.

Then the question is, can diabetics eat sweet and sour oranges?

1. Can diabetics eat oranges that raise blood sugar?

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, citric acid and carotene. Vitamin C can help the body synthesize collagen, which can play a great role in skin protection and delaying skin aging, citric acid can help us eliminate fatigue, and carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body, which has certain benefits for the eyes. We know that peeling oranges can make your hands yellow, and that's because carotene is at work.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

In addition, tangerine peel soaked water made from orange peel also has the effect of moistening the lungs and strengthening the spleen, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, etc., so it can be said that oranges are "full of treasures", so many people like it.

But do oranges also raise blood sugar? Before answering this question, we need to figure out what exactly blood sugar is.

In practical terms, blood sugar is "the concentration of sugar in the blood", and when this concentration exceeds 6.1 mmol/L on an empty stomach or 7.8 mmol/L two hours after a meal, it has entered the category of high blood sugar.

Since it is the concentration of sugar in the blood, as long as we consume sugar, it will cause changes in blood sugar, but some foods are high in sugar and some foods are low in sugar, and their ability to cause blood sugar changes is different.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

In addition to the above-mentioned nutrients, oranges also contain sugar, which can also raise blood sugar. On average, oranges contain about 10g of carbohydrates per 100g of tangerine, which is mainly composed of glucose, fructose and sucrose. This level of sugar content is moderate among fruits.

However, looking at the entire fruit field, the "orange family" is very large, and there are 17 kinds of citrus that are more popular, and there is one exception, that is, sugar oranges. The content of sugar oranges is higher than that of other types of oranges, reaching 13.7%, while as mentioned earlier, the sugar content of other oranges is only about 10%, and the "sugar champion" is none other than sugar oranges.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

Therefore, for diabetics, to ask if oranges can be eaten, the answer is yes. However, no matter what kind of orange you are, you can't eat more, especially sugar oranges, and it is best to eat no more than three a day. For adults, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 100mg, and the average vitamin C content per 100g of oranges is 35mg, so in other words, three oranges a day is enough to meet daily needs.

Seeing this, some friends may say that oranges contain a lot of sugar, and at the same time the taste is also sweet, so if you pick a food that is not sweet to eat, it doesn't matter? This statement is not necessarily true, this is because although they are all sugar, but glucose, fructose and sucrose themselves are not the same sweet, in comparison fructose tastes the sweetest, sucrose is second, and finally glucose, so "high sugar content" and "sweet taste" can not be equated, some foods even if the taste is not sweet, but you need to pay attention to the appropriate amount.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

Second, for diabetics, these foods are untouchable


Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C, carotene and dietary fiber, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium and other trace elements. Dragon fruit can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote digestion and absorption, and a large amount of dietary fiber also has a laxative effect, so dragon fruit is also known as "weight loss fruit". If we take a bite of dragon fruit, we will find that it does not taste very sweet, but does this mean that dragon fruit is a low-sugar food?

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

No, dragon fruit doesn't taste sweet because its pulp contains almost no fructose and sucrose, but it is rich in glucose. Although it is not very sweet, the sugar content of dragon fruit reaches 13.3%, which is almost the same as sugar orange. Relatively speaking, glucose is more easily absorbed by the human body, so for ordinary people, such a rich glucose can help them replenish sugar and accelerate physical recovery after exercise, but for diabetics, dragon fruit can not be eaten more, and you need to pay attention to the appropriate amount.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

Peanuts and melon seeds

Peanuts and melon seeds are no stranger to everyone, and they don't taste sweet, but in fact, they don't contain sugar themselves, and the reason why peanuts and melon seeds are mentioned is because they are "energy bombs" that are not easy to be noticed by everyone.

Compared with ordinary people, diabetic patients are more likely to have hyperlipidemia, so in addition to controlling sugar in daily life, they should also avoid eating high-fat foods, fried foods, cream, fatty meat, animal offal and other foods, peanuts and melon seeds are also one of them.

The calorie content of peanuts can reach 589 kcal per 100 grams, and the same weight of melon seeds also has 570 kcal, and you must know that the same weight of pork is only 270 kcal, and it is not an exaggeration to call it an "energy bomb".

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

However, melon seeds and peanuts belong to the nut class after all, the linolenic acid contained in melon seeds is helpful to lower blood pressure, and peanuts have the reputation of "longevity fruit".

In daily life, blood sugar control is also a very important topic, in addition to eating, in order to control our blood sugar, we also need to do the following.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

3. To control blood sugar, you need to do these things

The first thing is to stick to taking your medication. There are some diabetic patients who think that their condition has improved after their blood sugar has stabilized, so they stop taking the drug on their own, and after a period of time, when the blood sugar is unstable again, the body feels unwell and then starts to take hypoglycemic drugs. They thought they would save some of their medication and keep their blood sugar under control.

In fact, this way of medication will make blood sugar fluctuations larger, but it is more likely to have complications, and in the long run, you will feel that blood sugar is more difficult to control than before, so it is very important to stick to taking medication.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

The second is to develop good exercise habits. It's easy to see how much exercise can do for your body, especially if you're diabetic. In order to complete exercise, our body needs to provide energy to the skeletal muscles to maintain the state of exercise, and this energy comes from the sugar in the body, which means that exercise can help burn the sugar in the body, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling blood sugar.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

Again, a good night's sleep is especially important for us. Sleep can be seen as the body's "standby mode", in which the body is constantly metabolizing and consuming sugar. On the contrary, staying up late for a long time or lacking sleep for a long time will interfere with the endocrine system, which will affect the rhythm of insulin secretion, and easily make blood sugar "out of control", so it is very important to develop a good sleep habit.

Finally, we also need to monitor our blood sugar levels regularly, because only then can we have enough knowledge of our blood sugar and we can detect any abnormalities in our blood sugar. Only in this way can you better control your blood sugar and get yourself one step closer to your health.

Diabetics eat oranges, is it to raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar? Remind sugar friends: these foods should be eaten less

Fourth, write at the end

Blood sugar is the most concerned issue for diabetics, and it is inevitable to consider the problem of controlling blood sugar in daily life, and they are afraid that eating the food in their stomach will make their blood sugar suddenly out of control, and they have to give up the food they once loved very much.

It is true that some foods belong to high-sugar foods with high sugar content, such as the sugar oranges mentioned in this article, only eat one or only eat one petal, in fact, it does not have much impact on the body, and other nutrients contained in it are good for the body, the key is to control, if you eat without moderation, how can blood sugar be stable?


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