
On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

author:Miss Shan's outfit notes

Cosmetics are adjudicated with natural beauty

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

In today's social life, beauty is a topic that we cannot avoid. In daily life, small talk between friends, hot topics on the Internet, and even advertisements on TV, radio, and magazines are thrown out almost everywhere. Especially as a public figure, the image of a star has been scrutinized and discussed countless times. Under the camera, they frequently change their looks, or heroic postures, or appear without makeup, showing a variety of different beauty. The question then is, which of these varied images is truly beautiful, and how should we define and judge it?

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

For celebrities, their image not only represents them personally, but also represents their country and culture to a certain extent. Bright makeup, unique costumes, perfect lighting in the studio, dreamlike backdrops, and post-production corrections all add up to create stunning photos. However, when these external conditions fade away one by one, what will happen to them when they leave the camera?

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

This brings us to the core topic of our discussion today: Are those seemingly perfect images inherently beautiful or created with the help of makeup and photography? Two celebrities, Jiang Shuying of China and Han So-hee of South Korea, have given us very vivid examples of this. On the same international stage, they show very different beauty.

Borrowing external factors to create beauty: Han Suxi's perfect image

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

Han So-hee, a South Korean actress, attracted a lot of attention at Paris Fashion Week with her exquisite and unique makeup and outfit combinations. In the dusty spotlight, her eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick seem to be the artist's meticulously painted creations, without the slightest blemish. The intricate yet delicate hairstyle accentuates his delicate face. Her extravagant and eye-catching outfits and exaggerated accessories, carefully matched colors, and photo retouching techniques make for a stunning visual effect.

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

Han Suxi's beauty can be said to be the culmination of the fashion industry. She uses all the external forces at her disposal, including makeup, clothing, and photography techniques, to present an almost perfect beauty that transcends ordinary people. This makes us wonder, is this kind of perfection shown with the help of various external factors really the beauty we are pursuing?

Natural and personalized beauty: the natural beauty of Jiang Shuying

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

On the other hand, let's take a look at a very different example, Chinese actress Jiang Shuying. She also attended Paris Fashion Week, although she was older than Han Suxi, she showed a unique beauty under the camera. Her makeup is clean, light and natural. Her choice of clothing is plain, but it accentuates her graceful figure. Compared with Han Suxi's gorgeous and dazzling image, Jiang Shuying's beauty is even more desirable.

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

Jiang Shuying's beauty is the kind of beauty that is full of personal characteristics and does not rely on any embellishment. Like a wildflower that grows freely in the wild, although it is not as delicate as the roses in the flower shop, its natural fragrance and unpretentious posture can make people feel the beauty closer to life.

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

We can see that in Jiang Shuying and Han Suxi, who are also stars, two completely different beauties are reflected. One relies on makeup and photography techniques to create perfect beauty, and the other is natural color, innate beauty. Both of these beauties have their own charms and fans. But the question is, how do we choose?

Light Behind the Darkness: Examining the Value of Different Beauty

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

When we are confronted with such stark contrasts, we begin to wonder what kind of beauty is what kind of beauty we are after. In our daily lives, we can see the perfection of celebrities and models in front of the camera, and at the same time, we can also see the natural beauty of our friends and family around us. Of these two kinds of beauty, one is carefully crafted and the other is completely natural, so which one is the beauty we should pursue?

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

There is no doubt that the beauty created with the help of external factors can bring us a strong visual impact and make us amazed. It is like a gorgeous firework that briefly illuminates the dark night sky and brings instant happiness to everyone. But when the fireworks have passed and the night sky has returned to its darkness, can we accept and like this dark self from the heart?

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

In contrast, natural and true beauty is like a star that never goes out, with a faint light, but capable of shining tenaciously in the night. Even without the flamboyant outfits and perfect styling, she is still in a class of her own and always glows with serenity. This beauty doesn't need flamboyant clothing and elaborate makeup, it just needs to be pure and natural. When we fade away from the gorgeous appearance, we are left with ourselves.

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

As a result, we see that whether it is a perfect beauty created with the help of external forces, or a natural and personalized beauty, they all have their own value. Every woman can choose the beauty that suits her according to her preferences and needs. After all, true beauty should be the definition of beauty in our hearts, not the evaluation in the eyes of others. Whichever beauty you choose, it should be because you like it, not because it caters to other people's expectations.

Empathize and understand the definition of beauty

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

Empathy, if we were those celebrities, what kind of beauty would we choose to show to everyone for the two completely different states under the camera and off-camera? Obviously, there is no fixed answer to this question, because beauty is diverse, and it reflects everyone's different aesthetics and values.

On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

The beauty that celebrities show under the camera is what their profession requires them to have. Any public figure must recognize that their image affects the perception of their audience, so they need to package themselves in various ways to make themselves look more beautiful in public. At the same time, although the real world is far from being as perfect as the world under the lens, we can still find resonance in the natural beauty of Jiang Shuying, because it is a more common and resonant beauty in our lives.


On this day in Paris, Han Suxi on the international red carpet showed the shortcomings of Korean actresses to the fullest

Finally, we need to recognize that everyone has the right to choose their own definition of beauty, whether it is perfection created by external forces or natural beauty. Everyone has the right to show beauty, and no one defines what is truly beautiful. What you see, what you think, is true beauty. So, let's appreciate every beauty, love every beauty, and respect everyone's choice of beauty. Because every beauty is worth discovering, appreciating, and loving. Whether it's you, him, or me, you all have your own unique beauty.

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