
No one has a full life, but they know how to be content and happy


In this world, everyone's life is like a unique script, weaving their own stories and dreams. However, whether it is a prominent emperor or a small person as ordinary as dust, no one's life can be truly perfect. Life is always full of ups and downs and uncertainties, as Su Shi sang in "Water Tune Song Head": "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and sunny. Knowing how to be happy has become an attitude of life that is beyond worldly pursuits.

No one has a full life, but they know how to be content and happy

Being content does not mean being satisfied with the status quo and not thinking of making progress, but a kind of mental adjustment and wisdom sublimation. It tells us to be grateful and cherish what we have in front of us when facing all kinds of unsatisfactory things in life. This mentality stems from a deep understanding and high awareness of life, and is a deeper pursuit of happiness.

No one has a full life, but they know how to be content and happy

Guided by the concept of contentment, we have learned to find a moment of tranquility in the midst of busyness, and to discover the simplicity and beauty of life in simplicity. As Tao Yuanming described in "Returning to the Garden and Pastoral Home", although the pastoral life away from the hustle and bustle is poor, it has the leisure and freedom of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence and leisurely seeing Nanshan". His life is not perfect, but his indifferent ambition and contented state of mind have made him a model in the hearts of countless people.

No one has a full life, but they know how to be content and happy

Contentment is also an affirmation of self-worth. In this materialistic society, people are often swayed by external standards, and constantly pursue higher status and more wealth. However, when we turn our gaze inward and focus on our feelings and needs, we find that those things that are external do not fully represent our worth. Just as the ancient literati and artists looked for spiritual sustenance in the mountains and rivers, although their lives were not luxurious, they found the realization of their self-worth in poetry, wine, calligraphy and painting.

No one has a full life, but they know how to be content and happy

Further, contentment is a profound insight into life. It requires us to maintain a pure heart in the complex world, learn to find beauty in imperfection, and perceive the extraordinary in the ordinary. This insight is not a passive avoidance, but a kind of courage to face life positively. As Wang Wei expressed in "Autumn Twilight in the Mountain House": "After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late in autumn. In this tranquility and simplicity, he found inner peace and contentment.

No one has a full life, but they know how to be content and happy

Contentment also means an optimistic attitude towards the future. In the face of life's uncertainties and challenges, maintaining a contented heart can make us more resilient and meet every tomorrow with a positive attitude. Many great men in history have maintained this optimism in the face of adversity, such as Li Bai can still sing on the way to exile, "There will be a time when the wind and waves will be long, and the clouds will sail to the sea", and his optimism and open-mindedness have made his famous poems through the ages.

No one has a full life, but they know how to be content and happy

Contentment is a form of wisdom, a deep understanding of life. It is not simply satisfying, but after recognizing the unperfection of life, it is still able to face it positively, cherish the present, and keep moving forward. In this sense, contentment is a spiritual realm that transcends material pursuits, and is the spiritual solace we find in the complex world. Let us learn to embrace every imperfection in life and discover every beauty in life with a contented heart.

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