
My colleague went on a business trip with a gift, but I didn't have it, I ordered milk tea to send him, and I was stunned by my promoted colleague a month later

author:Emotional Observatory

  Workplace relationships are complex and changeable, and we need higher emotional intelligence to resolve conflicts, so that we can gain a firm foothold in the workplace.

  The office was filled with laughter and laughter, and everyone was holding a bag of fresh beef jerky in their hands. As soon as I pushed the door in, I sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the office. When my colleagues saw me, their laughter stopped abruptly and they exchanged meaningful glances with each other. I saw that there was nothing in my position, and then it dawned on me that it was the Dalin department that came back from a business trip and brought gifts to all my colleagues, and I was the only one who had nothing.

My colleague went on a business trip with a gift, but I didn't have it, I ordered milk tea to send him, and I was stunned by my promoted colleague a month later

  Dalin is a veteran employee in our office, and I only transferred to this department half a year ago. He has always been wary of me, thinking that I have stolen his limelight, and his performance is better than him in every evaluation. I deliberately didn't bring me a gift when I came back from this business trip, obviously wanting to give me a disappointment in front of everyone and show me his status in this office.

  I understand Dalin's careful thinking, but in the face of such an embarrassing situation, I must deal with it calmly. If you don't handle it well, then I am afraid it will be difficult to gain a firm foothold in this office in the future. I pretended not to be offended in the slightest, and naturally exchanged pleasantries with the other colleagues. Dalin triumphantly showed off his gifts, and I took the initiative to ask him about the food and fun places on his business trip, and then turned the conversation to work.

My colleague went on a business trip with a gift, but I didn't have it, I ordered milk tea to send him, and I was stunned by my promoted colleague a month later

  The short break passed quickly, and the colleagues were back to work. I saw that Dalin had achieved his goal of isolating me in front of my colleagues, and decided to give him a riposte - so I ordered takeout and ordered a cup of milk tea for everyone in the office, including Dalin, of course.

  When the milk tea arrived, I gave the milk tea to my colleagues one by one, and my colleagues also expressed their gratitude. Only Dalin was still sitting in his position, looking disdainful. I walked up to him with milk tea and said with a smile: "Dalin, I ate beef jerky just now, drink some milk tea to moisten my throat." The weather is dry this season, so be careful when you speak, don't spoil your throat. ”

My colleague went on a business trip with a gift, but I didn't have it, I ordered milk tea to send him, and I was stunned by my promoted colleague a month later

  An ugly expression flashed across Dalin's face, and he realized that he had fallen into a dilemma - either he would be too weak to refuse the milk tea, or he would accept the milk tea and show that he would give in. Colleagues also looked at us, as if waiting for a result.

  Dalin hesitated, but reluctantly took the milk tea. I saw that his hands were trembling slightly, and his face was a little red. At this moment, I knew that I had won this game. He used warmth to dispel Dalin's hostility, but he reciprocated my friendliness by squeezing out. Although the colleagues did not speak, they all counted in their hearts.

  After work, I took the initiative to ask Dalin to have dinner together, wanting to expose this matter. As soon as I opened the scene, I said sincerely, I don't know what I did wrong to make you reject me so much. Dalin said a little shyly, I toasted the leader at the last dinner, but I didn't toast him. It's to look down on him. So I raised my glass and smiled and saluted three glasses of wine to Dalin, showing my sincerity: I guess I was drunk that day and forgot.

My colleague went on a business trip with a gift, but I didn't have it, I ordered milk tea to send him, and I was stunned by my promoted colleague a month later

  A month later, the boss suddenly announced that he was going to promote me to the deputy office position. My colleagues were surprised and came to congratulate me. Only Dalin's face was ugly, so he went to the leader to ask for an understanding - it turned out that the leader had already seen his small action of excluding me, and this time he deliberately promoted me to give him a warning. The leader also deliberately mentioned the "beef jerky" incident, saying that Dalin was too narrow-minded and limited. It is not mature enough, and it is not possible to manage it for the time being.

  Only then did Dalin suddenly realize that his actions with a small belly and chicken intestines had long been seen by the leaders. I was able to face it calmly, and I was able to get promoted. And because he was suspicious and suspicious of others, he lost the opportunity as a result.

  It's a little story in our lives, but it happens to us all the time, doesn't it?

  In the workplace, jealousy and suspicion are inevitable. We need higher emotional intelligence to resolve conflicts, and only by knowing people well can we gain a firm foothold in the workplace and gain recognition and promotion opportunities from others.

  I don't know if you have encountered similar things in the workplace?

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