
Summary of drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus: 1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule This drug is a difluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can be blocked

author:Medication exploration

Summary of drugs for the treatment of headache, dizziness, tinnitus and other cerebrovascular diseases:

1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsules

The drug is a difluoride derivative of cinnarazine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can prevent excess calcium ions from entering vascular smooth muscle cells, causing vasodilation, and has good selectivity for cerebral blood vessels, but has poor effect on myocardial blood vessels, so it has little impact on blood pressure and heart rate. It has a long-lasting inhibitory effect on vasoconstriction caused by vasoconstrictive substances, and the effect on the basilar artery and internal carotid artery is more pronounced. It can inhibit the calcium overload caused by ischemia and hypoxia in brain tissue, protect brain tissue, penetrate the blood-brain barrier, and reduce ischemic and hypoxic damage to brain cells. It has a preventive effect on the calcium overload caused by hypoxia of vascular endothelial cells and protects the integrity of vascular endothelial cells. It can increase the blood flow of radiation arterioles in the cochlea, improve the microcirculation of the vestibular organs, and inhibit nystagmus and vertigo. The drug also has antiepileptic effects. Like cinnarazine, the drug also has antihistamine and sedative effects.

It is suitable for the treatment of: (1) cerebral arterial ischemic diseases, such as cerebral arteriosclerosis, transient ischemic attack, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism and cerebral vasospasm. (2) Dizziness, tinnitus, and vertigo caused by vestibular stimulation or cerebral ischemia. (3) Prevention and treatment of vascular migraine. (4) Adjuvant treatment for epilepsy. (5) Peripheral vascular disease: intermittent claudication, varicose veins and microcirculation disorders of the lower limbs, foot and ankle edema, etc.

2. Betahistine mesylate tablets

This drug is a new type of histamine, the chemical structure and pharmacological properties are similar to histamine, and it is a histamine H1 receptor agonist. This drug has the effect of dilating capillaries, dilating the anterior capillary sphincter, increasing the blood flow of the anterior capillary microcirculation, and also has the effect of dilating the anterior capillary sphincter of the inner ear and increasing the blood flow of the cochlea and vestibbule. This drug can also inhibit the release of histamine and produce anti-allergic effects. This drug can improve vestibular function while dilating blood vessels, and eliminate symptoms such as inner ear vertigo, tinnitus and aural closure. The vasodilating effect of this drug is weaker and more durable than that of histamine, and it does not increase the permeability of microvessels when dilating blood vessels, and has less effect on stimulating gastric acid secretion.

Clinically, it is mainly used for Meniere's syndrome, vascular headache and cerebral arteriosclerosis, and can be used to treat acute ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, transient cerebral insufficiency, etc., and is also effective for orthostatic vertigo and tinnitus caused by hypertension.

3. Butaphthalide soft capsules

The drug is a synthetic racemic n-butylphthalide, which has the same structure as L-apigenin extracted from celery seeds. Clinical studies have shown that the drug has an ameliorating effect on the damage of central nervous system function in patients with acute ischemic stroke. The drug can block multiple pathological links of brain injury caused by ischemic stroke, has a strong anti-cerebral ischemic effect, can significantly reduce the infarct area of local cerebral ischemia, reduce cerebral edema, improve brain energy metabolism and microcirculation and blood flow in ischemic brain area, inhibit nerve cell apoptosis, and has anti-cerebral thrombosis and antiplatelet aggregation effects. The drug exerts the above pharmacodynamic effects by increasing the levels of cerebral endothelial nitric oxide and prostacyclin, reducing intracellular calcium concentration, inhibiting glutamate release, reducing arachidonic acid production, inhibiting oxygen free radicals and improving antioxidant enzyme activity.

It is suitable for: to treat mild and moderate acute ischemic stroke, and to improve neurological deficits in patients with acute ischemic stroke.

4. Troxerutin tablets

The drug is a semi-synthetic water-soluble flavonoid made of rutin by hydroxyethylation. It has the effect of inhibiting the aggregation of red blood cells and platelets, preventing thrombosis, and at the same time can increase the content of oxygen in the blood, improve microcirculation, and promote neoangiogenesis to enhance collateral circulation. It has a protective effect on vascular endothelial cells, can fight against vascular damage caused by serotonin and bradykinin, increases capillary resistance, reduces capillary permeability, and has the effect of preventing edema caused by increased vascular permeability. It also has anti-radiation damage, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-ulcer and other effects.

It is suitable for: (1) hemiplegia and aphasia caused by cerebral thrombosis and cerebral embolism, (2) arteriosclerosis, pre-infarction syndrome of coronary heart disease, (3) thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, Raynaud's syndrome, central retinitis, diabetic retinitis, edema caused by increased vascular permeability, etc.

5. Xuesaitong soft capsules

The drug is refined from notoginseng saponins as raw materials. Main Ingredients: Ginsenoside Rb1, Ginsenoside Rg1, Panax notoginseng Saponin R1. The drug has the functions of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and activating the veins. It can inhibit platelet aggregation, dilate cerebral blood vessels, and increase cerebral blood flow. It can also reduce the body's oxygen consumption and improve the body's tolerance to hypoxia. The drug has anti-cerebral ischemic effect, can improve cerebral edema in patients with multiple cerebral infarctions, promote glial cell response of cerebral malacia foci, accelerate the absorption of softening foci, can reduce neuronal lesions in the hippocampus, has a certain protective effect on transient cerebral ischemia hippocampal delayed neuronal injury, can reduce the number of dead neurons, and increase neuronal density. In addition, clinical studies have shown that the drug can improve blood rheology in patients with cerebral infarction, improve nail fold microcirculation, and reduce serum triglycerides, cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein content. It can also reduce intracranial pressure in patients with severe head injury.

Suitable for: (1) ischemic cerebrovascular disease, coronary heart disease angina, traditional Chinese medicine syndrome seen cerebral stasis, stroke hemiplegia, cardiac obstruction, chest paralysis and heartache. (2) It can also be used to treat retinal vascular obstruction, and blood stasis obstruction is seen in traditional Chinese medicine.

6. Brevisa tablets

The medicine is a flavonoid extracted from the whole plant of Bulb officinalis. It has the effect of dilating cerebral blood vessels, improving cerebral microcirculation, increasing cerebral blood flow, increasing peripheral, coronary and myocardial blood flow, inhibiting platelet aggregation, reducing lipid peroxide, enhancing fibrinolytic activity, and reducing blood viscosity. The oral preparation of the drug has the effects of enhancing learning and memory ability, reducing pulmonary hypertension, lowering blood lipids and reducing blood viscosity. The drug injection has anti-cerebral ischemia, anti-thrombosis and hypolipidemic effects.

Suitable for: (1) ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral insufficiency, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, and stroke sequelae. (2) It is also used for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, angina, hypertension, and hyperviscosity. #微头条首发挑战赛#

Summary of drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus: 1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule This drug is a difluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can be blocked
Summary of drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus: 1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule This drug is a difluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can be blocked
Summary of drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus: 1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule This drug is a difluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can be blocked
Summary of drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus: 1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule This drug is a difluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can be blocked
Summary of drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus: 1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule This drug is a difluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can be blocked
Summary of drugs for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus: 1. Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule This drug is a difluorinated derivative of cinnarizine, which is also a selective calcium ion antagonist, which can be blocked

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