
When you enter pregnancy, you still don't know how to choose DHA for pregnant women? Read this article to teach you

author:Information News

When they learn that they are pregnant, pregnant mothers are looking forward to having a healthy and intelligent baby. This is not only the hope for the future life, but also the ardent expectation for the baby's growth. Especially the current pregnant mothers are more of the new generation of post-95 and post-00 "pregnant mothers", their ideas are more scientific and more individual, and the choice of nutrition during pregnancy is also more meticulous and picky, especially the choice of DHA, after all, this nutrient is related to the eye and brain development of the fetus. Of course, there are also some new pregnant mothers who have not had time to understand pregnant women's DHA. Don't worry, read this article to find out.

When you enter pregnancy, you still don't know how to choose DHA for pregnant women? Read this article to teach you

When it comes to DHA, everyone's first reaction must be "brain gold", DHA is an important component to maintain the growth of nervous system cells, and is a component of the brain and retina, which is up to 20% in the human cerebral cortex. In addition, DHA supplementation during pregnancy can help reduce the incidence of preterm pregnancy symptoms and preterm birth. However, insufficient DHA intake is common among pregnant and lactating women in mainland China, and a cross-sectional study published in Nutrients evaluated the levels of DHA intake in 804 Chinese women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The study found that the intake of DHA in Chinese women was much lower than the recommended standard of 200mg/day for pregnant and lactating women recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society.

When you enter pregnancy, you still don't know how to choose DHA for pregnant women? Read this article to teach you

The median intake of DHA in the second trimester and 20.0 mg in the second trimester and 20.0 mg in the second trimester of pregnancy in mainland China was far lower than the recommended standard of 200 mg. The intake of DHA in women in inland areas is only 9.1mg, which is not even 1/20 of the recommended intake. Therefore, pregnant women in mainland China should increase the intake of DHA-rich foods, or appropriately use fortified foods with DHA and DHA nutritional supplements.

However, due to the fact that the human body cannot synthesize DHA and the fetal stage is the only way for the fetus to ingest DHA, relying on food to supplement DHA cannot meet the needs of the fetus and the mother, so more pregnant and lactating women will turn their attention to DHA nutritional supplements and want to use their advantages for their own use. At present, there are many kinds of DHA in the market, and the brands are mixed, and it is not easy to choose high-quality DHA for pregnant women.

When you enter pregnancy, you still don't know how to choose DHA for pregnant women? Read this article to teach you

First, focus on the safety of DHA in pregnant women.

Food safety is the top priority of supplementation during pregnancy! Most pregnant women DHA is a capsule preparation, but there are many potential safety hazards in the capsule preparation. The cause of the previous thunderstorm poison capsule incident was that the capsules made of animal gelatin were left with heavy metals, hormones and other chemicals, which were harmful to the body. Therefore, it is recommended that when choosing DHA for pregnant women, do not choose capsules derived from animal gelatin, but choose capsules made of pure plants, which is safer.

Secondly, the formulation components of DHA in pregnant women were analyzed.

Delicious ≠ healthy. In order to make pregnant women feel more palatable and delicious, many DHA brands for pregnant women add additives such as sucrose and maltodextrin to the products, which is unhealthy for pregnant women, easy to raise blood sugar, and easy to increase the digestive burden. When you choose, you should choose DHA products with simple and clean formulas.

Next, let's look at the nutritional sources of DHA for pregnant women.

Compared with fish oil, which has uncertain safety, DHA derived from algal oil is more recommended. According to the current national new resource food announcement, the only algal oil that can be allowed to be produced as DHA is Schizochytridella, Wuken chytridium and Cryptodinoflagellates Coleii. At present, most of the experimental research on DHA algae at home and abroad is mostly carried out around Schizochytrid, with more public information and more sufficient scientific research data. To put it simply, Schizochytrium is more reliable.

Finally, it depends on whether the DHA nutrition of pregnant women is sufficient.

As mentioned above, the daily DHA intake standard recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society for pregnant and lactating women is 200mg, and 300mg is appropriate. When choosing, you can take a look at the content of DHA in each pregnant woman, and then understand whether the recommended daily consumption can meet the recommended standard.

When you enter pregnancy, you still don't know how to choose DHA for pregnant women? Read this article to teach you

Based on the above points, the "comprehensive quality" of DHA, which is well-known for its safe and natural 0 additives, is higher. As the pioneer of global vegetable capsules, Aole Milk has been adhering to the concept of pure plants for many years to create high-quality DHA for pregnant women. Aole Milk Pregnant Women's DHA is made of 100% natural tapioca starch to make a pure vegetable capsule coat, and natural deep-sea schizochytrium oil is used as a nutritional source to ensure sufficient nutrition and safety, and two capsules a day can easily supplement 300mg of DHA. In addition, it is recommended that pregnant mothers choose nutritional supplements under the guidance of professionals, and at the same time follow the advice of professionals to supplement other nutrients other than DHA, so that scientific and comprehensive nutrition supplementation can lay a solid foundation for the growth of the baby.

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