
Direction of seafood production structure

Direction of seafood production structure

Home-roasted East China Sea large yellow croaker (steamed with scallion oil/minced ginger/pickled/pickled/roasted cabbage)

Direction of seafood production structure

Sea white shrimp (Longjingtang steamed)

Direction of seafood production structure

Saltwater sea melon seeds

Direction of seafood production structure

Steamed seafood from the East China Sea

Direction of seafood production structure

Steamed soft-shelled turtle with yellow pepper sauce

Direction of seafood production structure


Direction of seafood production structure

Homemade steamed red crab with yellow pepper sauce meatloaf

Direction of seafood production structure

Chongming spinach boiled black gold abalone

Direction of seafood production structure

Black truffle ham sand radish bacon rice

Direction of seafood production structure

Pepper tiger vegetables mixed with sea cucumber

Direction of seafood production structure

Homemade green pepper sauce baked raw East China Sea yellow croaker

Direction of seafood production structure

Mandarin duck crab stir-fried homemade handmade noodles

Direction of seafood production structure

Fresh pepper sauce with low-temperature scallops with sturgeon roe

Direction of seafood production structure

Longjing tea incense burns Qiantang burbot eel

Direction of seafood production structure

Homemade baked pine crab with toon sauce

Direction of seafood production structure

Steamed salt-marinated tofu with soybean sauce and large yellow croaker

Direction of seafood production structure

Wu Yue frozen cream crab

Direction of seafood production structure

Smoked large yellow croaker

Direction of seafood production structure

Old vinegar jellyfish skin

Direction of seafood production structure

Crispy white shrimp with mossy cabbage

Direction of seafood production structure

Chestnut cod

Direction of seafood production structure

Sour soup shabu black gold abalone

Direction of seafood production structure

Australian lobster (three meals, salt and pepper, clay congee, baked raw, sashimi)

Direction of seafood production structure

King crab (baked, stir-fried in typhoon shelter, cooked sashimi)

Direction of seafood production structure

Tabby (bridge, boiled, steamed with old vegetables)

Direction of seafood production structure

Eastern star grouper (shrimp soup across the bridge, steamed ginger, baked red pepper, boiled in sour soup)

Direction of seafood production structure

Two green dragon stewed Wagyu beef tofu

Direction of seafood production structure

Steamed three-door cream crab with black pork meat

Direction of seafood production structure

Ginger paste baked with three doors of crab

Direction of seafood production structure

Jingsha ecological snapping turtle

Direction of seafood production structure

Bamboo shoot shell fish (boiled, home-roasted, steamed with cabbage, fresh pepper sesame pepper)

Direction of seafood production structure

Organic radish roasted and air-dried hairtail

Direction of seafood production structure

Pan-fried East China Sea hairtail fish

Direction of seafood production structure

Rouge fish (steamed in scallion oil, grilled at home)

Direction of seafood production structure

Miscellaneous fish in the East China Sea

Direction of seafood production structure

Black spotted cinnamon (home roasted, boiled soup)

Direction of seafood production structure

Dry-cooked Roche shrimp in a stone pot

Direction of seafood production structure

Salad peony shrimp balls

Direction of seafood production structure

Hand-beaten cuttlefish slippery boiled cabbage

Direction of seafood production structure

Honeycomb Kaluga silver cod

Direction of seafood production structure

Braised crab roe in Guangxi Lipu taro

Direction of seafood production structure

Braised mountain forest chicken

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