
Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Recently, 42-year-old Yu Wenle was exposed by Taiwan media as a suspected marriage change, on the grounds that he recently emptied the news related to his wife Wang Tangyun, leaving only a few photos of the children.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart
Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Around the end of last month's New Year's Eve, he also posted a post saying "reset and restart", which seems to have something to say.

Although after getting married and giving birth to a son and a daughter, Yu Wenle was almost in a state of withdrawing from the circle, but his marriage to Wang Tangyun was "hit the rocks" news at the end of the three days.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

In addition to the woman's wealthy family and the label of "white rich beauty", she also had an indecent title before she got married, and there was a lot of "black material".

And the man is not a male classmate without a story, and there are a lot of scandals before marriage.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Therefore, the marriage of these two has been constantly sung down by the outside world from the beginning, until now the turmoil has reappeared.

In fact, throughout the entertainment industry, especially in Hong Kong and Taiwan, there are many CPs of male stars + daughters of wealthy families, but the endings are very different:

Some are breezy and low-key and happy, while others are turbulent and tear each other apart.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Dig deep into the reasons, each with its own story.

1. Before "marrying into a wealthy family", he had a rich love history

Before the "fall", Yu Wenle was really popular.

He is a well-known "style man" in the Hong Kong circle, a "prodigal face" and so on have fascinated countless fans, and he is in competition with Edison Chen, Wu Yanzu and other contemporaneous male stars.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Shawn Yue was born in Hong Kong in 1981 to a modest family, his parents originally ran a factory and the family was well-off.

But in 1997, it caught up with the financial turmoil and went bankrupt, and he still owed huge foreign debts, so Yu Wenle had no choice but to drop out of school and go out to work to supplement his family.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

During a shopping trip, he was discovered by a talent scout with a delicate face, so he entered the industry as a part-time model.

At the same stage, Taiwanese businessman Wang Dongsheng founded the Asian American Group, which mainly started by producing various bags and bags, and its worth rose to the top.

He has a daughter named Wang Yurou, born in 1988, who has lived in brocade clothes and jade food since she was a child, living a life like a little princess.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Two years after the birth of Yamei Group, 19-year-old Yu Wenle successfully entered the showbiz with a youth idol drama "Youth @Y2K".

Because of the filming of this drama, he sparked a spark with actress Tang Shiyong and ushered in the first scandal after his debut.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

At that time, the two were photographed hugging in public, which was very sweet, but the teenage friendship came and went quickly, and they soon ceased.

After saying goodbye to Tang Shiyong, Yu Wenle co-starred in the radio drama "Falling in Love with Your Bed", and had an ambiguous relationship with singer Lu Qiaoyin, who was 6 years older than him.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

At that time, the woman was at the peak of her career, and Yu Wenle was just starting out, so this relationship seemed to be "not the right door" and was ridiculed by the outside world.

As there were more and more doubts, Lu Qiaoyin directly stood up for her boyfriend:

"He's small, but he's very good at taking care of people, much better than the older imbeciles. ”

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

After that, the woman spared no effort to promote her boyfriend and find resources for him everywhere, but the man obviously did not want to give up the whole forest for a tree.

Soon, he had an affair with actress Rainie Yang because of his participation in "Love White Paper", which led to a breakup with Lu Qiaoyin.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

However, Yue Wenle's star journey is still very smooth and bright, because in 2002, he became popular overnight because he participated in the police movie "Infernal Affairs" and played Chen Yongren as a teenager.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

He is also known as "Tony Leung's successor" by the outside world, and the limelight once crushed Edison Chen, Nicholas Tse and others, and the scenery is unique.

Along with his brilliant career, Yu Wenle's brilliant love history continues.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

In 2003, he began a relationship with Huang Yiwen, known as the "boy killer", and initially faced the speculation of the media and netizens, Yu Wenle denied it several times.

But he couldn't bear to be photographed dating, so he had to admit that the relationship lasted for about 5 years, and then because the woman couldn't stand her boyfriend's flowers, she reluctantly gave up her feelings.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

After Yu Wenle broke up, he was exposed to explicit text messages with the beautiful model Wang Luyao, and at the same time dated another beautiful model Yan Houjun Ceci late at night...... In short, lace constantly.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

In 2010, he was exposed by Hong Kong media that he was suspected of developing a "sister and brother relationship" with the "diva" Zheng Xiuwen, and he often went in and out of pairs.

At that time, the woman's real boyfriend Xu Zhian was surrounded by the media and asked questions, so he had to wave his hand awkwardly: "Don't say it." ”

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

It was also this year that Wang Yurou, who already had the label of "Daughter of the Belt King", made her debut successfully with an idol drama "Principal Liumang", and in the same year, she also participated in the song MV of Jay Chou's "Rain All Night".

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

At that time, she didn't know that she was about to be in the limelight a few years later because of the label of "moon sister".

2. The official announcement of the relationship relied on "force", and it was frequently rumored to hit the rocks after marriage

Looking at it now, Wang Yurou's acting career development can only be regarded as average:

The works she starred in one after another are silent, and her dedication is obviously not high, with only one work a year.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

But in 2013, she was involved in the Li Zongrui X love incident, which was like the Yan Zhaomen incident, which also shattered the three views.

Wang Yurou is one of the heroines of the incident, and the reason why she got this name is because the man often dates him during his menstrual period.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

After the video was exposed, her fiancé chose to regret her marriage in a fit of anger, and her reputation plummeted.

In desperation, Wang Yurou sued Li Zongrui to the court, but was defeated by the judge on the grounds of "you took the initiative to cooperate".

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Later, she had no choice but to change her name to Wang Tangyun and "disappeared" for a period of time to avoid the limelight.

During this period, Shawn Yue's career development also encountered a bottleneck:

He went to Japan to develop, but it was rumored that he was messing with young models, and his popularity fell to the bottom.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

In terms of career, although there are popular movies such as "Zhiming and Chunjiao", most of his follow-up works end up on the street.

In the same year that Wang Tangyun fell into the Li Zongrui incident, Yu Wenle was photographed dating Wu Yufei again, but it also failed to last long.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

The woman's father stepped back in an interview later: "During his daughter's relationship, he repeatedly looked for his previous girlfriend ......"

In addition to the successive negative news in his private life, many of Yue Wenle's behaviors are also confusing:

For example, he was once exposed to be dissatisfied with the command of the parking lot commander, and scolded him on the spot;

There is also a queue when going to the mall to shop and check out, and the assistant next to him also bluntly said on the spot: "We never queue up to buy things!"

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Even some fans took photos with him with great interest, but Yu Wenle also refused with a cold face on the spot.

After coming and going, he fell from popularity to the bottom - although there have always been works, his popularity is not as good as before.

Until the end of 2016, Yu Wenle and Wang Tangyun were rumored to be in a relationship, and before that, he was still firing CP with Zhou Dongyu on variety shows.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

But even if he admits his relationship with his girlfriend, he seems reluctant:

"I was forced to announce my relationship, because I was photographed by the media and had to admit that we had only been dating for 3 months, so let's not think too much. ”

One sentence has lost the popularity of passers-by, and coupled with the woman's previous "black material", the relationship between the two has never been favored by the outside world.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart
Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

But I didn't expect that at the end of the following year, the two actually achieved positive results, held a wedding, and gave birth to a son directly the following year and was promoted to dad.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

After marriage, both men and women have stopped a lot, and they have lived a breezy day, but Yu Wenle was photographed again, chatting with beauties in a nightclub, and was angrily criticized by the outside world for "crossing the line!"

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Until this time, the content of emptying his wife once again caused heated discussions.

Thinking about the importance of family to himself in variety shows:

"I spend every day with my wife in the hospital, and I want to cry when I see her, because my daughter feels that family comes first. ”

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart
Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

It's really embarrassing to think about, after all, Wang Tangyun has been very low-key since he got married, and he has almost no sense of existence in the entertainment industry.

However, when the two were in love at that time, it was rumored that the woman's family had encountered a major crisis in the group's operation and owed more than 2 billion yuan.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

At that time, it was also rumored that a man in black had collected debts downstairs in Wang Tangyun's brokerage company, which may be one of the reasons why she is becoming more and more low-key.

In fact, looking at the male stars in the Hong Kong and Taiwan circles who choose to "marry" into wealthy families, they will more or less encounter similar problems, but not every couple will be in the same boat through thick and thin.

3. "Wealthy sons-in-law" have their own opportunities

Actress Guo Keying, who once became popular with "Criminal Investigation Files", is actually the daughter of Hong Kong's "plastic king", owning many properties around the world and worth more than 10 billion.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

But she fell in love with Lin Wenlong, who was born poor, because of filming, even if the outside world was not optimistic, the two still achieved positive results after 9 years of love.

It is said that when he got married, all the expenses of the wedding were made by Guo Keying, and the man was called "soft rice man" by the outside world.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

In this regard, Lin Wenlong did not show weakness, but cheated on the domestic entertainment actress Dong Weijia a few years later, and was also revealed to have used his wife's money to buy a house for the other party.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Just when everyone was waiting for Guo Keying to tear up the scumbag, she was also revealed to be unclear with the actor Li Keqin - the husband and wife were suspected of cheating.

After these incidents, they gave birth to their daughter in 2010, and now they are living a very low-key life.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Similar things happened to Wu Jianhao and Shi Zhenshan, but they didn't stop so much.

The man, who once became popular as F4, met Shi Zhenshan, the daughter of Singapore's "palm oil king", because of the filming of the MV in 2006, and the two fell in love soon and broke up soon.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

But after a few years of going around and around, they continued to lead the way and achieved positive results in 2013.

It is rumored that the main reason for their separation and merger is that the woman's family does not like Wu Jianhao's identity as an artist, but he did not give up, and finally got his father-in-law and got the "name", so he became the "Phoenix Man" in the mouth of outsiders.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

However, Shi Zhenshan is very fun-loving, even after getting married, he is still a frequent visitor to nightclubs, and the two have constant conflicts after they really live together.

In the second year of marriage, the woman swore on social platforms, scolding her husband for "being different from what she sees on TV", Wu Jianhao was not to be outdone, and responded strongly: "Take care of your tongue!"

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

In 2018, Shi Zhenshan's friend came forward to break the news and listed the man's "5 sins" to puncture the love between the two, and then they ended their 5-year marriage.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

However, in addition to the above couples, there are also some "wealthy sons-in-law" in the Hong Kong and Taiwan circles who have really found true love, and after marrying their wives, they have changed their previous style of "love saints".

"The first male god" Wu Yanzu married his model girlfriend Lisa Selesner who had been in love for 8 years in 2010.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

The woman is known as the "Princess of Las Vegas Palace" because her father started by running a market and is worth a lot of money.

Although the man had a lot of scandals before marriage, he really restrained his heart after marriage, and said publicly more than once: "Marriage must be a lifetime." ”

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

Tao Zhe, who has always been a "coffee player", married Jiang Peirong, a "hardware daughter" worth NT$1 billion, in 2014.

It is reported that the woman admires Tao Zhe's talent very much, and the two decided to get married in a flash after only 2 months of love.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

It's just that the year after the marriage, the man was also exposed to the cheating storm, he directly admitted it, and also made a PPT press conference to apologize.

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart
Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

In this regard, Jiang Peirong was very generous, not only did not make any trouble, but also actively prepared for pregnancy, and gave birth to her son Bon in 2019.

Tao Zhe also reciprocated the favor and made a high-profile confession in an interview:

"She has accompanied me through the darkest period of my life, and I am willing to spend two or three lifetimes with her......"

Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart
Yu Wenle is suspected of a marriage change: Why does the ending of "Wealthy Son-in-law" be different? Some people love each other, and some people tear each other apart

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