
#Micro Headline Debut Challenge##Daily Original Couplet#Uplink: The spring breeze blows the willow silk green, and the downlink: The summer rain moistens the fragrance of flowers and fruits.

author:Miscellaneous Stories on the History of Bunchi


#Daily original couplet#

Shanglian: The spring breeze blows the willow green,

Downlink: Summer rain moistens the fragrance of flowers and fruits.

#Micro Headline Debut Challenge##Daily Original Couplet#Uplink: The spring breeze blows the willow silk green, and the downlink: The summer rain moistens the fragrance of flowers and fruits.
#Micro Headline Debut Challenge##Daily Original Couplet#Uplink: The spring breeze blows the willow silk green, and the downlink: The summer rain moistens the fragrance of flowers and fruits.
#Micro Headline Debut Challenge##Daily Original Couplet#Uplink: The spring breeze blows the willow silk green, and the downlink: The summer rain moistens the fragrance of flowers and fruits.

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