
Li Si: A group of people talk about a case, and the contradictions are solved online

author:Micro-perspective of the Yangtze River Delta
Li Si: A group of people talk about a case, and the contradictions are solved online

714 cases were concluded in one year, with a first-instance judgment dismissal rate of 98.46% and an average of 27.03 days of natural trial. In 2023, Judge Li Si of the Expedited Division of the Qingjiangpu District Court of Huai'an City handed over the year-end answer sheet of "handling more cases, handling cases quickly, and handling cases well". Asked if she had any clever ways to resolve disputes, she smiled and said nothing, opened her mobile phone and flipped out WeChat groups.

"Don't underestimate these group chats, there are 'big things' of judicial services hidden in them. It turned out that Li Si was used to establishing WeChat groups with the parties. She named the case number and cause of action, pulled the case-handling team and both parties into the group, and carried out evidence exchange, conversation, mediation, and interpretation of the law in the group.

Li Si: A group of people talk about a case, and the contradictions are solved online

The group chat resolved the dispute, and the original defendant both sent pennants

Li Si once used a WeChat group to mediate a dispute, and finally the original defendant sent pennants to thank him.

Seven years ago, Li, Fang, and Gu signed two house sale and purchase agreements at the same price, stipulating that Li would sell the house under his name to Fang to pay off the debt, and Fang would sell the house to Gu to offset his salary with part of the house payment. Unexpectedly, the house was sold privately by Li, and the property rights were registered, and the house was later auctioned by the judiciary. At that time, Gu had already renovated and moved in, and raised an enforcement objection to the court auction, but it was rejected in accordance with the law, and then Gu and Fang negotiated to ask him to auction the house and sell it to himself. Fang successfully bid, but the total price of the house has risen a lot. For the unpaid house payment, the negotiation between the two failed, and Gu sued the court to require Fang to continue to perform and transfer the property according to the original agreed price.

After reading the file, Li Si found that the facts of the case were clear and the evidence was clear, but who would bear the difference in the price of the house? She set up a WeChat group to invite the two parties to join the group to "chat", and found that Fang was very sorry for not letting Li transfer the house in time, and Gu said that it was difficult to accept the increased cost of buying a house.

"Boss Fang spent money to bid for a house, just so that your family can live in peace and less toss. "You are responsible for this matter, and the increased cost cannot be borne by Lao Gu alone. Li Si chatted in the group, tried to find a balance between the interests of both parties, and finally gave a satisfactory mediation plan.

"I didn't run any more errands, I did it all in the group!" After Gu and Fang fulfilled the mediation agreement, they went to the court together in the rain to present Li Si with a pennant. "Thanks to the judge group leader, I was angry at first, but after carefully pondering what she said in the group, I slowly figured it out. ”

Li Si: A group of people talk about a case, and the contradictions are solved online

The plaintiff and the defendant sent pennants

To be recognized, "one case and one group" has become a habit

WeChat account is personal information, how can the judge invite the parties to join the group, and what services can the group chat provide for handling the case? Li Si figured out his own rules.

In addition to the defendants in the cases that need to be announced, Li Si took the initiative to solicit the opinions of both parties to form a group, informing them that they can express themselves in the group fully, at any time, and online. If he encounters a case with complex legal relationships and a large amount of evidence, Li Si will build a group through an agent ad litem. "WeChat groups are easy to use, save time, effort and transportation costs, and are generally receptive to suggestions. ”

WeChat groups cannot become decorations, the key is to give full play to their functions. Li Si asked both parties to send the evidence materials in the group first, and organized cross-examination, defense, and pre-trial mediation. She introduced that the points of contention and evidence can be communicated in the group before the trial, and the original documents are mainly checked during the trial, which is much more efficient.

It is not difficult to mediate in court and accept both victory and defeat, and some cases can be successfully mediated before the court and the plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit.

In a lease contract dispute, Li Si led the team to conduct on-site investigation during the day, and the party Zhang did not hide his feelings, and left a message in the group at nine o'clock in the evening to express his gratitude. "After seeing it, my heart is still beautiful, and the judge also has the 'vanity' to ask for praise!" Li Si hopes that the more such interactions, the better. Jianqun's handling of the case has been recognized by the parties, and she has slowly developed the habit of "one case and a group".

Real-time communication to build a bridge between the judiciary and the people

With group chat, the person concerned can leave a message at any time. Li Si will reply as soon as he receives the message. "As a party member and a judge, I should respond to the concerns of the people in a timely manner. ”

The warmth and intensity of justice for the people, and the efforts and intentions of the case-handling personnel, are conveyed in the group chat of each case.

In Li Si's view, the WeChat group of the case is like a long bench, with the parties sitting at both ends, and the most important thing is to balance the interests of both parties. This balance point is slowly discussed, and the WeChat group avoids face-to-face communication, due to the opposing emotions and tense atmosphere transmitted by body language, facial expressions, etc., to a certain extent, it also gives the parties a rational and calm expression space. If the judge maintains neutrality and rationality in the group, expresses the necessary empathy in a timely manner, and helps both parties re-establish trust, the conflict will be easier to resolve. No matter where the parties are, as long as they are willing to join the group to communicate, they can resolve the dispute without meeting.

After the case is mediated or adjudicated, she will supervise it in a timely manner, and the group will be disbanded after confirming the performance. "If the case enters the enforcement procedure, we can also communicate the progress of the enforcement with the enforcement judge in the group. "Responding to lawsuits at your fingertips, serving in the palm of your hand, supervising online, and a small WeChat group have become a big stage for the people. Li Si's case-handling group is often maintained at about 20. "I make time every day to follow cases with groups and speed things up. As soon as the case is cleared, the group is disbanded. ”

Not long ago, Li Si was named one of the "Top Ten Mediation Experts" in Qingjiangpu District in 2023, becoming a model student in the district who adheres to and develops the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era. Zhang Qiang, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Academy, commented: The WeChat group is convenient and efficient, and the masses use it a lot and are familiar with it. Judge Li Si adheres to the concept of integration of trial and execution, adopts "accompaniment" litigation services, and makes good use of the mass work method. "One case and one group" handling cases not only saves multiple costs and solves the people's troubles with high quality and efficiency, but also allows the parties to feel the sunshine and warmth of justice at zero distance, which is a great "light cavalry" for resolving disputes. (Wang Shuchen, Kong Dongdong)

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