
Luo Jin's "Scout Hero" was criticized as an anti-Japanese drama? The real anti-American veterans are much more fierce than the TV series

author:Yi Ke Ke Li

On January 9, 2024, Beijing time, the TV series "Scout Heroes" starring Luo Jin and Ma Sichun was mixed.

There are a few points that do not understand

First, the plot is too fake, eight people beat hundreds of people, and none of them were injured, which is more divine than a hand-tossed devil, and a reconnaissance squad hangs and beats a battalion opposite, This is more divine than an anti-Japanese drama.

Second, I don't understand very much, why do you want to bring an art troupe to resist US aggression and aid Korea, I don't know how high the casualty rate of the art troupe is?

Third, why is the definition of the heroine disobedient to orders, causing trouble, unreasonable, the old routine heroine has a low IQ, which is annoying, and she wants to fast forward when she looks at it.

Fourth, serious war films are interpreted into romance films, it is really for the concept that love is everywhere, there is still time to fall in love during the tense period of war, what is this reconnaissance, is it nothing to fall in love behind enemy lines, are you serious, director?

Luo Jin's "Scout Hero" was criticized as an anti-Japanese drama? The real anti-American veterans are much more fierce than the TV series

First of all, we need to understand history before we evaluate it, with all due respect, the South Korean army is a dish, including the north! Back then, we gave three divisions to the north, and the north relied on these three divisions to push the south to Axe Mountain, and Kim Il Sung did not listen to persuasion or believe our intelligence, and the US army landed at Inchon and was pushed back to the Yalu River, and then the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began!

If you have watched the documentary to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the gods of war in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea can be called an impossible task, the director filmed too low-key, the anti-US scouts are all gods of war: "Do you know that one person fought behind enemy lines and still captured 63 American soldiers, do you know that the three of us captured a battalion? Do you still know that we alone captured a company of prisoners"?

In the American Seal or Delta movies, if China is not a hundred, China will not be able to do it? After decades of war, where is it inferior to the American-trained two devils Li Puppet Army? Do you know how Han Ran ran came to be?

If you look at the history of wars in modern China, you will know that this is all normal operation.

Many of the battles and battles of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea are miracles created by people, scouts are the top of the whole army, scouts are the predecessors of the current special forces, the enemy on the opposite side can't stand our beating, won't you cut melons and vegetables when you fight these southern puppets?

Luo Jin's "Scout Hero" was criticized as an anti-Japanese drama? The real anti-American veterans are much more fierce than the TV series

Some netizens don't know what the meaning of going to war and taking the art troupe to go? They may have been "assimilated" by modern thinking, and understand the art troupe as the current men's and women's troupes.

If you take a good look at the brief history, you will have to go to any department of the large combat unit, logistics, art troupes, automobile troops, engineers, stretcher soldiers, all have tasks.

Don't underestimate and make fun of the art team, this is also a group of people worthy of respect, risking their lives to go to the front line, if you think they are a burden, you are very ignorant, they go to relieve the combat pressure of the front-line soldiers, if you have always maintained a high degree of combat pressure and mental tension, this is very bad for the morale of the combat and the mental state of the combat troops.

The art troupe went to the battlefield to boost the morale of the soldiers and cheer for the victorious return of the soldiers. Ma Sichun's "Wen Jie", a member of the art team, also has a prototype. Let's take a look at the real cases on the battlefield, and after understanding, you will know that their silent dedication is also a hero.

Luo Jin's "Scout Hero" was criticized as an anti-Japanese drama? The real anti-American veterans are much more fierce than the TV series

Speaking of the heroines in this kind of main theme, they are all protective and caring, hypocritical, obviously disobedient to the arrangement, in the war era, all actions must be commanded, as if she is a hypocritical lady who is a soldier again.

Luo Jin's "Scout Hero" was criticized as an anti-Japanese drama? The real anti-American veterans are much more fierce than the TV series

Aunt Wen is the figure of a member of the art troupe in the play, in the atmosphere of war, hardship and sacrifice, she injects a trace of gentleness and joy into the plot, and this does not prevent her from growing and maturing in the later episodes, and even growing into a female detective hero, just like the scene where he dies with the enemy shows the power of women.

Luo Jin's "Scout Hero" was criticized as an anti-Japanese drama? The real anti-American veterans are much more fierce than the TV series

But seriously, Ma Sichun's acting is average, at least in her interpretation of Luo Jin's emotional transformation, although she cried a lot, I believe that she only moved herself, the audience didn't feel it, in a word, no empathy,

And when she was supposed to be beautiful in the play, she became the image of an aunt. It's also embarrassing!

I would like to conclude by saying

Putting aside the embarrassment of the heroine, the TV series "Scout Hero" is a good drama that I haven't seen for many years! All the storylines have a historical basis, and the service is accurate! Even the three or three offensive positions at the squad and platoon level, alternately covering and retreating, and the encirclement and suppression deployment of the internal and external lines, except for the slight difference in the search formation arrangement, all the other details are the standard tactics of our army back then! I haven't seen such a good conscience detail drama for many years, and the 30-year-old army fan is intoxicated in the drama!!

The mainland should also make more TV dramas of this kind, which are much better than some so-called divine dramas in the past, and now we understand why the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won? It was all bought by the human flesh and blood of the volunteers. Every time I saw a heroic warrior dying, my throat felt a clogging pain. In those days, there was material poverty, but they were really rich, and spiritual wealth was real wealth!

But I don't know if I'm superficial, I feel that the country has not solved the treatment of these veterans on the battlefield, but those who get high-paying pensions are those who do offices, and many veterans who have retired from the battlefield have become problems.


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