
Mo Yan and Yu Hua's writing methods are really amazing! These 14 tips are for beginners to quickly improve their writing ability

author:Yuan Yan'er


1: Focus on rational reading

Reading is an essential aid to the writing journey.

It's okay to read some books with your interest, but to improve your writing, you need to read more rationally.

What is rational reading, I understand it this way.

When you see a touching place, stop and think about why it is so touching, what is the meaning of writing like this, and how you would express it if you were to change it, and write down your feelings and thoughts in your own words.

Rational reading not only helps us to write, but also helps us understand other relevant works.

2 Writing, writing. Writing is the key to improving your writing.

A lot of reading can certainly improve your writing, but no matter how much you read, you can't write without it.

It is not possible to write a book after reading it, and writing still requires specialized study and practice.

Don't wait until you have accumulated a certain amount of reading before writing, but reading and writing should go hand in hand.

3: Imitation is also a method.

When you first start writing, it's rare for someone to write a great piece of work right away. When you don't know how to write at the beginning of your writing, imitation is an effective way to do it.

Many painters will copy the paintings of their predecessors in the early stage, and slowly develop their own painting style.

Mo Yan and Yu Hua's writing methods are really amazing! These 14 tips are for beginners to quickly improve their writing ability

Writing too.

A large number of imitations can enable us to accumulate a large number of vocabulary and have a control over the sense of language. Over time, we gradually form a unique style of language, prompting us to permutate and combine the words stored in our minds to output a literary language with our own characteristics.

4: Simple notes can provide inspiration.

In various situations in life, the brain will always occasionally pop up something, an idea or feeling, etc., at this time, a simple note, maybe a sentence or even a word, represents an inspiration at that time.

Occasionally, I would get up in the middle of the night and write down things in my dreams, or things that suddenly came to my mind. Most of them remember that there is no order, or even messy, it doesn't matter, and when you start a new creation, find this note, and roughly flip through it, and you will find that there are a lot of unexpected inspirations.

5: Writing skills "Sense of Presence", "Epistolary Narrative", "Five Senses"

Build a "sense of presence" and put yourself into the article!

Many newcomers often don't know where to start when they first start writing. You can create with things you have personally experienced, and the things of your relatives and friends, so that you can not only write a sincere article, but also solve the pain points that you have nothing to say.

Writing does not find a feeling, and it is narrated in epistolary style.

At the beginning of writing, when you don't know what form to use to narrate, you can try the epistolary style! Pretend that you are writing to a friend, and then you will naturally turn on the faucet of inspiration and write it down smoothly.

When writing, you should mobilize your five senses and make the scene have a sense of picture.

Some scenes mobilize the five senses to describe, and the text is more vivid and layered, and will not be dry.

For example, when describing a rainy day, sight: dark clouds, hearing: thunder in the distance, touch: rain with coolness, smell: moist earthiness, taste: fresh smell in the air.

Mo Yan and Yu Hua's writing methods are really amazing! These 14 tips are for beginners to quickly improve their writing ability

Yu Hua

1: Sit down and write

Don't think about anything, just sit down and write.

If you don't write, you don't know how bad your writing is.

Only by writing down can you accumulate experience and have your own work.

The shortcut to writing, there is only one word, that is, writing,

In the early days, it was common to sit at a desk with a blank mind and not be able to write.

Teacher Yu Hua's approach is: open a literary magazine, find a random short story to study, this is the vocabulary used here, the lines here, the punctuation here. If you look at writing, you will find that you can also write some good sentences.

2: Know how to imitate.

Imitation is to learn from good writers.

Find out the classic works of your predecessors, carefully study their words and sentences, think about how their dialogues are written, how the environment is described, how psychological changes are described, and learn to imitate the style in order to create a style.

Yu Hua said that he learned how to write details from Yasunari Kawabata, how to write from Kafka's works, and how to achieve "psychological description" from the short stories of American novelist William Faulkner.

3: Reading is important

I'd rather sacrifice some of my writing time than read more.

Be sure to read great works. Read the works of great writers like Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

Reading great works is more useful for improving literary interest and cultivation, and you can also set a high standard for yourself when writing.

Mo Yan and Yu Hua's writing methods are really amazing! These 14 tips are for beginners to quickly improve their writing ability

All works have shortcomings, so don't judge the shortcomings of the work when you read it, but focus on the strengths of the work. The shortcomings of others are not necessarily our shortcomings, and absorbing the strengths of others can help us improve ourselves.

4: Modify

Sometimes, a good essay is not written at the beginning, but is perfected after repeated revisions. Yu Hua once said that he is a writer who likes revision, and believes that revision is a kind of enjoyment, but also a process of self-reflection, which is also very helpful for future writing.

"When writing, the identity of the author is responsible for the progress of the narrative, and the identity of the reader is responsible for the proportions of the narrative as it moves forward."

When we revise the article without moving, it may be that we are at a stalemate as "author" and "reader", and neither is satisfied with each other. At this point, put it aside for a few days and come back to it.

5: Sources of inspiration

Yu Hua said: "Inspiration is not something you wait for, inspiration is like a boxing match, it wants to knock you down, you want to defeat it, and finally you defeat it, and inspiration will come." ”

Don't wait for inspiration to write, if you really want to write, the only way to do it is to sit at your desk and write patiently for three to four hours every day.

Sometimes inspiration can be found in different works of art.

Mo Yan and Yu Hua's writing methods are really amazing! These 14 tips are for beginners to quickly improve their writing ability

Yu Hua said that many of everyone's emotions, desires and imaginations are stored in the fictional world, looking forward to being woken up. Film, literature, music, fine arts, all forms of art are like wake-up clocks.

6: Ways to improve your work

The language is accurate.

Yu Hua said, "A good writer should be like a landlord oppressing his own long-term work, so that the language can exert its maximum energy." ”

Learn some tricks. Narrative techniques can help us express emotions more intensively, more intensely, and more emotionally. Technique is somewhat like building a highway for emotion, with railings on both sides to keep unnecessary things out.

Don't rush to think you've found your own writing style. Once you've experimented with a lot of styles, you'll concentrate on a number of different styles and then switch to your own.

7: Establish a set writing habit

What time to write, where to write, and how many words to write, you must have a fixed routine, and you must not develop a habit

No matter how painful it is, you have to persevere, good habits will allow you to reduce the resistance of writing, train the writing muscles, you are in

Writing will go further and further on the road.

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