
ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

Among the many outstanding actors in the hit series "Big River", each of them has added countless highlights to the show with their acting skills. However, in the minds of audiences and critics, there is one name that has stood out in particular lately - Wang Kai. His performance can be said to be "crazy", and the role is vividly interpreted and breathtaking.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

Of course, other actors should not be underestimated, especially Liu Dan, whose performance has won widespread praise and firmly occupies the second place on the list of "best acting skills". But how exactly does Wang Kai stand out in the play, and what is so special about his performance that can make the audience so crazy?


In the drama "The Years of the Great River", there is a new face of the post-00s generation that I will never forget, that is "Yang Kui" played by Ma Fanding. is different from the calmness of other powerful actors, she brings a kind of youthful stubbornness and sincerity.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

Recalling the third episode of the play, the showdown between "Yang Kui" and his brother is really exciting. Ma Fanding under the camera, his eyes are red, and his nose trembles slightly, as if every nerve is beating for this role.

When she played "Yang Kui" in the face of her brother, although she was tough on the surface, the hand that the camera captured holding her pants revealed her inner tension and uneasiness.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

However, as the lines progressed, "Yang Kui"'s emotions became more and more intense, and the language was as smooth as flowing water. This scene seems to be a real brother and sister quarrel at home, and the emotions are sincere and moving. Especially when she talks about her mother, the choked throat in her voice and the tears in her eyes all show the strength and softness of this character.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

In the play, "Yang Kui"'s feelings for his brother are complicated. She resented her brother's negligence for many years, and when she heard the approval of her brother by the village elders, a trace of guilt welled up in her heart.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

This kind of emotional interweaving is particularly real under Ma Fanding's interpretation, and she expressed the stubbornness and reluctance of "Yang Kui" by turning her head to wipe her tears, which moved the audience.

Dong Zijian

Dong Zijian, this name is closely related to "Dajiang Dahe", as if he is the "Yang Xun" who struggles in the torrent of the times. After the trilogy, he witnessed Yang Xun's growth, and also let us witness his acting skills.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

In the third part of "Big River", Yang Xun suffered a major blow in his life - the death of his mother. The line "Our family is still together", the endless sadness that comes out of his puffy eyes, seems to tell us that this strong man is crumbling inside. His laughter, with bitterness and helplessness, made people can't hold back their tears.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

His sister's accusations pierced his heart like a sharp knife. He was stunned, and in a trance, he seemed to see that the once carefree family was leaving him.

He tried to keep his head up and not let the tears fall, but the pain in his heart could not be hidden. When the people in the village began to accuse his sister, he immediately stood up to defend her, and at that moment, he was not only Yang Xun, but also the brother who paid and undertook silently in every family.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

And when the back of his sister's departure disappeared from sight, Yang Xun learned that his mother had embezzled his sister's medical treatment money for him. Recalling the bits and pieces of his mother, a smile appeared on his face, but it was a smile with tears. He let his mother's condition worsen because of his ignorance and selfishness, and this guilt and self-blame almost made him breathless.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

However, life does not allow him to fall like this. In the shopping mall, he must be the shrewd, capable and calculating Yang Xun. In the face of the government's doubts, he took out the letters of thanks from the prepared female textile workers, and proved his value and responsibility with practical actions.

Liu Dan

When mentioning Liu Dan, the first thing that many people think of is her crazy and terrifying image in "The Beginning", which left a deep psychological shadow on the audience, and the name of "Aunt Pot" spread among the audience.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

However, this powerful actor is not satisfied with the stereotype of a single role, and her outstanding performance in "The Years of the Great River is Like a Song" once again proves her superb acting skills and varied roles.

In this drama, Liu Dan played the role of "Cao Gong", the technical deputy director of the pesticide factory. is completely different from "Aunt Pot", "Cao Gong" is a technical person with an introverted personality and is not good at words.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

In crowded situations, she always seems a little restrained, afraid to look directly into the eyes of others, and bows her head from time to time. These delicate performances make the role of "Cao Gong" seem very real, as if they are the technicians who are working silently around us.

However, when the husband of "Cao Gong" appeared in front of the camera, she seemed to be a different person. Her eyes became firm and powerful, and her words became more, even with a little "arrogant" arrogance.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

This kind of instantaneous transformation of the role is both natural and relaxed, which makes people have to admire Liu Dan's superb acting skills. She seems to be "Cao Gong" herself, showing the inner world of the character vividly.

In the play, the Pengyang pesticide factory where "Cao Gong" is located is facing the dilemma of closing. After learning the news, "Cao Gong" walked through every part of the factory alone and said goodbye to the "home" she had struggled for for a long time.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

No matter how the lens changes, the light and dark are intertwined, and the loss and nostalgia on the face of "Cao Gong" are clearly visible. This touching scene made the audience deeply sympathize and resonate with the experience of "Cao Gong".

When sorting out all the research materials on bamboo and handing them to Song Yunhui, "Cao Gong"'s face revealed mixed emotions of expectation and fear. She didn't look up at Song Yunhui's reaction, just silently waited for the result to come. This kind of inner struggle and helplessness was interpreted by Liu Dan very well, making the audience more empathetic to the situation of "Cao Gong".

When Song Yunhui agreed to her request, "Cao Gong" actively helped open the door, and the smile on his face became obvious. However, this smile is full of bitterness and helplessness.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

Because she knows that the future is still full of uncertainties and challenges. This complex emotional expression once again shows Liu Dan's in-depth excavation and accurate presentation of the character's inner world.

Wang Kai

Under the gaze of everyone, the old factory director Song calmly admitted with a smile that he was "indeed driven out". Behind this smile is the ups and downs that Wang Kai and "Song Yunhui" have gone through together. From a young college boy to a factory director who has gone through vicissitudes of life, Wang Kai is closely connected with every step of the growth of this character.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

In those days, the pesticide factory's predicament made "Song Yunhui" helplessly bow his head and close his eyes, and no one could understand the bitterness in his heart. But even in the midst of adversity, he still held on to his beliefs and dreams. He knew that one day he would return to the place where his dream had set sail, because his heart was full and firm enough.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

In the days of Pengyang Factory, "Song Yunhui" invested too much emotion. As he left, his eyes moistened when he saw the young workers coming to see him off. At that moment, the reluctance and nostalgia in his heart turned into endless emotion. He knew that Pengyang Pesticide Factory had occupied an irreplaceable position in his heart.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

The bamboo research materials sent by Cao Gong were a heavy gift to "Song Yunhui". He understands the value and significance of this information, and understands Cao Gong's good intentions. After thinking about it, he solemnly took this information, because he knew that it was a respect and affirmation of Cao Gong's research results for many years.

No matter how many ups and downs and setbacks he has experienced outside, "Song Yunhui" who returns home can always find inner peace and happiness. Seeing the smiling faces of his parents and daughter, all his tiredness and worries disappeared.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

He is Director Song, the son of his parents, and the father of Xiao Yin. In this role, Wang Kai shows an incomparably vivid, multi-faceted and rich "Song Yunhui".

Bright stars, whose interpretation makes you excited?

In the drama "The Years of the Great River", many actors have shown excellent acting skills, which is eye-catching. Among them, I have to mention Yang Shuo.

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

He used to be nicknamed the "Oil King" by everyone, but this time he completely subverted the image and brought us a vivid interpretation of a rural entrepreneur. Look at him, bold and careful, although a little reckless, but that momentum, isn't that the peasant brother who dares to fight in our hearts?

Let's talk about Huang Jue again. This old brother has just finished playing "Mr. Qiang" in "Flowers", and turned around and came to "The Years of the Great River" and became the deputy director of Pengyang Pesticide Factory.

You can see his sincerity and sincerity towards the employees and the factory, and his sincere words, he is simply a good factory director in the hearts of the workers!

ranked the actors with the "best acting skills" in "Dajiang Dahe", Liu Dan ranked second, and Wang Kai went crazy

In this drama, each actor is like a bright star, each shining brightly. But then again, whose acting skills really moved you? Is it Yang Shuo's subversive interpretation, or Huang Jue's popular image of the deputy factory director? Or is it the wonderful performance of any other actor? Let's talk about it!

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