
A 28-year-old pregnant woman was harassed and beaten by a strange man and forced to have a miscarriage, and the victim girl's child was gone, and a life was lost

author:Haruma tells a story

In this world, there are some things that we can't accept. For example, a pregnant woman with a new life in her belly was harassed and beaten by a strange man when she needed protection the most. The pregnant woman was only 28 years old, and her body and mind were not ready for such a blow. Her child, the life that had not yet come into this world, was ruthlessly deprived of it.

A 28-year-old pregnant woman was harassed and beaten by a strange man and forced to have a miscarriage, and the victim girl's child was gone, and a life was lost

We don't know the name of this pregnant woman, but we can feel her pain and despair. She said: "The child is gone, and one life is lost. This sentence is simple and deep, full of endless grief and helplessness. Her child, the little life she had been looking forward to, left her like this. Although her body can still recover, her mind may never heal.

A 28-year-old pregnant woman was harassed and beaten by a strange man and forced to have a miscarriage, and the victim girl's child was gone, and a life was lost

The pregnant woman also told us that she was deaf from the ear and has not yet recovered. What a brutal truth. How heart-wrenching it would be for a mother to not be able to hear her child's first cry, not to hear her child's laughter, or to hear her call her "Mommy". Her world has become silent since then, how cruel it is.

A 28-year-old pregnant woman was harassed and beaten by a strange man and forced to have a miscarriage, and the victim girl's child was gone, and a life was lost

We can't understand why someone would do such a thing to a pregnant woman. She is an innocent person, and her children are an innocent life. They deserve to be protected, not harmed. We should respect every life and every person's rights. This is our basic moral code as a civilized society.

We cannot tolerate such behavior. We must condemn and crack down on such acts. We want to make those who wantonly hurt others pay. We want every woman, every pregnant woman, to be able to live in a safe environment, get pregnant, and have children.

We want to speak up for this pregnant woman and for her child. We want them to know that they are not alone and that their tragedy has caught our attention. We want them to know that we will fight for them and that we will seek justice for them.

We need to reflect on why this is happening. We need to look for the reasons from education, law, social environment, etc., and then take effective measures to prevent similar things from happening again.

We would like to call on everyone to respect life and respect others. We can't hurt the lives of others on the spur of the moment. We cannot ignore the rights and interests of others for the sake of our own interests. We must learn to understand and tolerate, and learn to respect and love.

We need to remember the story of this pregnant woman and her child and let their tragedy be our motivation to move forward. We will strive to create a society in which everyone can live safely, freely and equally, and where every life can be respected and protected.

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