
What are the commonalities and differences between the best Xinyang mao tip and the uniform hair tip?

author:Xinyang knows it all

In 2017, the author participated in the evaluation of the uniform hair tip of a magazine as a pre-rain hair tip evaluator of a magazine. As a Xinyang person, a Xinyang person who loves to drink tea, he also made a horizontal evaluation of the two. The following is a partial transcript.

What are the commonalities and differences between the best Xinyang mao tip and the uniform hair tip?

Pick the fresh leaves of Xinyang Maojian

What are the commonalities and differences between the best Xinyang mao tip and the uniform hair tip?

Tea sample

What are the commonalities and differences between the best Xinyang mao tip and the uniform hair tip?

All evenly hairy tip dry tea

What are the commonalities and differences between the best Xinyang mao tip and the uniform hair tip?

After the review began, I received two tea samples with uniform hair tips. The tea samples are packaged in exquisite glass bottles, and the printing of the labels is exquisite, and they are reluctant to tear them off. Two tea samples, the difference between dry tea is not much, pekoe are very rich, slightly flipped after the pekoe flying, tea aroma is obvious. With a temperature of about 80 ° C water to open the soup, the first tea-like soup color is clear, the second is slightly turbid; in terms of taste, the First tea-like aroma is high, the tea aroma is obvious, the tea soup is refreshing, the Second tea-like taste is weak, the tea aroma is not obvious; the no. 1 tea-like leaf bottom bud head size is uniform, complete, the color is emerald green, there is no obvious hair, the Second tea sample has buds and leaves, and the hairs are obvious. Brewing the second water, the No. 1 tea-like soup is still clear, the taste is sweet and fresh, the aroma is high, and it is more mellow than the first; the No. 2 tea-like tea soup is more turbid, the taste is sweet, but it is slightly green and astringent, and the tea aroma is not obvious. Summary: As a tea category, there are still some differences in the quality of fresh leaves and the production process.

What are the commonalities and differences between the best Xinyang mao tip and the uniform hair tip?

The tip of the hair is also muddy and light, and this cup is bright

What are the commonalities and differences between the best Xinyang mao tip and the uniform hair tip?


Then, the above evaluation in all aspects of the winning of the uniform hair tip, is undoubtedly the best uniform hair tip, then it and the best Xinyang hair tip, what are the differences and commonalities?

First, all the hair tip dry tea is bent, unlike the Xinyang hair tip too much pursuit of the appearance of the "rope straight"; after brewing, the appearance of the soup base is not much different, and the soup color is also very similar. This shows that in the production of uniform hair tips, only some of the processes are different, and the picking requirements for fresh leaves are completely consistent.

Second, Duyun Maojian and Xinyang Maojian are famous products in green tea, and the pursuit of taste is extreme. In contrast, the Xinyang hair tip has a distinct chestnut flavor, while the uniform hair tip is relatively small. In terms of freshness, the hair tips of the two categories are comparable. On the whole, Xinyang Maojian is like a sixteen-seven-eight woman, warm and energetic; all uniform hair tips are like beautiful women between 20-30 years old, more calm and solemn.

The above text is based entirely on personal perception and preferences, and does not represent any institution or individual.

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