
When 33-year-old Lan Yingying and 37-year-old Jiang Shuying were in the same frame, I completely understood that beauty is in the bones and not in the skin

author:Funny one-man show


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When 33-year-old Lan Yingying and 37-year-old Jiang Shuying were in the same frame, I completely understood that beauty is in the bones and not in the skin

Funny one-man show

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Recently, Lan Yingying and Jiang Shuying co-starred in the urban drama "The Night is Thick" started filming, and as soon as the photo of the two was released, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. In the picture, the contrast between the two standing together directly exposes the gap between the actresses.

When 33-year-old Lan Yingying and 37-year-old Jiang Shuying were in the same frame, I completely understood that beauty is in the bones and not in the skin

Although the 33-year-old Lan Yingying is in good shape, standing with the 37-year-old Jiang Shuying, she suddenly lost her complexion. Jiang Shuying's fair complexion and flawless makeup directly dwarfed Lan Yingying. This made many netizens stunned, it turned out that the gap between actresses was so big!

Today, we might as well discuss whether Jiang Shuying, who is naturally beautiful, is more dominant, or Lan Yingying, who works hard the day after tomorrow, is more appreciated? What kind of inspiration will this inevitable PK bring us? Without further ado, let's take a look!

Jiang Shuying, this post-90s flower, took an atypical route in her early years, whether it was "Ode to Joy" or "Fairy Sword", it brought her a wave of high popularity. As she grew older, Jiang Shuying gradually transformed and began to take over inspirational dramas like "Sweeping the Black Storm".

When 33-year-old Lan Yingying and 37-year-old Jiang Shuying were in the same frame, I completely understood that beauty is in the bones and not in the skin

However, whether it is a sweet or heroic police flower, Jiang Shuying's lethal weapon has always been that shocking face. Even if you don't use P-map technology, Jiang Shuying's facial features and skin texture are impeccable. It can be said that she is the type that truly belongs to the "natural beauty".

However, we can't negate Lan Yingying's years of hard work just because of Jiang Shuying's appearance.

Lan Yingying has been in the film industry for many years, and has also tried a variety of different roles, although she has not been able to really break through, but her acting skills are at least steadily improving. What's more, with her conditions, it also takes great self-discipline to maintain such a good figure and skin quality. Therefore, Lan Yingying represents the kind of ordinary girl who must constantly surpass herself.

When 33-year-old Lan Yingying and 37-year-old Jiang Shuying were in the same frame, I completely understood that beauty is in the bones and not in the skin

When the two stand together, everyone will naturally value their natural advantages more. However, we can't deny Lan Yingying's acquired spirit of persistence just because of this. After all, success comes from 1 percent talent and 99 percent effort.

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that purely from the perspective of appearance, Jiang Shuying was of course more dominant, which was determined by natural conditions. However, some netizens believe that Lan Yingying's efforts in acting skills over the years should not be negated because of this external difference, and she also represents the reality that most ordinary people need to work hard to achieve results.

Some netizens believe that in fact, the two have different styles and have their own shining points, so they should not have to be forced to PK rankings, and their respective advantages should be viewed objectively and fairly.

When 33-year-old Lan Yingying and 37-year-old Jiang Shuying were in the same frame, I completely understood that beauty is in the bones and not in the skin

To sum up, this cooperation between Lan Yingying and Jiang Shuying may become an opportunity for actresses to re-examine themselves. Because what is really important is not how superior the natural conditions are, but to maintain a positive and enterprising heart and constantly break through yourself.

At the same time, the audience should also learn to appreciate the brilliance of different types of actors, rather than simply making this more beautiful and excellent conclusion.

When we are all able to treat others and ourselves with a peaceful and kind heart, the world will be a better place. Whether you are an outstanding beauty or an ordinary us, as long as you have a positive attitude, you will definitely find a stage for yourself to shine.

So, who do you think is more dominant, Jiang Shuying or Lan Yingying? Should actresses focus on acting skills or appearance? Looking forward to your opinion!

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