
What do people who insist on eating "garlic" every day get in the end? The doctor gave the answer

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Garlic is an ingredient with a long history, and it is widely used in the culinary and medical fields. Garlic has a strong flavor, and its unique taste and smell make it an essential spice for many dishes. In cooking, garlic can add to the taste and aroma of food, enhancing the overall quality of dishes.

In addition to its use in cooking, garlic also contains a lot of antioxidants and sulfur compounds, which help to improve the body's immunity and prevent the occurrence of diseases. Garlic also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which can help relieve symptoms of colds and other common illnesses.

In addition, garlic has beauty benefits and is rich in vitamins C and E, which can help improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. At the same time, garlic can also promote healthy hair growth and help with hair loss.

It's important to note that while garlic has many benefits, it's not suitable for everyone. Excessive consumption of garlic may cause problems such as stomach upset or bad breath. Therefore, garlic should be controlled in moderation when consuming garlic and choose whether to eat it according to your own situation.

What do people who insist on eating "garlic" every day get in the end? The doctor gave the answer

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First of all, understand the nutritional value of garlic

One of the most well-known ingredients is allicin, which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. Allicin reduces the risk of chronic inflammation and protects against cancer and cardiovascular disease.

In addition, garlic is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, selenium, manganese, and vitamin B6. These substances are beneficial for the immune system, heart and skin health.

In addition to these basic nutritional values, garlic has many other health benefits. For example, it contains a compound called "allimine", which can bind to vitamin B1 in the human body, promote the action of vitamin B1, enhance the oxidative energy supply of carbohydrates, and provide enough energy for brain cells to make the mind more agile.

In addition, garlic also has a bactericidal effect, which can kill a variety of pathogenic microorganisms such as influenza virus and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis virus.

What do people who insist on eating "garlic" every day get in the end? The doctor gave the answer

In terms of medicinal properties, garlic is also widely used. It is believed to have the effects of food accumulation and stagnation, sterilization and insect control, which are recorded in many traditional herbal books.

In addition, garlic can also block the synthesis of carcinogens - nitrosamines, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and have a strong killing effect on cancer cells. At the same time, it can also reduce blood lipids and blood viscosity, and reduce the onset of heart disease, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases.


What do people who insist on eating "garlic" every day get in the end? The doctor gave the answer

1. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: The compounds in garlic are able to lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby helping to prevent cardiovascular disease.

2. Boosts immunity: The antioxidants and antibacterial components in garlic can help boost the body's immunity and prevent colds and other diseases.

What do people who insist on eating "garlic" every day get in the end? The doctor gave the answer

3. Promote digestion: Garlic can stimulate gastric juice secretion, increase appetite and promote digestion. For some people with indigestion, consuming garlic can relieve symptoms.

4. Anti-aging: The antioxidants in garlic can slow down cell aging, protect the skin, and delay aging.

5. Improves sleep: Garlic can help relax the body, relieve anxiety and tension, and help improve sleep quality.


There are 4 precautions for eating garlic, it is recommended to understand it early

First of all, it is very important to consume garlic in moderation. Despite the many benefits of garlic, excessive consumption may cause stomach upset symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and more. Therefore, it is important to control the amount of garlic when consuming it so as not to cause unnecessary burden on the body.

Secondly, garlic is best eaten raw because cooking or heating can destroy some of the active ingredients in garlic. If you don't like the taste of raw garlic, try chopping garlic and adding it to coleslaw or salads to preserve more nutrients and texture.

What do people who insist on eating "garlic" every day get in the end? The doctor gave the answer

Third, although garlic has an antibacterial effect, it is not a substitute for antibiotics. In certain situations, such as severe infections or diseases, antibiotics may be needed. Therefore, while consuming garlic, one should seek medical attention in time if there is a serious illness.

Finally, garlic is not suitable for everyone. For example, people with conditions such as stomach ulcers, acid reflux, etc., should avoid consuming too much garlic because garlic may irritate the stomach lining and aggravate the condition. In addition, people with eye diseases should also pay attention to the amount of garlic consumed as excessive consumption may cause adverse effects on the eyes.


Is germinated garlic more nutritious?

When garlic is exposed to the right environmental conditions, it will start to sprout. During this process, the internal composition of garlic changes, but it does not lose its original nutrients.

Conversely, in some cases, sprouted garlic may also contain higher levels of nutrients such as allicin and vitamin C.

What do people who insist on eating "garlic" every day get in the end? The doctor gave the answer

The reason why the germinated garlic has a higher nutritional value is that during the germination process, the nutrients inside the garlic are activated and released, making the nutrients easier for the body to absorb and utilize. In addition, sprouted garlic may also contain some new nutrients, such as some antioxidants and plant hormones.

Of course, there are also some issues to be aware of when consuming sprouted garlic. First of all, make sure that the garlic is not moldy or spoiled, etc., to avoid adverse health effects.

Secondly, during cooking, it should be heated enough to kill harmful substances such as germs or parasites that may be present. In addition, sprouted garlic may have a certain irritating effect on the digestive system of some people, so it should be consumed in moderation.

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