
is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

author:Big flowers talk about entertainment

Text/Big Flower Chat Entertainment

Editor/Big Flower Chat Entertainment

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up


Living in a wealthy family, Guo Jingjing frequently posts Swiss skiing photos, and her family gathers in the snowy mountains. In contrast, the grandchildren of the Li Ka-shing family are mysteriously protected, and even their names are a mystery. The contrast is obvious, Guo Jingjing generously shows the baby and enjoys parent-child time, while the Li family is extremely cautious and keeps it absolutely secret for their grandchildren. Netizens talked a lot, some praised Guo Jingjing's generosity, and some agreed with the Li family's protection. Family concepts are different, and children's privacy becomes the focus. In this arena of wealthy families, protection and openness have become a contest of family choices.

Guo Jingjing took photos of skiing in Switzerland

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

Spent an unforgettable ski trip in Switzerland, which was a happy time for Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang's family to get together. This parent-child trip is fixed on January 2, and a family of six enjoys the purity and fun of the snow-capped mountains.

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, Guo Jingjing showed off in a low-key all-black outfit, wearing a hat and glasses, holding hands with her father-in-law Huo Zhenting and leaving a warm group photo. This photograph presents a picture of love and affection, showing the deep emotional bonds between families. Despite being in a foreign country, their happiness and warmth are not only in the photos, but throughout the journey.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

On the ski slope, the family took a group photo in the same frame, and Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing sat opposite each other, showing the tacit understanding and tacit understanding between them. And 77-year-old father-in-law Huo Zhenting wears a red hat and enjoys a happy time in the snow with his grandchildren. This moment is not only a happy gathering in the snow, but also a vivid portrayal of the joy of three generations in the same family.

This trip to Switzerland not only allowed the family to enjoy themselves in the snowy mountains, but also created indelible memories for them. During the trip, some enthusiastic netizens met them by chance and sent out a series of photos, allowing more people to witness this happy moment.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

This journey is like a beautiful picture of family harmony and happiness. Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang's family's ski trip in Switzerland is not only a wandering in the ice and snow world, but also an interweaving of family, love, and deep emotions between parents and children. Each frame of the photograph is picturesque, outlining a happy time and adding a touch of color to their lives.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

Li Ka-shing's protection of his grandchildren

Li Ka-shing's family has long been known for its high level of secrecy, especially for its grandchildren, and they have adopted strict protective measures that can almost be called "extreme". Li Ka-shing has two sons, namely Li Zeju and Li Zekai. Li Zeju's children include 3 daughters and 1 son, while Li Zekai and Liang Luoshi have 3 sons. From an early age, grandchildren are strictly protected, not only by concealing their identity and appearance, but also by keeping a low profile within the family. It wasn't until the eldest granddaughter, Li Side, became a director of the family company at the age of 24 that her appearance was made public for the first time.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

Family members are often accompanied by professional bodyguards when they go out, and this security measure shows that their privacy is taken very seriously. Li Zeju's son and Li Zekai's three sons have always been tightly wrapped when they appear in public, and their true looks are not seen by the outside world. This protection also adds a layer of mystery to their lives.

The Li Ka-shing family's emphasis on security is impressive, and these details reveal a deep sense of privacy. The secrecy of family members includes not only in daily life, but also in public to keep a low profile to avoid attracting too much attention from the outside world. This high level of privacy protection makes the life of the entire family seem mysterious and full of mysteries.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

Overall, the Li Ka-shing family's extreme privacy protection measures are reflected in many aspects, including strict concealment of identity and appearance, the bodyguards accompanying family members when they go out, and the strict protection of the next generation. All of this highlights their deep concern for personal privacy and family security.

He Youlong's absolute protection

The gambling king family is characterized by a hereditary business and attaches great importance to the privacy of its members. In Ho Youlong's family, the growth of the two daughters, Ho Kaizi and Ho Chiu-ying, was well protected, and even the funeral was handled in a low-key manner to avoid leakage. He Chaoying's daughter rarely appears in public and lacks information. The children of He Youjun and his wife have rarely been exposed, and social media photos have been blurred to keep them mysterious. This kind of privacy protection has become a common practice for prestigious families, and it is an invisible care for new life and the future.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

The He Youlong family's corporate tradition, which has been passed down for generations, makes the privacy of family members highly respected. The heirs of the family, He Kaizi and He Chaoying, grew up in this cautious environment. As a continuation of family culture, funerals have also become a reflection of the family's emphasis on the privacy of members. By keeping a low profile with the funeral, the family avoids unnecessary exposure and guards the intimate space within the family.

He Chaoying's daughter, as the next generation of the family, was placed under secret protection. She is rarely seen in public, and even less information about her is available. This low-key lifestyle is not only the protection of individual privacy, but also the cherishing of family bloodline. In this family, the arrival of a new life is considered the future of the family, and the care for the future is reflected in the high level of privacy.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

The children of He Youjun and his wife have almost no traces of exposure on social media. Even if a photo is released, it has been blurred to deliberately retain a certain sense of mystery. This approach is not only a protection of individual privacy, but also a continuation of family traditions. In the era of information explosion, He Youjun and his wife chose to protect the privacy of the family, so that the family members were not disturbed by too much external interference, and concentrated on maintaining the family's career and reputation.

In general, in the inheritance of the hereditary business, the importance of the privacy of members of the gambling king family can be said to be engraved in the family culture. By keeping a low profile with funerals, protecting the privacy of the next generation, and maintaining mystery on social media, the Ho Youlong family shows a deep appreciation for the family's lineage, while also highlighting the elegance and nobility of a prestigious family.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

Netizens talked a lot

Discussions about protecting children's privacy have long been controversial about whether public figures should expose their children to the public eye. In recent years, Guo Jingjing has become a high-profile example of choosing to open up about her children's lives. Some believe that this may be influenced by the background of entertainment, or out of habit or a desire for the child to be able to face the public.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

However, on the other hand, there is an emphasis on the protection of children's privacy, arguing that children should not be used to attract attention. These views argue that children have the right to choose their own lives, and that public concern should not be a reason to deny that right. The Li Ka-shing family is considered a model for protecting the privacy of their children, and they avoid exposing their wealth to the public to prevent security concerns.

One of the points of contention is whether over-protection of a child's privacy may hinder their opportunities to socialize and grow normally. Some argue that children should have a certain level of social experience and should not be completely isolated from the outside world. However, this also raises the question of how to balance the public's right to know with the best interests of children.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

In this discussion, it was advocated to respect the choices of each pair of parents to ensure that the best interests of the child are the best interests of the child, rather than chasing traffic and clicks on social media. Children's privacy and safety are highlighted as a key concern, and the public's right to know and the interests of the child need to be carefully weighed.

Overall, this topic involves complex ethical and social issues that require a comprehensive consideration of various factors. In the discussion, it should be important to respect each family's choice, while emphasizing the protection of children's rights and interests to ensure that they can receive the best possible care as they grow up.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

Personal opinion

In this entertainment article, we get a glimpse of the differences in family life behind the big money, especially in the attitude towards children's privacy. Guo Jingjing chooses to publicly show the happy time of the family and enjoy the parent-child time, while the Li Ka-shing family imposes a strict confidentiality policy on their grandchildren, and even keeps it secretive in public. This has sparked deep thinking and controversy among the public about protecting children's privacy.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

Different families have different views on whether or not to expose their children to public attention. Guo Jingjing chose to share, perhaps because of the influence of her entertainment background, or out of the hope that her children could face the public head-on. However, the Li Ka-shing family's attitude of secrecy is considered a continuation of a family culture and a high concern for family security and privacy.

In this battle over children's privacy, we see the balance between protection and openness. Whether it is Guo Jingjing's generosity or the absolute secrecy of the Li Ka-shing family, it reflects the different importance of the rights and interests of family members. For the public, paying attention to these wealthy families is not only a curiosity about their wealth and life, but also an exploration of family culture and values.

is also a wealthy family, why Guo Jingjing often shows the baby's face, Li Ka-shing He Youlong does not let the child show up

In my opinion, this discussion involves a balance between individual rights and the public's right to know. Respecting each family's choices is a fundamental principle, while emphasizing the importance of protecting the privacy and rights of children. In the era of information explosion, how to deal with children's privacy has become a complex and urgent social issue. Perhaps while appreciating the luxurious life of these wealthy families, we should also think more about the family concepts and parenting styles embodied behind them, as well as the impact on the growth of children.

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