
A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn". Information

CCTV News: Look at the economy through data, and look at achievements through the economy. Let's take a look at today's (January 8) related reports.

  The production and business activity expectation index rose for three consecutive months

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  According to the data, in December 2023, the expected index of manufacturing production and business activities was 55.9%, rising for three consecutive months, indicating that manufacturing enterprises have increasing confidence in market development. In December 2023, the purchasing managers' index of high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing continued to expand at 50.3% and 50.2%, respectively.

  In 2024, the development of the mainland's energy economy will continue to improve

  According to the latest "Research and Outlook of China's Energy Economy Index", since the energy economy began to pick up in 2020, the energy economy has experienced a rebound period for four consecutive years, reaching the highest level in history, becoming a strong agent for the macroeconomic rebound. In 2023, the mainland's energy security will be steadily improved, the driving force of energy demand will be transformed, and rural clean heating will enter the stage of quality enhancement from scale expansion. In 2024, the development of the mainland's energy economy will continue to improve, and the energy system will continue to transform and upgrade and drive economic growth.

  Major transportation projects have been accelerated

  A number of major transportation projects in mainland China have been accelerated, and the construction of a modern, high-quality national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network has been accelerated to help high-quality economic and social development.

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  In the depths of the Tianshan Mountains at an altitude of more than 2,800 meters, the TBM is excavating in both directions of the world's longest highway tunnel under construction, the Wuwei Expressway Tianshan Shengli Tunnel.

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  Open the road in the mountains and build bridges when encountering water. At the construction site of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the world's most difficult cross-sea cluster project, more than 3,000 builders are stepping up the asphalt pavement of the bridge deck, the installation of electromechanical and traffic safety facilities in the tunnel, etc., in order to have the conditions for opening to traffic in June this year.

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  Strengthen the chain and supplement the chain, and the construction of water transportation is also accelerating. The excavation of the foundation pit of the three major hubs of the Pinglu Canal has been completed by 90%. This year, the Pinglu Canal plans to complete an investment of 20 billion yuan.

  According to the data, from January to November 2023, the mainland completed 3.6 trillion yuan of fixed asset investment in transportation. This year, the mainland will speed up the construction of the main framework of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network, promote the construction of strategic backbone corridors such as Xinjiang and Tibet, along the border and coastal areas, and the new land-sea corridor in the west, and further promote the national comprehensive freight hub to supplement and strengthen the chain.

  The national railway will implement a new train timetable from January 10

  From 0:00 on January 10, the national railway will implement a new train schedule. After the map adjustment, the national railway arranges 11,149 passenger trains every day, an increase of 233 compared with the current map. There are 22,264 freight trains running every day, an increase of 40 compared with the current map. Tickets for the new passenger trains are now on sale. In this map adjustment, the resources of the new line have been fully developed, and the circle of friends has been further expanded.

  Not only has the number of passenger trains increased significantly, but after the map adjustment, with the opening of the Rural Revitalization Train and the Rail-Sea Express Train, the railway freight capacity has also been significantly improved, and the number of freight trains per day has increased to 22,264. The map adjustment will further expand the domestic express logistics circle, add 19 direct express trains, and connect 39 fast freight channels between the seven regions of Northeast China, North China, Central China, East China, South China, Southwest China, and Northwest China; improve the port collection and distribution capacity, and arrange for the total number of rail-sea express lines to increase to 311, covering major container ports across the country; strengthen the organization of cross-border cargo train transportation, and maintain the China-Europe trains, the new western land-sea corridor trains, The international freight trains of the China-Laos Railway have been running steadily, serving the international and domestic dual circulation and the stability and quality of foreign trade.

  During the Spring Festival in 2024, the number of civil aviation passengers will reach 80 million

  The reporter learned from the Civil Aviation Administration of China today that during the Spring Festival in 2024, it is expected that the average daily guaranteed flights of civil aviation in the country will reach 16,500 flights, and the number of passengers transported will reach 80 million.

  One year after the resumption of the "mini three links", the customs has supervised a total of 783,000 inbound and outbound passengers

  Since January 7, 2023, when the Xiamen-Jin, Fuma, Quanjin and other "mini three links" routes have been resumed one after another, as of January 7, the customs has supervised a total of 5,416 inbound and outbound ships and 783,000 passengers, of which 393,000 are inbound and 390,000 are outbound.

  For the first time, the mainland has deployed ecological submersibles in Antarctica

  Recently, the "Snow Dragon 2" ship carrying out China's 40th Antarctic expedition arrived in the Amundsen Sea and deployed the first deep-water ecological submersible, which is also the first time that China has deployed ecological submersibles in the polar regions. The main ecological sensors of this submersible target are independently developed based on key domestic projects, and will carry out long-term detection of krill in the upper ocean through optical and acoustic systems. The deployment will last for one year and will be recovered at the 41st Antarctic Expedition next year.

  The "ice and snow +" mode in many places detonates the "hot economy"

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  According to data from the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, during the New Year's Day of 2024, Heilongjiang Province has repeatedly reached new highs in terms of tourism popularity, receiving a total of 6.619 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 173.7%.

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  According to data from multiple e-commerce platforms, in November 2023, the search volume for the keyword "skiing" in Jilin Province increased by 113% month-on-month, and the number of group purchase orders for "skiing"-related tickets increased by 598% compared with 2019.

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  In November 2023, the sales of tickets for major ski resorts in the Altay region of Xinjiang on a platform increased by 161.77% year-on-year.

  Ice and snow are also "gold and silver mountains". This winter, the severe cold ice and snow are highly integrated with cultural industries, tourism and sports, supporting facilities and manufacturing, and the ice and snow economy has stimulated strong economic potential and development momentum. Behind the "heat" effect brought by ice and snow is the effective application of the "cool" machine. The economic boom of ice and snow in various places has also brought us an enlightenment - only by continuously improving services and solidly optimizing the tourist experience, "cold" will be more "cool" at the same time, and "cold" resources can continue to be "hot".

  The number of tourists and income in Tibet have reached a record high

A number of fields are "thriving" and making concerted efforts The ice and snow economy has driven consumption to "burn".

  In 2023, the number of tourists in Tibet will exceed 55 million, and the tourism revenue will reach 65 billion yuan, a record high. In 2023, Shigatse, Tibet, will actively explore the world-class tourism resources of the Himalayan "Five Valleys" through the construction of the Everest International Cultural Tourism Cooperation Zone, and the number of tourists will exceed 10 million for the first time.

  Consumption is booming, and the New Year's goods market is "hot."

  In one month, it will be the thirtieth year of the Chinese New Year's Eve. In the days of the previous year, every household began to prepare to buy New Year's goods, and the sales of special New Year's goods in the New Year's goods market around the country gradually became "hot". Buying New Year's goods is naturally indispensable to catch up with the big set, shouting vendors, people picking up goods, and fireworks special snacks, with which there is more "New Year's flavor".

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