
Peas - Peas are yellow and sweet, and pea flowers are brightly colored

author:Famous Chinese medicine doctor Cui Gong rang

Peas - pea yellow sweet, pea flowers bright!

Peas - Peas are yellow and sweet, and pea flowers are brightly colored

Food culture

Peas are also known as wheat peas, cold beans, wheat beans, snow beans, beans, malai, national beans and so on. Peas are highly adaptable and widely distributed around the world. China introduced small peas in the Han Dynasty at the latest, and peas have been cultivated in China for more than 2,000 years. In the Erya, "Rong Shu", that is, peas. In the Eastern Han Dynasty agricultural work "Four People's Moon Order", there is a record of cultivating peas, and in the late 16th century, Gao Lian's "Zunsheng Eight Notes" has the preparation method of "cold bean sprouts" and the description of cooking and eating (cold beans are peas), and began to eat pea seedlings in the middle of the 19th century. Now it is cultivated everywhere, and the main production areas are Sichuan, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Qinghai and so on.

Peas - Peas are yellow and sweet, and pea flowers are brightly colored

TCM awareness

The medicine of the motherland believes that peas taste sweet and flat, and return to the spleen and stomach meridians. Function beneficial to the spleen and stomach, quench thirst, facilitate urination. Indications for the treatment of beriberi, pain and swelling, milk failure, spleen and stomach discomfort, hiccup vomiting, abdominal distension and pain, thirst and diarrhea and other diseases. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded that peas can remove dark spots on the face and make the face shiny.

Peas - Peas are yellow and sweet, and pea flowers are brightly colored

nutritive value

Each 100 g bowl of beans contains about 440 calories dry coke, protein 7.40 g, fat 0.30 g: carbohydrate 21.20 g, dietary fiber 3.00 g, vitamin A 37.00 mcg, carotene 220.00 mcg, vitamin B1 0.43 mg, vitamin B2 0.09 mg Niacin 2.30 mg, Vitamin C 14.00 mg, Vitamin 31.21 mg, Calcium 21.00 mg, Phosphorus 127.00 mg, Potassium 332.00 mg, Sodium 1.20 mg, Iodine 0.90 mcg, Magnesium 43.00 mg, Iron 1.70 mg, Zinc 1.29 mg, Selenium 1.74 mcg, Copper 0.22 mg, Manganese 0.65 mg.

Peas - Peas are yellow and sweet, and pea flowers are brightly colored

Medicinal value

Peas are different from ordinary vegetables, and contain substances such as antijunctive acid, gibberellin and phytogglutinin, which have the functions of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and enhance metabolism. The young leaves of pea pods and bean seedlings are rich in vitamin C and enzymes that can break down nitrosamines in the body, which can decompose nitrosamines and have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. Bean seedlings are also rich in dietary fiber, which can prevent constipation and have a intestinal cleansing effect.

Peas - Peas are yellow and sweet, and pea flowers are brightly colored

Healthy cuisine

1. Boil the peas

Ingredients: 250 g of tender peas.

Directions: Add water to tender peas, cook them and drink soup.

Features: Derived from the "Diet Recipe for Living with The Breath". And Zhongshengjin quenches thirst, and relieves bloating under the air. It is used to annoy hot thirst, quench thirst and dry mouth, and postpartum milk is not enough, breast swelling.

2. Pea coriander soup

Ingredients: 120 grams of peas, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 60 grams of coriander.

Directions: Add water to the soup and serve warmly in 2 to 3 times.

Features: This formula is based on peas to benefit the spleen and stomach to dampness, tangerine peel, coriander stomach moisture. It is used for wet turbidity block, spleen and stomach disharmony, vomiting and tendons.

3. Corn pea soup

Ingredients: corn, pineapple, goji berries, peas, rock sugar, starch each appropriate amount.

Method: (1) Wash the corn kernels, steam for 20 minutes and take out; Pineapple cut into corn kernel-sized granules; Goji berries are soaked in water. (2) Heat the pot, add 1500 ml of water, melt the rock sugar and then add corn goji berries, pineapple, peas to cook, and you can cook it.

4. Spiced peas

Ingredients: 200 g of peas. Peppercorns, star anise, salt ginger, msg each appropriate amount.

Method: Wash the peas, put them in a pot, then put people with various seasonings, add water, cook and plate.

5. Sauté carrots with peas

Ingredients: 100 grams of tender pea grains, 50 grams of pork, 75 grams of carrots. Edible oil, ginger, green onion, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt each appropriate amount.

Directions: (1) Wash the peas, chop the pork into minced meat, and cut the carrots into 2 cm cubes. (2) Put oil in the wok, when the oil is 50% hot, put the shallots and ginger to stir-fry the aroma, then put the minced meat and diced carrots, add a little cooking wine and soy sauce and sauté, then put the peas, stir-fry with high heat, add salt to taste, and fry.

Features: The dish is colorful and nutritious, suitable for regular consumption. You can also add diced bamboo shoots, diced cucumbers, dried beans, etc.

6. Pea yellow

Directions: Grind the peas, peel them, wash them, cook them, add sugar, coagulate and cut into chunks. Traditionally, red date meat is embedded.

Features: Qing Palace pea yellow, using high-grade white peas as raw materials, the finished product color is light yellow, delicate, pure, melting in the mouth, sweet taste, cool and cool. It is famous for cixi's love of food.

Peas - Peas are yellow and sweet, and pea flowers are brightly colored

It should be avoided

Many high-quality vermicelli are made of bean starch such as peas, and when processed, ming yan is added, and regular consumption will increase the aluminum in the body and affect health. Although peas are delicious, bloating will occur with more food, so it is not suitable for long-term consumption. Fried dried peas are particularly difficult to digest, and overeating can cause indigestion. Due to the high sugar content of peas, diabetics should not eat!

This article is original by [Doctor Cui Gong Rang], welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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