
Which drugs are susceptible to drug resistance?

author:User benevolence


Which drugs are susceptible to drug resistance?

After patients take some drugs for a long time, the human body is easy to develop tolerance to the drugs, and the dose or frequency of administration needs to be increased in the future to control the disease. The main common drugs are:

1. Antibiotics: "Take some anti-inflammatory drugs, colds will get better faster", this is a common medication misunderstanding. Most colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics have no effect on colds caused by viruses, and antibiotics are only effective for colds with bacterial infection. Nowadays, many people take antibiotics as soon as they catch a cold, giving bacteria in the body more opportunities to be exposed to antibiotics, thus exacerbating bacterial resistance to antibiotics. At the same time, antibiotics are prescription drugs that require high technical requirements for use, and self-medication at will often leads to medication errors, which is an important cause of bacterial resistance.

2. Antihypertensive drugs: Some prelil or sartan antihypertensive drugs, when some patients use them for a long time, the level of aldosterone in the body first decreases and then rises (aldosterone escape), resulting in difficult control of blood pressure. It can be avoided with combination of other antihypertensive drugs.

3. Hypoglycemic drugs: sulfonylurea hypoglycemic drugs stimulate the secretion of insulin by pancreatic islet B cells, when the function of pancreatic islet B cells is exhausted, it is the day when the drug becomes ineffective, note that such drugs are only used for diabetic patients with pancreatic islet cell secretion function.

4. Sleeping pills: Valium and new non-benzodiazepine sleeping drugs are easy to tolerate when used for a long time, and often need to increase the dose, resulting in dependence, so as psychotropic drugs, they need to be taken on demand, intermittently, and for a short period of time.

Which drugs are susceptible to drug resistance?

5. Asthma inhalers: short-acting asthma inhalers can alleviate acute asthma attacks, and long-term use is easy to tolerate and fail, requiring the minimum dose and minimum number of times to be applied as needed, and the symptoms can be discontinued when the symptoms are relieved.

6. Analgesics: chronic pain patients who have been using analgesics for a long time need to increase the dose to effectively relieve pain, but they should not increase the dose privately, some analgesics have a "capping effect", and overdose application is easy to cause poisoning: opioid analgesics are controlled as narcotic drugs because of their addiction. Analgesics need to be assessed by a specialist before they are used, and the drug should be used according to the "three-step principle of analgesics", especially when the initial treatment needs to be selected and the appropriate dosage to prevent the pain from worsening.

7. Nasal drops: long-term use of nasal mucosal vasoconstrictors (such as ephedrine) will cause rebound dilation of nasal mucosal blood vessels, aggravate nasal congestion symptoms, and even damage the nasal mucosa, resulting in drug-induced rhinitis, and even induce an increase in blood pressure, which is generally used for the relief of acute symptoms for more than 7 consecutive days, and should not be used more than 3 times a day.

The human body's tolerance to drugs is related to irrational drug use, genetics, and disease states, which is not a universal phenomenon. To prevent the emergence of drug resistance, the most important thing is to use drugs scientifically under the guidance of a doctor.

Which drugs are susceptible to drug resistance?

Don't give an infusion that can be taken orally

The internationally accepted medication policy is that those that can be taken orally are not injected intramuscularly, and those that can be injected intramuscularly are not infusion. But now some people only want to achieve temporary results, but ignore the safety hazards of infusion. In fact, among the three types of medication, the adverse reactions of taking medicine are the lightest and the slowest, so it is the safer way to take medicine, and the adverse reactions of infusion are the most violent and fastest. Oral drugs are absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract before entering the bloodstream, and the bioavailability rate generally does not exceed 50%, so allergic reactions are generally mild and rarely life-threatening. The infusion is the injection of the drug directly into the bloodstream, the bioavailability is 100%, and the concentration of the drug is much higher than that of oral drugs. Once allergies develop, the patient may go into shock within minutes or even die. Since intravenous fluids must be infused with medical devices, problems at any point in the middle can lead to discomfort and even infection. If the rate of infusion is too fast, pulmonary edema may be caused by excessive circulatory load, and heart failure may occur in the elderly.

There is no best medicine for patients, only the most suitable medicine. What kind of medicine is used for bacterial infection, it does not mean that expensive, new, and imported drugs are good. Patients must consult a doctor before taking the drug, and use antibiotics rationally under the guidance of the doctor.

In addition, we should usually do a good job of hand and foot hygiene, develop good living Xi, go to crowded places less, do not eat rotten and moldy food, pay attention to nutrition with a variety of foods, exercise regularly to improve immunity, and let yourself get sick as little as possible and take less medicine.

Which drugs are susceptible to drug resistance?