
At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

author:Rice rice mom childcare

A paediatrician, Dr. Lan, sees a 16-and-a-half-year-old boy. The boy is already in his first year of high school, but he is only 162 centimeters tall and weighs 60 kilograms.

The child's parents said that the child was 160 centimeters last year, and only reached 162 centimeters this year, which means that in the last year, the child has only grown 2 centimeters taller.

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

When Dr. Xiaolan heard this, he felt that the situation was not good, and he quickly took bone age films of the child's hands and legs.

The results showed that the child's bones were almost completely closed, and the child had a maximum of 2 to 3 centimeters of room to grow taller.

The father of the child is 171 cm tall, the mother is 155 cm tall, and the genetic height is around 162 cm to 176 cm. The child did not reach the upper limit of genetic height, but was at the lower limit of genetic height.

The child himself wants to grow to 170 cm, and if it is less than 170 cm, he will feel very inferior. The child's parents also hurriedly asked the doctor if there was any way to make the child break through 165 centimeters.

Dr. Xiaolan regretted to tell them that it was too late for them to take the child to the doctor.

Dr. Xiaolan said that if the child's epiphyseal line is not completely closed, or if the child is seen in time at the beginning of puberty, it will definitely help the child.

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

Parents say they also can't predict whether their child is late or really short. They also waited until the child was about to reach adulthood before they found out that the child had a problem with height development, so they brought the child to the hospital for treatment.

Therefore, Dr. Xiaolan also often reminds parents who come to the pediatric clinic that if the child enters puberty and the child's height is not ideal, the child's bone age must be checked in time, and the frequency is best once every six months. In this way, problems can be detected in time and intervened in time.

For many boys, height is a key indicator of whether they can hold their heads high in front of their peers, and most boys with short stature will feel inferior because of their height when they grow up.

I don't know if you still remember that in 2014, Li Yanuo, a Beijing boy who spent 160,000 yuan on height enhancement surgery to grow 7 cm taller?

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

Li Yanuo's dream since he was a child was to grow up to be a pilot. When he was in junior high school, his classmates were taller than him, and even many girls were taller than him, and he began to worry about his height.

The parents reassured him that each child's growth and development status is different, and that boys will develop later than girls, and many boys do not start to run until high school.

But until Li Yanuo's junior year of high school, he did not pass the enrollment of aviation colleges and universities because his height was not up to standard.

This was a huge blow to him, after all, he studied hard Xi so that he could be admitted to an aviation college and become a pilot.

But at this time, his epiphyseal line has also been completely closed, and the possibility of growing taller is very small.

Under all kinds of blows, Li Yanuo set his sights on various home remedies in order to grow taller, and later he risked his life to undergo surgery for broken bone height.

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

But who knew that after the operation, before he was in bed, his legs were infected, and although he changed the dressing every day, it was to no avail. This operation also brought him a lot of sequelae, which he regretted it for.

Adolescence is the key node for children to grow taller, and it is also the last golden growth period for children. Once this period is missed, the child's epiphyseal line is closed, the height is "fixed", and it is difficult for the child to grow taller.

In short, the height of a boy will be "fixed" after the age of 18, and if the child is still relatively short at the age of 18, less than 1.7 meters, it will be more difficult to grow taller.

Generally speaking, children who enter puberty grow at a height rate of more than 7 centimeters per year.

If the child is still growing at the speed of school age at this time, then parents should be vigilant, must pay more attention to the child's growth and height, in this final sprint stage, seize the opportunity, and help the child grow taller through the acquired way, so that the child can "break through" the genetic height and grow taller.

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

If you want your child to "break through" genetic height, parents should pay attention to 3 things

First things first: do bouncing and stretching exercises appropriately

In general, children with sports Xi are generally 2 to 3 cm taller than children who do not like sports. If a child wants to grow taller, he needs to squeeze the cartilage plate moderately.

Reasonable exercise can stimulate the secretion of growth hormone and promote the formation and development of bones.

In addition, exercise can also consume the child's excess energy, so that the child can fall into a deep sleep when he falls asleep, and promote the secretion of growth hormone.

Moderate bouncing, stretching, and aerobic exercise can be beneficial to children's growth, especially for boys, and it is a very good choice for dads to take their children to learn Xi play basketball.

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

The second thing: get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is very important for children to grow taller, during sleep, the body can secrete growth hormone, the more growth hormone secretion, the easier it is for children to grow taller.

Babies around one year old secrete growth hormone during the day and at night, so children grow fastest in infancy.

By the time a child is about three years old, his or her growth hormone secretion decreases.

At this time, the growth hormone secreted at the peak of the night is very precious. Especially after the child enters a deep sleep, the child's bones and muscles are in a relaxed state, providing a good space for bone growth. Therefore, we need to make sure that our children have a good night's sleep.

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

The third thing: eat fewer snacks, eat a balanced diet, and not be picky

Many parents will give their children milk in order for their children to grow taller. However, in addition to drinking milk, we also need to make our children eat a balanced diet and not be picky eaters.

Reasonable diet, not picky eaters can take balanced nutrients from three meals a day, and consume sufficient carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other nutrients that help the body grow and develop.

Therefore, in terms of diet, try to let children eat less desserts, drinks, snacks and other foods, so that the thickness and thickness of the match, meat and vegetables match, so that the child can absorb more balanced nutrition, so as to grow taller.

At what age is the boy's height "stereotyped"? After this period, the height is not 170, and it is difficult to grow taller

Write at the end

Although 70% of a child's height is genetic, 30% of the day after tomorrow is also one of the key factors.

Therefore, if parents are not tall, don't give up easily, do a good job of sprinting and intervening the day after tomorrow, and the child still has a chance to grow into a big and tall person.

In addition, since each child's growth and development is different, parents should also tailor a corresponding height growth plan for their children, so that their children's height grows steadily, and do not regret it until their children's height is "fixed".

(The pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted immediately)

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