
As soon as you take off your autumn pants, "dander flies all over the sky", what kind of disease may be at work? Don't ignore it

author:Dr. Zeng is a general practitioner of internal medicine

Now that it is the depths of winter, I believe everyone has put on warm autumn pants, but have you found a small problem? That is, when you take off your autumn pants, there seems to be a lot of dander, as if "dander is flying all over the sky".

You may think it's just because of dry weather or dehydrated skin, and it's not a big deal. But in fact, sometimes it can be a health alert from the body!

We know that the skin is our body's first line of defense, and its changes are often a reflection of our health. Especially when dandruff problems become abnormal, it may be as simple as simple dry skin.

So, what kind of diseases might be hiding behind these seemingly inconspicuous danders? Let's take a look at two common diseases that can be hidden behind them, and how we can deal with them.

As soon as you take off your autumn pants, "dander flies all over the sky", what kind of disease may be at work? Don't ignore it

1. Common causes of dandruff

Before we dive into the possible diseases behind it, let's take a look at some of the common causes of increased dandruff.

First of all, the air is dry in winter, especially when the indoor heating is turned on, and the air humidity is lower. At this time, our skin is prone to losing moisture and becoming dry, and there will naturally be more dandruff. Just as plants dry up when they lack water, our skin needs moisture to stay healthy.

And there's a reason for what we wear. Wearing autumn pants is a regular practice in winter, but sometimes these warm clothes are not breathable enough and cause the skin to "suffocate". The skin is not breathing well, and with friction, dandruff is more likely to develop. Think about it, can you feel comfortable on your skin when you wear tight clothing for a long time?

In addition, many people only focus on keeping warm in winter and neglect skin care. In fact, winter skin needs gentle cleansing and moisturizing. If these are ignored, dry, flaky skin becomes the norm.

Of course, if you notice that not only is there a lot of dandruff, but it is also accompanied by itchy skin, erythema, or other unusual symptoms, it may not be just a simple dryness problem. At this time, it is best to pay attention to the fact that the body may be alerting you to certain health problems.

Now let's take a look at the two "behind the scenes" who may be hiding behind the dander.

As soon as you take off your autumn pants, "dander flies all over the sky", what kind of disease may be at work? Don't ignore it

2. Psoriasis, also known as psoriasis

Psoriasis may not be a well-known disease, but everyone must have heard of psoriasis. It is a chronic skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of silvery-white scales on the skin, which are not only numerous, but also easily peel off. In addition to dandruff, psoriasis can cause red spots on the skin and even mild itching or pain.

But psoriasis isn't just a skin problem. In fact, it is also related to the immune system. People with psoriasis tend to have an overactive immune response, which causes skin cells to grow too quickly, forming those characteristic silvery-white scales. Treatment for psoriasis usually requires special creams or medications, and sometimes phototherapy. So, if you suspect that you may have psoriasis, it is best to go to the hospital for a check-up.

As soon as you take off your autumn pants, "dander flies all over the sky", what kind of disease may be at work? Don't ignore it

3. Hypothyroidism

Another possible culprit behind this is hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland, a small gland located in the front of our neck, has a big impact on our body. It is responsible for secreting thyroid hormones and regulating the body's metabolic rate. When the thyroid gland is underwhelming, the body's metabolism slows down, which can cause a range of problems, including dry skin and increased dandruff.

In addition to skin problems, hypothyroidism can lead to fatigue, weight gain, a slowed heartbeat, and even depression. Fortunately, hypothyroidism can be detected with a blood test, and the condition can usually be controlled with medication. If you have these symptoms, it's best to see a doctor for a thorough examination.

Taken together, the problem of dandruff may not be simple, and it can be a warning sign of both diseases. Remember, timely identification and treatment of these issues is essential to our health.

Now that we know the possible diseases, let's talk about how to determine if we really have them, and what to do if we are diagnosed.

As soon as you take off your autumn pants, "dander flies all over the sky", what kind of disease may be at work? Don't ignore it

4. Diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis

The diagnosis of psoriasis is confirmed by examination by a dermatologist and sometimes by a skin biopsy. As for treatment, topical creams and medications are used in most cases. These medications mainly help slow down the growth rate of skin cells and reduce inflammation and dandruff. In some cases, your doctor may also recommend phototherapy treatments, which are the use of specific wavelengths of light to improve your skin's condition.

Of course, the treatment of psoriasis is not only based on medication, but also on lifestyle modifications. For example, keeping the skin moisturized, avoiding excessive skin irritation, and reducing stress can help manage the condition.

5. Diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism

For the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, blood tests are done to check thyroid hormone levels. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment usually involves taking thyroid hormone replacement medications. This medication can help regulate your metabolic rate and improve dry skin and other symptoms.

Similarly, lifestyle modifications, such as a regular diet and moderate exercise, are key to help improve the body's metabolic function. Regular medical follow-up and medication dosage adjustments are also important aspects of maintaining good health.

As soon as you take off your autumn pants, "dander flies all over the sky", what kind of disease may be at work? Don't ignore it

6. Daily care and prevention

The first thing you should pay attention to is moisturizing. Whether it's dry weather or a skin disease, it's important to keep your skin hydrated. Using a moisturizer or lotion regularly, especially after bathing, can help lock in moisture in your skin. Choose skincare products that are gentle and non-irritating and avoid those that contain alcohol or fragrances, as they may irritate the skin.

Everyone also needs to make dietary adjustments, and a healthy diet Xi habits are also essential to maintain healthy skin. Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals, especially foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as they are good for the skin. At the same time, drinking plenty of water to maintain your body's water balance can also help reduce dandruff.

Finally, try to avoid wearing clothing that is too tight or made of rough materials, as these may cause additional friction and irritation to the skin. Choose comfortable, breathable clothing, especially underwear that comes into direct contact with the skin, to reduce the production of dandruff.

As soon as you take off your autumn pants, "dander flies all over the sky", what kind of disease may be at work? Don't ignore it


Today, we explore the possible hidden causes and diseases behind increased dandruff, and how to prevent and improve these conditions through daily care.

Remember, dander is small, but it can be a healthy signal from our body to us. Whether it's psoriasis or hypothyroidism, prompt detection and treatment are crucial.

At the same time, don't forget about daily skin care and a healthy lifestyle, which have a non-negligible role in maintaining healthy skin and preventing diseases.

Finally, if you're concerned about any changes in your skin, remember to consult a medical professional promptly. By staying alert and focusing on our health, we can better enjoy the good life every day.

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