
The Indian Navy wants to take the lead for Israel, and Modi is taking the path that is killing all of India's strategic space

author:Kayu Aoyama Yori

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Recently, after the Palestinian-Israeli issue has intensified and various forces have intervened, India, which had been silent, has also begun to be eager to try. India reportedly sent a fleet to the port of Songkhla to extend a hand of friendship to Palestine in an effort to ease tensions. India's move, however, raises questions about its foreign policy.

The Indian Navy wants to take the lead for Israel, and Modi is taking the path that is killing all of India's strategic space

Recently, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been escalating, and various forces have joined the contest one after another. India, a shining pearl in the Indian Ocean, has also decided to get involved and provide some help to the Palestinians. It is reported that India has sent five destroyers, a supply ship, a Boeing P-8I anti-submarine aircraft, and a "Ocean Guardian" long-endurance drone to the Palestinian port of Songkhla to form a protective force.

The Indian Navy wants to take the lead for Israel, and Modi is taking the path that is killing all of India's strategic space

India's first action has undoubtedly attracted widespread attention. The stark contrast between India's failure to act in the US-led invitation to escort operations at sea and its own escort seems to indicate the weakening of America's global influence. In fact, India's move should be interpreted more as a realignment of national strategy than as a reaction to specific events.

The Indian Navy wants to take the lead for Israel, and Modi is taking the path that is killing all of India's strategic space

The main reason why India decided to make such a move is that the country is facing a political dilemma and urgently needs to seek more space for development. Recently, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has continued to crack down on ethnic minorities in the country, sparking discontent. Such predicaments have also prompted India to seek a wider external space.

The Indian Navy wants to take the lead for Israel, and Modi is taking the path that is killing all of India's strategic space

It is foreseeable that if there is a possible conflict between China and the United States, India will inevitably seize every opportunity to contain or interfere with China. Due to the complex geopolitical environment around India, it is difficult for India to expand its territory on land, and its energy security and economic interests are factors that must be considered, so its foreign policy can only be more inclined to the external market. People from all walks of life have different views on India's involvement in Palestinian affairs. Some see it as a challenge to India's leadership in the United States and the West, others question its feasibility, and still others see it as an attempt by India to break through its geopolitical dilemma. But whatever the purpose, India's move at this time does require caution.

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